Sermons from Nehemiah

Inviting God into Our Broken Places

Date: September 22, 2024 | Speaker:

Are there broken places in your life that need repair—neglected relationships, a faith that’s withering, or cracks in your character? It’s tempting to ignore these areas, hoping they’ll heal on their own, but this only gives the enemy room to creep in. It’s time to take an honest look at the damage and bring it before God. He is the master rebuilder, eager to restore and strengthen you, transforming your life into a dwelling place for His glory. Will you invite Him into your ruins today?

Alive for a Reason

Date: January 15, 2023 | Speaker:

Do you ever wonder why you’re here on this earth; why God is keeping you alive, and whether or not there is really any purpose to it all? Yes, the daily grind of life can sometimes feel like a pointless, monotonous routine, but the fact is, there’s much more to this life—to your life—than meets the eye. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your education, your occupation or your level of influence, you are still living and breathing for one reason: God has an assignment for you! You were saved, not as the final step in your spiritual journey, but as the first step to a mission God has created for you to carry out. Wherever God has placed you, He wants you to be a living testimony for Him right there, touching others with His love and pointing them to Him. The only question is, are you willing to accept your assignment and faithfully carry it out?

A Courageous Soul

Date: October 4, 2009 | Speaker:

The final sermon in this series is a warning to let you know the reality of what you will face if you do step out and live a life of holy ambition. Whenever we step out to follow God, we can expect to face attacks from the enemy, just as Nehemiah did. We will be criticized and ridiculed, we will face discouragement and doubt, and we must determine beforehand that we are going to have a courageous soul or we will cave in under the opposition. Are you going to finish what God has called you to, despite the difficulties?

A Personal Commitment

Date: September 27, 2009 | Speaker:

Everything in life is just talk until we make a personal commitment to actually DO it. So often, the difference between people God uses greatly and people He doesn’t use comes down to which person is fully committed to Him. Is there an area of your life that you have been hesitant to commit the Lord? Why not give it to Him today?

A Strategic Plan

Date: September 20, 2009 | Speaker:

Most people spend more time planning their vacation than they ever do planning to be used by God. But without a strategic plan, our best intentions will never become reality. So, what is your plan for your life? Your marriage? Your family? Your personal ministry? Do you have one? Plans clarify the vision and get us moving in the right direction. Planning shows faith in the vision God has given us… and God will move mightily through that kind of faith!

A Radical Faith

Date: September 13, 2009 | Speaker:

While a “dislocated heart” and a “broken spirit” may be private matters, a “radical faith” is public. It means stepping out to obey God’s will and putting it all on the line, regardless of the cost. Faith is the thing God longs to see in us most of all. Has God put a specific burden on your heart that may soon require a step of faith? If so, what is it? What would it look like for you to take a radical step of faith towards such a need? How will you respond?

A Dislocated Heart

Date: August 30, 2009 | Speaker:

The Bible says that the heart of man, if left to its own devices, is deceitful and desperately wicked. For the most part, we live the vast majority of our life with our heart focused on our own needs, instead of being concerned about the needs of others. That’s why God wants us to have a “dislocated” heart — a heart that is more concerned with God’s agenda than with our own agenda. Have you left your comfort zone recently to meet someone else’s need and share the love of Christ with them? Do the things that break God’s heart break yours, too, even if they are outside your own personal world? If not, maybe you need to ask God to give you a dislocated heart!

Getting a Broken Heart for a Cause

Date: March 1, 2009 | Speaker:

A destructive trend has been taking place in the church over the years. Rather than remaining focused on its mission in the world, the church has become almost totally preoccupied with itself, and now resembles a clubhouse more than a lighthouse. What would happen if the church in America once again got a broken heart for those outside its own walls? What would God do?

A God Worth Worshiping

Date: January 27, 2008 | Speaker:

Did you know it is possible to worship God and have all the right elements in place, to do and say all the right things, but to actually be worshiping Him in vain? The Bible tells of times when God’s people were going through the motions of worship, but their hearts were far from Him, and it describes how much this broke God’s heart and angered Him. If we could ever catch a glimpse of who God really is — how powerful and holy and awesome He is — our worship would never be the same again! All other things would disappear from view, and we would worship God as He truly deserves.