Sermons from Psalms

When Tyrants Rule the Land

Date: October 17, 2021 | Speaker:

The Bible says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” During this past year we have witnessed an unprecedented number of evil leaders in our nation and around the world dismantling democracy and increasing their control over us. Sadly this is nothing new. Generations past have come under the tyrannical rule of power-hungry leaders, but when it’s all said and done, you can be sure that God will have the last word!

Surrendering the Throne of Your Heart

Date: August 8, 2021 | Speaker:

Could you honestly say that you have given God full reign in every area of your heart? Is there anything that you have been trying to keep disguised and hidden from His control? The fact is, we cannot ultimately keep anything from Him because His Word will always come to pass, regardless of our attempts to limit Him in certain areas. Why not surrender everything to Him today and learn that you can trust Him with your life!

God’s Faithfulness in Our Failures

Date: July 25, 2021 | Speaker:

Behind every victory and every success lies a hidden danger. These euphoric experiences tend to lull us into a false sense of security, causing us to let down our guard and coast on the momentum of those mountaintop moments. It’s then that we become vulnerable to attacks from the enemy and often find ourselves plunging from the highest peak of triumph to the lowest valley of despair. Learn how tenderly God deals with us in our worst times of defeat and discouragement, and find the hope and renewal you need in Him.

Words That Will Save Your Life

Date: May 23, 2021 | Speaker:

If a sketchy person approached you on the street one night and asked you to go with him down a dark alley, would you go? Probably not! Why is it that we recognize that kind of danger immediately, but we so often get fooled by temptation? If only we had some kind of guidebook to give us the wisdom we need to make the best choices in life. Well, we do! It’s the Book of Proverbs, and today we discover how to use it to steer us away from sin and keep us on the path of life.

The Priority and Power of Worship

Date: May 16, 2021 | Speaker:

There is an amazing secret in the Book of Psalms that has the ability to transform our entire perspective on the troubles and trials we all go through. Regardless of what you’re facing right now, this simple step will lift your eyes and heart to God and remind you that He is still in complete control over all the circumstances in your life. Will you trust Him with your struggles today?

Turning and Trusting – Part 2

Date: May 9, 2021 | Speaker:

The Bible tells us that those who trust in God are “blessed”. However, trusting in God during uncertain times can be difficult. Jeremiah 17 reminds us that God has provided us with everything we need to trust in Him and when we stay connected to Him during challenging times, God uses us to impact the lives of those around us and to ultimately bring Him glory. God is worthy and able to carry us through whatever journey we are on. Are you trusting in Him today?

Turning and Trusting – Part 1

Date: May 2, 2021 | Speaker:

In the book of Joel, God offers the people of Judah an opportunity to turn to Him despite their past sins and the judgement before them. He does this because of His great love. Even now, God offers us a similar opportunity. His love for us is great and He can change our hearts to desire Him more than anything else in this world. Is that your heart’s desire today?

The Secret to Being Fully Satisfied

Date: April 25, 2021 | Speaker:

If you’ve just finished your favorite meal and dessert and you’re completely full, the last thing on your mind is to go out looking for another meal. There’s no need to because you’re already satisfied. One reason we so often choose to sin is because we’re actually trying to fill an emptiness inside of us; an emptiness we believe will be filled by that sin. But there is only one way for us to ever be fully satisfied, and once you discover that, your life will never be the same!

The Fall of a King and the Mercy of God

Date: March 28, 2021 | Speaker:

David started out as a great king. He led the people with kindness and discernment, and he put all of his trust in the Lord. But none of that lasted. Like all of us, David was unable to live up the perfect Law of God, and his kingship was eventually tarnished by sin. Thankfully his sin did not mark the end of his legacy, because David threw himself on the mercy of God and he was forgiven. Where do you turn when you fall?

Learning to See How God Sees

Date: February 14, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever met someone for the first time and then discovered later that you had unfairly misjudged them based solely on what you saw? We tend to judge people by what we see on the outside, but God warns us that this is wrong. What matters most to God is on the inside, because who we really are flows out of the condition of our heart. So, are we more concerned with how we look on the outside than how we look on the inside?

Exchanging God for Other Things

Date: January 31, 2021 | Speaker:

Did you ever demand to get your own way, even against the advice of others, only to end up suffering the consequences of that poor decision later on? Sometimes we do the same thing with God. Instead of following His Word, we demand to go our own way, which always ultimately leads to trouble and heartache. Today’s message reveals what’s really driving us to act like that, and helps us learn how to avoid the mistake of exchanging God’s ways for our own.

God is Not Your Good Luck Charm

Date: January 24, 2021 | Speaker:

A spare tire. An insurance policy. A fire extinguisher. These are things we keep around somewhere in case of an emergency. Usually they’re out of sight gathering dust because we never think about them until something goes wrong. Sadly, some people treat God this way. They have no time for Him, but the minute trouble comes, they run and grab God like He’s some kind of good luck charm, begging Him to fix their problems. If this has been your view of God, there is a much better relationship he desires to have with you!