Sermons from Deuteronomy

Unwavering Faith in Troubled Times

Date: July 21, 2024 | Speaker:

It’s easy to stand in a worship service surrounded by other Christians and sing, “Lord, I trust in you alone,” but is that really true of us in life’s hardest moments? When unexpected and unwanted circumstances come our way, are we immediately flooded with fear, or have we learned to rest in God’s sovereignty, fully assured that He is in control of it all? God’s Word can transform our perspective and deepen our trust in Him, giving us a firm foundation on which to stand even as the world around us seems to be falling apart.

God’s Grace Amidst Our Failures

Date: July 14, 2024 | Speaker:

Imagine being torn from your home and thrust into a foreign land where Christianity is despised. Would you proclaim your faith in Christ or hide it to survive? Why did Esther choose to conceal her faith and do things clearly forbidden by God? Her choices challenge us to examine our own lives, realizing we might have done the same thing! Yet, even as we contemplate Esther’s story, we’re struck by an awe-inspiring truth: God’s providence and grace are so powerful that even our missteps can become part of His divine plan. This realization doesn’t excuse sin, but ignites a desire to live more faithfully, knowing that our human frailty is encompassed by God’s unfathomable love and eternal purposes!

A Matter of Urgency

Date: June 11, 2023 | Speaker:

God is sovereign, and His power and authority rules over all creation. In this sovereignty, God presents all people with a choice… Follow His way that leads to life, or follow our own that leads to death. For those who choose His way, he then assigns to a mission… Tell others of the same choice He offers to them. They can accept or reject His way that leads to life. The mission is a matter of urgency! May this reminder inspire us all to action!

Are You Cheating on God?

Date: October 23, 2022 | Speaker:

Millions of people have experienced the sickening heartache of discovering that their spouse has been unfaithful to them. It is a pain that cuts very deep, leaves scars and destroys lives. In the Bible, God describes His people as His bride who has continuously committed adultery with other lovers. The anguish God feels is almost unbearable to read. Sadly, you and I are all guilty of the same thing because sin is spiritual adultery. Through the vivid imagery of the book of Hosea we get a sobering look at what our sin actually does to God, and we hear once again the call to return to Him and make things right.

You Can’t Fight God and Win

Date: October 9, 2022 | Speaker:

For decades a systematic effort has been underway behind the scenes to remove God from every facet of our society and destroy the moral foundation of the United States. We can now clearly see and feel the disturbing effects of that endeavor because we are living in a society that has launched an all-out war against God and His Word. God has been removed from our schools and our government, millions of innocent babies are being murdered, pressure is increasing against churches, and the very definition of the family unit has been ridiculed and dismantled. It seems that God has turned our nation over to the vileness that it craves. What will it take for America to regain God’s blessing and protection, or is it too late to even try?

Rejoicing in the Abundant Grace of God

Date: August 22, 2021 | Speaker:

Every one of us can look back over the years and see times when we failed God so miserably; times when we let our selfishness or stubbornness or foolishness take over. Looking back, it’s so clear to us now that if God hadn’t extended His grace to us in those moments, our lives would have been ruined. God doesn’t just barely give us grace, He gives us grace upon grace! Have you paused recently to thank Him for His abundant grace in your life?

Trusting God to the Very End

Date: August 9, 2020 | Speaker:

Imagine being told that you only had a few days to live. That would be very difficult for anyone to hear! That’s exactly what happened to Moses, and we can learn some crucial lessons from the way he responded to that news. Do we know what it takes to trust God so much that, like Moses, we will trust Him right up to the very end?

The Choice of a Lifetime

Date: August 2, 2020 | Speaker:

During our lifetime we make thousands of choices. Some choices, like which shirt to wear, have little or no significance; while other choices, like who to marry, will affect the rest of our lives. But the Bible says there is one choice every person on earth has to make, and the result will either bring you life or death. The decision seems simple, but many people choose wrong every day. How will you answer this choice of a lifetime?

Our Refuge from the Storms of Life

Date: July 26, 2020 | Speaker:

If you’ve ever been caught in a blinding rain storm while driving, the first thing you want to do is find shelter. Mountain climbers trapped by blizzards stand very little chance of surviving in sub-zero temperatures unless they can locate a place of safety and warmth. But where do you go when the storms of life overtake you? Do you have a place of refuge you can run to where you will always find strength and hope?

Are You Headed Toward Spiritual Excellence?

Date: July 19, 2020 | Speaker:

If you were given the choice of living a mediocre life versus living an excellent life, you would most likely choose excellence. None of us want to live a mediocre life, but do we feel the same about our spiritual life? The Bible gives us some simple things we can begin doing that will lead us toward spiritual maturity and excellence, and you can start building them into your life today!

The Part of Worship We Tend to Ignore

Date: July 12, 2020 | Speaker:

Out of all the commands God gives in the Bible, there is one in particular that people have a hard time hearing. Sermons about love, grace and mercy are welcomed, but any talk about money in the church is often met with resistance. God’s instructions about giving are not designed to constrain us. They will actually bring us freedom and joy! Are we willing to hear what God wants to teach us?

Destroying the Idols in Your Heart

Date: July 5, 2020 | Speaker:

When God sent His people into the Promised Land, the first thing they had to do was to locate and completely destroy every place of idol worship. God knows that any temptation we leave intact in our life will entice us away from pure worship to Him. Are there any “idols” that you have set up in your heart that are disrupting your true worship of God?