Sermons from Galatians

The Sinner Who Went to Heaven

Date: July 10, 2016 | Speaker:

When a person is saved, how long should it take for the evidence of that to show up in their life? How about the same day! Regardless of how sinful our past may be or how little we know about the Bible, the moment we are saved, we become a new creation, and the evidence will be visible in us. Today we witness the life-changing encounter one man had with Jesus, and we see how his life was instantly made new! Have you had this encounter with Jesus?

What You Heard from the Beginning

Date: February 7, 2016 | Speaker:

As John the Apostle writes to his beloved children in Ephesus, he desires to stir their hearts into remembering their beginnings; when they first believed in the Lord Jesus for salvation; when they first received the gospel in faith. But why is it so important to be reminded of our beginnings in the gospel? Do we have any control for how much the gospel affects us now compared to when we first believed?

The Preparation for Christmas

Date: December 20, 2015 | Speaker:

As we rush all over town preparing for Christmas, have we ever stopped to consider all that God did to prepare mankind for the coming of His Son into the world that first Christmas so long ago? The lengths God went to may surprise you, but even after all that, most people still rejected Him. What about you? In all your preparations for Christmas, have you prepared your own heart to receive Him?

While We Were Still Sinners

Date: November 29, 2015 | Speaker:

Who would you die for? Most of us would be quick to say that we would die for our children, our spouse, and perhaps even a small select group of others; but that’s the easy answer. Would you die for a murderer? Would you die for a rapist? Would you die for a member of ISIS? The fact is, Jesus did die for those people, and His selfless sacrifice makes it possible for all of us sinners to be made right with God forever!

What If We Lived Like Forgiven People?

Date: October 11, 2015 | Speaker:

If a prisoner served his time and was set free, it would be unthinkable for him to go back and live in his prison cell. Yet many Christians who have been set free by Jesus continue to live as prisoners to their past. Jesus said if we know the truth, it would set us free, and we would be truly free. Are you saved, but still living under a cloud of guilt and fear because of your past sin? Jesus invites you to be set free today!

Christmas Eve 2014

Date: December 24, 2014 | Speaker:

When we were children, most of us had things handed down to us. Perhaps we had clothes from an older sibling handed down to us, or toys they had outgrown. That first Christmas 2,000 years ago truly was a hand-me-down Christmas. God handed down His Son to a sinful world. Jesus humbled Himself and was made a little lower than the angels in order to come and save us. This Christmas, you may receive all the gifts you’ve ever wanted, but have you ever received the one Gift you really need?

The Gospel Doesn’t Need To Be Fixed!

Date: August 24, 2014 | Speaker:

If someone offered you a glass of water from the purest spring on earth, but told you they had mixed it with poison, would you drink it? Of course not! And yet thousands of people in churches every week drink in sermons tainted with false doctrine. Today’s message exposes two extremely dangerous trends sweeping through pulpits across America, and reminds us of the vital importance of keeping the gospel message pure.

Good News for a Dying World

Date: July 27, 2014 | Speaker:

Bad news — we’re bombarded with it every day. Even a quick glance at the headlines reminds us that we live in a world plagued with violence, war, crime and greed. Is there any truly good news that could right all this wrong, and if so, where do we find it? Lasting good news will never come from better government, peace treaties or any other efforts of man. There is only one source of good news, and it has already been made available to us. Have you discovered this good news?

Living By Faith – Pt. 2

Date: April 27, 2014 | Speaker:

There is an underlying principle at work in the lives of men and women who are known as giants of the faith. What is that principle? Is it something unique or is it simple? Is it their great faith that that establishes them as giants of the faith, or does living by faith mean something entirely different?

Living By Faith – Pt.1

Date: April 6, 2014 | Speaker:

Paul continues in Gal. 2:20 to explain that the life he now lives, he lives by faith. What does it mean to live life, and how is it that Paul now lives it by faith. What is faith? When we say that Christians belong to “the faith” what is being said? What is it about living a Christian life that separates that life from anyone else? How do we live by faith?

Whose Life Are You Living?

Date: March 23, 2014 | Speaker:

“It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Salvation is the point where you die, in your life, and Christ begins to live, in your life. Are you attempting to live the Christian life by making your life match the principles he teaches, or are you letting go of your life and allowing Him to live His life through you? A Christian is a new creation, born again. The process is similar to that of a butterfly; unless the caterpillar dies, you will not find a butterfly.