Sermons from Genesis

How Long Will You Wait for God?

Date: June 23, 2019 | Speaker:

Waiting. It is no one’s favorite thing to do. We wait in traffic, in stores, at doctor’s offices. We wait for our vacation days to get here, children wait eagerly for Christmas morning… it seems we spend a lot of our life waiting. But have you ever waited 24 years for anything? God promised that He would do certain things for Abram, but 24 years later, Abram was still waiting! Today we discover some things Abram learned through this experience that can help us in our own waiting.

When Hope Fades

Date: June 16, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever lost hope in something important? It’s a tough place to be that can cause us to make poor choices out of desperation. Abram and Sarai found themselves in that place, and they made a big mistake by taking matters into their own hands. But there is much to learn from it, and we should pay attention to what this historical account can teach us. Let’s prepare ourselves for those times when hope fades.

Where Are Your Choices Taking You?

Date: June 2, 2019 | Speaker:

It’s funny to watch two children staring at the last slice of pizza or the last piece of birthday cake, trying to decide who will get it. Even as adults, we find ourselves racing other people to the closest parking space, or arranging the details of a business deal to make sure we get better returns than anyone else. When we let our desires lead us instead of asking God for direction, we will never end up where He wants us to be. So, what is driving your choices in life right now?

Getting Back on the Right Path

Date: May 26, 2019 | Speaker:

When we fail God, our first tendency is to hide from Him. But He graciously invites us to come back to Him so that He can restore us by His grace. When our relationships with people become strained, we prefer to avoid them, too. Days can turn into years, where even family members refuse to speak to each other, all because no one is willing to take the first step toward peace. Let’s follow Abram’s example. He humbled himself in order to resolve conflict so that God would be glorified through the situation.

Fears That Hide Our Faith

Date: May 19, 2019 | Speaker:

It sometimes seems easier to trust God with the big issues in life than it does to trust Him with our daily needs. When trials and fears build up, they often loom so large that they blind us from seeing the truth of God’s promises. In those moments, our faith crumbles and we rush to find immediate solutions rather than resting in God’s timing. Are there any areas right now where you are allowing fear to hide your faith and overshadow God’s truth?

When Trust Turns Into Trials

Date: May 12, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever stepped out to follow God, only to discover when you got to where you were going, that it didn’t look anything like you thought it would? Has your obedience ever been followed by trials and testing? This is exactly what happened to Abram after he obeyed God’s call. It all started out very different than he must have imagined, but at just the right time, God fulfilled every one of His promises. If you are faithfully following God, but your life isn’t what you hoped for, keep trusting Him. He will not steer you wrong.

Don’t Stop Short of God’s Call

Date: April 28, 2019 | Speaker:

Growing up we were all taught the importance of finishing what we started. This is certainly good advice to live by, but it is even more important in our walk with God. Sometimes we leave things undone that God’s Word has already told us to do, simply because we don’t want to deal with them. We follow where God calls us, but only as long as we’re comfortable. A life lived this way will never see all that God has in store, but will, instead, have to be content with hearing the stories of great faith from those who chose not to settle for less.

Abandoning Our Towers of Significance

Date: April 7, 2019 | Speaker:

Every person ever born spends some portion of their life searching for significance, status, peace, identity, belonging, and a long list of things that they know are missing from deep within them. Sadly, we often try to build those things into our life through career advancement, relationships, pleasure, prominence and possessions, only to realize later that all the towers of significance we have constructed are empty. But there is one place where all of these things can be found in abundance, and you can discover that place today!

It’s Time to Stop and Build an Altar

Date: March 31, 2019 | Speaker:

The first thing Noah and his family did when the flood ended was to build an altar and give thanks to God for delivering them. Altars were piles of rocks that also served as reminders of God’s faithfulness to future generations. When is the last time you stopped and “built an altar” in some way to give God thanks for His goodness to you, or to serve as a memorial to your family of God’s faithfulness? Why not make time to do it this week. You’ll be amazed at the impact it will have on your life and on the lives of those around you!

How to Escape the Coming Judgement

Date: March 24, 2019 | Speaker:

God gave Noah a ridiculous command to build a massive ship nowhere near water and prepare to load thousands of animals on board. But as foolish as this command sounded, Noah obeyed everything God told him to do. Because of his faith in God and his obedience, Noah and his family were saved from the judgement that soon came and destroyed the earth. God’s judgement is coming again, and no one will be able to stand against it on their own. But God has already provided a Way of escape. Do you know how to find it?

Walking with God in a Corrupt World

Date: March 10, 2019 | Speaker:

Are you outnumbered by people at work, at school, or even at home who don’t share your faith? Is your environment filled with foul language, immoral behavior and jokes about Christianity? You’re not the first person to stand for God in an evil world. Today we discover one man who stood out from everyone on earth because he chose to walk daily with God rather than be numbered with unbelievers, and we still remember his name to this very day! Keep standing firm right where you are. God sees and He will remember you!

All Roads Do Not Lead to God

Date: March 3, 2019 | Speaker:

Someone once said all roads lead to God, and it doesn’t matter what we believe as long as we are sincere. That is not true at all. The Bible says there is only one way to God, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. If we try to attain a right standing with God by any other means, even by doing things like worship, praying, or giving money, we will be rejected if our heart is not right with Him. We must first come to God by faith, trusting in the blood of Christ for salvation. So, have you ever come to God the way He has said we must come?