Sermons from Luke

O Little Town of Bethlehem

Date: December 2, 2012 | Speaker:

When God sent His Son to earth, why didn’t He choose a major world city to announce His arrival to millions of people? Instead, He chose the tiny town of Bethlehem and only announced His birth to lowly shepherds in the middle of the night. And instead of coming as a mighty warrior or a powerful political leader, He came as a helpless baby born into a poor family. But why? Why did He choose to come that way? Once you understand the reasons why He came, lived and died the way He did, you will gain a new appreciation for the lengths that God went to in order to identify with our struggles and become one of us!

What Child is This?

Date: December 11, 2011 | Speaker:

Millions of people celebrate Christmas as just another holiday, with no acknowledgement of the very One Christmas is about. They see Christmas cards with a little baby on the front, but never stop long enough to ask, “What child is this?” But the truth is, this child cannot be ignored. His birth was unlike the birth of any other baby in history. His life has impacted the entire world like no other, and it forces all of us, sooner or later, to answer the question, “What child is this?”… and more importantly, “What decision have I made about Him?”

We Can’t Choose Who to Love

Date: October 30, 2011 | Speaker:

Throughout history, people have always tried to relax the demands of God on their lives. Jesus said, “Forgive others,” and Peter asked, “How many times?” Jesus said, “Love your neighbor,” and the lawyer quickly replied, “Who is my neighbor?”… just to make sure he didn’t go to the trouble of loving anyone he absolutely didn’t have to. But because of the Gospel, we cannot choose who we want to love and who we don’t. We are all equal sinners in God’s eyes, and because of this, we can never again look down on anyone else.

Seeing Ourselves as We Really Are

Date: September 25, 2011 | Speaker:

Self-righteousness was the sin that Jesus faced more than any other. The Pharisees saw themselves as righteous, so they looked down on everyone else. Do we ever think we’re better than people who don’t go to church, people who commit awful crimes, people who live immoral lives? If so, that self-righteousness will keep us from taking God’s love and hope to them. None of us deserve God’s forgiveness. That’s the story of the Gospel. And because we have been forgiven, we do not have the right to choose who we will love!

Forgiven of a Debt You Could Never Pay

Date: July 17, 2011 | Speaker:

If you were in debt for a billion dollars, imagine how grateful you would feel if someone paid it for you, especially if you had done nothing to deserve such kindness! The truth is, that debt is small compared to the debt we really do owe. Our sin has put us under a debt we can never pay, but because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, all who trust Him by faith will be forgiven! Has the magnitude of just how much you’ve been forgiven of ever dawned upon you?

Don’t Be Called a Fool by God!

Date: July 3, 2011 | Speaker:

The Bible tells a story about a man who acquired great wealth, retired financially independent, and spent his life doing whatever he wanted to do. Today we call this the “American Dream,” and anyone who achieves it is looked upon as a success… but God called this man a fool. What were the blind spots in his life that brought such a harsh judgement from God, and how can you be sure you avoid making the same mistakes?

Have You Counted the Cost of Following Christ?

Date: June 26, 2011 | Speaker:

Over the course of His ministry, there were thousands and thousands of people who were quick to follow Jesus when He was doing miracles. But those same crowds turned back once they learned how much it would cost them to truly follow Jesus. He said a person must be willing to give up everything he has in order to be His disciple. Even today we see people who used to follow Christ, who have now turned back because the price was too high. Will you still be following Christ a year from now?

The Father’s Love for Lost Causes

Date: June 19, 2011 | Speaker:

The parable of the Prodigal Son is not really about the son at all. Jesus told this parable for one reason… to show us His Father’s amazing love for the lost. The prodigal son never expected to be welcomed home again, and he was surprised when he saw his father running to kiss him and receive him with open arms. Above all, this is a story of God’s amazing love for “lost causes.” For anyone who has strayed away from their heavenly Father, know that He longs for you to come home!

Mary: The Promise Conceived

Date: December 12, 2010 | Speaker:

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember that Christmas is really all about a promise. Actually, it’s all about “The Promise.” When Adam & Eve chose to disobey God, Satan thought he had won, but in Genesis 3:15 God promised to one day send a Savior into the world who would crush Satan and conquer sin. From that moment on, mankind carried the heavy burden of sin, until that glorious night when The Promise was born in a manger, and proved once and for all that God always keeps His promises.

Losing My Religion

Date: September 26, 2010 | Speaker:

Jesus reserved His harshest words–not for those who were down and out and lost in their sin–but for those who claimed to be the most religious. Why? Because religion puffs us up and blinds us to our need of a Savior. It causes us to focus on external modification instead of heart transformation. We all have religious rules that we still struggle with which keep our hearts unchanged. What areas might God want you to lay aside in order to live out a fully surrendered relationship with Him?

Rising from Your Failures

Date: June 27, 2010 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt disappointed in yourself because you let someone down? Even worse, have you ever felt the bitter sting of knowing that you let Jesus down? Peter experienced this when he denied Jesus three times… but thankfully that was not the end of the story. Jesus restored Peter and assured him that no failure is final with God! Whatever failures you have experienced, Jesus is waiting to help you rise from the ashes and find hope in Him once again.