Sermons from Luke

Living By Faith – Pt.1

Date: April 6, 2014 | Speaker:

Paul continues in Gal. 2:20 to explain that the life he now lives, he lives by faith. What does it mean to live life, and how is it that Paul now lives it by faith. What is faith? When we say that Christians belong to “the faith” what is being said? What is it about living a Christian life that separates that life from anyone else? How do we live by faith?

Spiritual Food

Date: January 5, 2014 | Speaker:

A Spiritual Life requires Spiritual Food. As born again believers, we must nourish ourselves with Christ; He is the bread of life. Do you feel spiritually dry, or spiritually dead? Have you been eating at the table with Jesus; enjoying fellowship with Him? For the two on the road to Emmaus, it was once they sat down to fellowship with the stranger that they understood. Their eyes were opened when Jesus broke and shared the bread.


The Christmas Attitude

Date: December 15, 2013 | Speaker:

Christmas, as a season, is full of many emotions and attitudes. It is the one time of year when it is acceptable to talk about Jesus. Knowing the reality of the circumstances surrounding Christmas, we also find that the truth cannot be silenced. It is far too easy to be caught up in the commercialism, materialism and worldliness that is so evident this time of year; either being swept away in its current or being embittered towards it. Which attitude do you currently own?

How To Be Thankful

Date: December 1, 2013 | Speaker:

Knowing the importance of giving thanks is one thing, but actually doing it can be challenging. We don’t naturally give thanks when circumstances in life seem wrong; when our car breaks down on the freeway or we get in an accident, or we lose our job, or anything else that we would determine as less than desirable for ourselves. But it is in the context of life’s circumstances that we glorify God; the way we respond and react in life reveals great truth about who we are. We can prepare ourselves for life so that we respond and react in a way that glorifies God; thanksgiving.

Why Thankfulness?

Date: November 24, 2013 | Speaker:

In Luke 17 Jesus heals ten lepers but only one returns to gives thanks. Though Jesus did not command them to return and give thanks, he was surprised that only one did; and that he was a foreigner. What can we learn about being thankful from this? Was this man simply being respectful, or was there more? Why should we be thankful, and what does that mean?

Defining Good

Date: October 13, 2013 | Speaker:

The Lord is good. He is the measure, the standard, the definition of “good”. Our faith must be grounded in Him, not in the world around us. Because He is good, we can know that everything he says or does is completely good; He would never do something contrary to himself. When it comes to our life of faith, do we believe that he is good even if our circumstances seem to indicate otherwise?

The Unchanging God

Date: October 6, 2013 | Speaker:

Knowing that God doesn’t change, we understand that He is reliable, dependable, trustworthy, truthful. He is a rock; a cornerstone or foundation stone which secures a whole building. He will be our firm foundation for the trials and storms of life, we must simply be obedient. His attitude toward sin is always the same, his attitude toward a repentant sinner is always the same. We must live our lives in humble obedience to God.

Power from on High

Date: March 24, 2013 | Speaker:

Jesus left us with a great commission. We are to take His message into all the world. But He didn’t expect us to attempt it in our own strength and abilities. He promised us another Helper who would guarantee our success. Listen as we uncover this incredible promise Jesus still offers to every follower who asks to receive.

Following Jesus, No Strings Attached

Date: February 10, 2013 | Speaker:

Today’s advertising experts would have to admit that Jesus had the worst marketing campaign in history! Instead of advertising all the good things up front and putting the bad things in fine print, He came right out and said that if anyone wanted to follow Him, they first had to deny themselves, take up a cross, abandon every other allegiance in life, give up everything they had, and follow Him, possibly even to the death. He made it painfully clear that no one could be His disciple if they were still holding onto anything that came before Him. And still today, He requires that we follow Him, no strings attached!

Who is Really in Charge of Your Life?

Date: February 3, 2013 | Speaker:

We’ve all seen funny or embarrassing things happen at weddings, but just imagine how stunned you would be to hear a bride standing at the altar refusing to forsake all others and give herself to her husband alone! Yet we think nothing of entering into a relationship with Jesus that very same way. Some people say, “I want to go to heaven when I die, but I don’t want Jesus ruling over my life!” The fact is, Jesus doesn’t give us that option! He demands exclusive ownership of every area of our lives. You may have received Jesus as Savior, but have you ever invited Him to be the Lord and Master of your life?

One Question You Never Want to Hear

Date: January 27, 2013 | Speaker:

Imagine if Jesus called you and said He wanted to come by your house that evening to speak with you for a few minutes. As you excitedly invited Him into your living room, He took a seat right beside you, then turned to you and took your hand in His. Then He looked into your eyes with incredible love, and said very gently but with great concern, “Why do you call me Lord, and do not do what I say?” Can you imagine how your heart would sink? What does making Him Lord really mean, and how can we make sure we never have to hear that question?

Another Year of Grace

Date: January 13, 2013 | Speaker:

As 2012 falls from the calendar and we stand on the threshold of a brand new year, one thing we can all say for sure is that God has given us another year of grace! We’ve had another 12 months to live for Him, to grow in Him, to bear fruit for His kingdom… but what have we done with those opportunities? Are we closer to Christ today than we were this time last year, or has our relationship with Him drifted apart? Each new year God gives us to live is another year we don’t deserve — another year of grace. What will we do with this one?