Sermons from Psalms

When Evil Seems to Triumph

Date: August 11, 2024 | Speaker:

Does it ever feel like the odds are stacked against you? Despite your faithfulness, do the wicked seem to thrive while you struggle to survive? Remember this: though evil may triumph temporarily, God’s justice will ultimately prevail. Trust in His timing and sovereignty, knowing that even in the darkest moments, He is at work, weaving together His perfect plan. Though the righteous may face threats from the enemy, rejection by friends or family, and even persecution in this life, a day is coming when every wrong will be made right, and the scales will be balanced once and for all.

From Prayer to Action: The Path of Obedience

Date: August 4, 2024 | Speaker:

At times, we all face challenges so immense that they drive us to our knees. Seeking the Lord in prayer is always the best place to begin, but prayer without action is not obedience. Once we have committed the situation to God, we must then step out in faith and obey what He has called us to do. This step of obedience often leads us into the unknown, and that’s when we must remain keenly attuned to His still, small voice guiding us along the way. Whether you’re in a season of waiting, stepping out, or listening for God’s direction, trust Him with the outcome, knowing that He is orchestrating every detail for His glory and your good.

Faithfulness in the Face of Opposition

Date: April 21, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever started something for God, only to face discouragement and opposition that made you want to quit? In the book of Ezra, the Israelites encountered this very situation as they rebuilt the temple. But through the preaching of God’s Word, their passion was reignited, and they were empowered to persevere. Despite opposition, the people returned to the task with renewed vigor. Discover how staying close to God’s Word can help you overcome attacks, despondency, and spiritual decline. If you’ve grown weary in your journey, find encouragement in His Word today. It will guide, strengthen, and empower you to carry on, even in the most challenging of times.

The Cost of God’s Enduring Grace

Date: February 11, 2024 | Speaker:

If you ever feel like God is being unfair or that His judgments are too harsh, just remember the enduring patience and boundless love He extended to His rebellious people for 390 years! Today’s sermon reveals the unimaginable lengths God goes to in order to call His people back to Himself, even amidst their defiance. The fact is that God has patiently endured humanity’s betrayal for centuries, and He is still extending His patience to us today. God’s grace outlasts our sin, offering redemption and restoration to all who turn to Him. May we gain a deeper gratitude for God’s mercy and the profound sacrifice that opened the way to redemption through Jesus Christ.

Beyond Your Abilities: Finding Strength in God’s Spirit

Date: February 4, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever been prompted by God to do something so daunting or beyond your abilities that it left you paralyzed in fear? Maybe it was an invitation to teach your first Sunday School class, share your faith with an unfriendly neighbor, or go on a mission trip to a dangerous land. Even though you may feel incapable, don’t spend one more day hesitating! God has promised to empower you for whatever He calls you to do, regardless of the challenges you may face. God gave Ezekiel a task that terrified him, but his response challenges us to find strength in God’s Spirit and trust in His ultimate plan, no matter how overwhelming it may seem. Remember, the same God who empowered Ezekiel will empower you!

Giving Thanks When Life Is Hard

Date: November 26, 2023 | Speaker:

Ever find it challenging to muster gratitude when life throws you curveballs? The Bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances, but the only way that’s possible is when we realize that thankfulness is a choice, not a mood or a feeling. This isn’t about denying hardships; it’s about embracing a perspective that transcends them. You can discover the power of cultivating a heart of gratitude, not just when life is smooth sailing, but especially when the storm clouds gather. Learn how giving thanks, even when it seems counterintuitive, can anchor your faith and redirect your focus from the struggles to the sovereignty of a loving God.

You may find this sermon on a similar topic helpful: “Broken But Blessed”

The Significance of Our Words – Part 1

Date: October 29, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever considered what God thinks about our words? There are numerous scriptures in the Bible concerning this topic, but often we use words carelessly and give little attention to them. Should we reconsider this? Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about the significance of our words.

Unmasking Your Deceitful Heart

Date: August 27, 2023 | Speaker:

Deep within every person lies a danger so sinister that it has the power to destroy us! This hidden enemy is our heart, described in the Bible as being deceitful and leading us astray at every opportunity. On our own, we are incapable of subduing this cunning beast. Healing and freedom can only come when we humbly ask God to search our hearts and uncover any hidden motives or false assurances. He alone can see the real us on the inside and provide cleansing from the sins that enslave us. Have you invited God to give you a spiritual EKG to assess your true condition and give you a pure heart?

Waiting When You’re Tired of Waiting

Date: August 13, 2023 | Speaker:

In the midst of life’s trials, our impatience often nudges us towards immediate answers and quick fixes, but it is in these moments that we are called to wait on the Lord’s timing and tune our hearts to His guidance. Just as a masterpiece unfolds with each stroke, so our journey of faith gains meaning and value in patiently waiting for the Master to finish His work in us. Walking by faith without having all the answers can be daunting, but doing so affirms our trust in God. So, if your life is in a holding pattern right now, be still before the Lord and listen for His voice. Even though He often seems slow, He will show up right on time!

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Date: July 2, 2023 | Speaker:

God created us in His image to have fellowship with Him forever, and to seek Him alone for joy, meaning, and fulfillment. When we disconnect ourselves from Him, we begin an endless search for other things that we hope will satisfy us. These may include money, lust, power, career, relationships, acceptance, and addictions. Those things may satisfy us for a while, but they always leave us empty and thirsty, forcing us to start the search all over again. Have you been looking for life, love, and satisfaction in anything or anyone other than God, yet you’re still exhausted and empty? You need to reconnect your heart to the only true Source of life and living water. When you drink from the water He offers, you will never thirst again!

That’ll Be the Day!

Date: May 28, 2023 | Speaker:

You don’t have to look far in this world to encounter corruption, deception, injustice, and far worse. It’s obvious that our world is broken, and the reason for that is sin. All of man’s best efforts to bring peace and harmony to the world have failed miserably because the only One who can fix it is God. And there is coming a dark and dreadful Day when He will judge the world for their sin. That will be a terrifying Day for all who are unsaved! But there is also going to be a grand and glorious Day when He will welcome His children into heaven and sing songs of joy over them. What an incredible Day that will be! When the time comes, you will be at one of those two Days — judgment or joy. Which one will it be?

Your Past Can Become God’s Future

Date: May 21, 2023 | Speaker:

“It’s not my fault. I had a difficult childhood! If you only knew how hard my life has been, you’d understand why I am the way I am!” Have you ever heard anyone say things like that, or maybe you’ve said similar things yourself? It’s so easy to blame our circumstances or blame other people for our behavior, attitudes, or failures. But here’s an important truth — our environment doesn’t have to determine our destiny! God can free anyone from the chains of their past and give them a future that is filled with promise and purpose! If you are still trapped in an endless cycle of blame, you can be set free today. Don’t let your past keep you from God’s future!