Sermons from Deuteronomy

Walking in the New Life, Part 6: Prosperity

Date: August 12, 2012 | Speaker:

Prosperity… We often hear it both preached and preached against in churches these days. So, what does God really say about it, and what should it look like in the lives of God’s children? Listen as we dive into God’s Word and uncover what He says about prosperity for His children.

Trusting God in the In-Between Times

Date: August 22, 2010 | Speaker:

Nobody likes to see the sign: “Detour Ahead – Expect Delays.” It means we’ll have to take a route we didn’t plan on, and we’ll arrive later than we wanted to. In the Christian life, God often uses delays to make us wait on Him, and detours to take us on a different course of life than we had ever planned. But if we see life through God’s eyes, we will learn to trust the delays and detours, knowing that God’s ways are always best!

Steward Our Lives

Date: February 7, 2010 | Speaker:

God never intended for us to keep 100% of what He gives us, but rather to invest some of it back into His mission on this earth. As you think about your time, talents, treasures, truth, and relationships, which area of your life are you managing well? Which area is God pinpointing that needs to be managed better? Is there anything you are holding onto that God wants you to release for His use?

Why Should I Believe the Bible? (Part 3)

Date: March 9, 2008 | Speaker:

Without a doubt, one of the greatest proofs of the Bible’s claims of Divine inspiration is the fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies with absolute pinpoint accuracy, each of which can be verified by secular history. More than 300 prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus alone, including events He could not have controlled, like the exact time, place, and circumstances of His own birth! The chances of just eight of those prophecies being fulfilled in one person has been calculated to be 1 in 10 to the 17th power. Thats 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. And Jesus fulfilled more than 300 such prophecies!