Sermons from James

God’s Sustaining Power

Date: February 5, 2023 | Speaker:

Living in this world can be difficult. Jesus even warns us of the trouble and sorrow we will have. He also describes the way to His Kingdom as a hard way and few will choose to travel it. But for those who do choose to follow Christ in this way, God promises them a power to sustain them. He is able to keep those who are in covenant with Him, and He will be faithful to do it to the very end. Join us as we look at the wonderful promise of God’s sustaining power.

I’m Outta Here

Date: November 7, 2021 | Speaker:

We don’t have to travel far to be outside the will of God. All of us have deliberately strayed away from God at times, and we have all experienced the emptiness that ultimately comes with that choice. But even when we reach our lowest point, the Father is constantly looking and longing for us to come home; and when we do, He welcomes us back with open arms! Are you away from God today? Come back to Him right now and receive the love and forgiveness that He is waiting to give you.

God is Not Your Good Luck Charm

Date: January 24, 2021 | Speaker:

A spare tire. An insurance policy. A fire extinguisher. These are things we keep around somewhere in case of an emergency. Usually they’re out of sight gathering dust because we never think about them until something goes wrong. Sadly, some people treat God this way. They have no time for Him, but the minute trouble comes, they run and grab God like He’s some kind of good luck charm, begging Him to fix their problems. If this has been your view of God, there is a much better relationship he desires to have with you!

Restoring Your Broken Fellowship with God

Date: March 8, 2020 | Speaker:

How would you react if you went in for major surgery and the doctor came into the operating room with filthy hands and rusty instruments? Just the thought of it is unsettling! While cleanliness is important in the physical realm, it is far more important in the spiritual realm. Even though we are already completely righteous through Christ, sin still hinders our daily walk, and it breaks our fellowship with God. Thankfully He has provided a way for us to be cleansed and to restore our communion with Him. Are you using this simple tool He has given us to constantly maintain your fellowship with God?

A Double-Minded Man

Date: July 28, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever wondered what this expression really means? Some Bible translations give a hint of the meaning behind “double-minded”, but they can still leave a lot to the reader to figure out. Listen and be encouraged as we explore the origins of this expression, and what the author was really saying when he used it in his letter.

Blessed are Those Who Mourn

Date: July 15, 2018 | Speaker:

We do everything we can in life to avoid sorrow and grief, but there is a certain kind of mourning the Bible tells us we ought to do. We are called to take the reality and wickedness of sin seriously and mourn over it. Our hearts should be broken over our sin, knowing that it grieves the heart of God. This kind of godly sorrow is good and right because it leads us to repentance, which in turn, leads us to joy and comfort and peace with God.

How to Face Trials and Temptations

Date: July 9, 2017 | Speaker:

What do you do when the trials and temptations of life feel overwhelming? Is there someone you can turn to or some place you can go to find hope and help that will get you through those moments? Today’s message teaches us an important biblical principle that will not only help us be prepared before those battles come, but will give us hope long after those battles are over.

Questions & Answers

Date: June 25, 2017 | Speaker:

God’s truth is wonderful to hear and be encouraged by, but it is even better to apply those truths to real situations. This session builds on the principles we established the previous week by applying them to real questions that a lost world is asking. Listen as we go step by step and discuss how to respond to those questions in a thoughtful and Christ-honoring way which communicates not only the Truth of God, but also the Heart of God.

Engaging a World that is Hostile to Your Faith

Date: June 18, 2017 | Speaker:

Every now and then, you will come across someone who feels the freedom to be confrontational when they find out that you are a Christian. They may ask you a loaded question or raise an objection that challenges your beliefs. This message is designed to encourage you with some key reminders about the awesome God you worship and the solid foundation on which your faith rests. It will also help you to be more thoughtful before responding in those highly charged encounters. Lastly, it will remind you that our Lord Jesus was also confronted by a hostile culture, and we can look to His example of how to respond with humble, quiet confidence.

Growing Up in Our Salvation

Date: February 26, 2017 | Speaker:

It has been said that everyone ages, but not everyone matures; everyone grows older, but not everyone grows up. The same is true spiritually. But God’s desire is for us to grow up spiritually; to mature in our walk with Him. Are you pursuing God with an intentional, passionate hunger that will feed you spiritually and cause you to grow and mature in your faith?

Dying to Encounter Jesus

Date: August 14, 2016 | Speaker:

Two criminals were crucified beside Jesus; one on His right and one on His left. One of them cursed Jesus and was plunged into hell, but the other one cried out for mercy and was given eternal life in heaven. All of mankind is pictured in those two criminals. We will all die on one side of Jesus or the other; either rejecting Him or receiving Him. Which one are you? Are you ready to face eternity?