Sermons from Romans

The Cure for the Curse of Sin

Date: May 24, 2020 | Speaker:

Every religion around the world has a list of different things a person has to do in order to get to heaven. Some have to pray a certain number of times every day, others have to chant mantras, while others have to perform a lifetime of good works. And yet, none of those things can make us right with God. There is only one way to know for sure that our sins are forgiven and that we will spend eternity in heaven. Are you sure you’ve received the right cure for sin?

Resting in the Finished Work of Christ

Date: May 3, 2020 | Speaker:

How good do you have to be for God to let you into heaven? Well actually, you have to be absolutely perfect! That’s really bad news for all of us. Leviticus shows us the long list of standards that God requires, but it also shows us that Jesus met all those requirements on our behalf, so now all we have to do is believe on Him and rest in His finished work, and that’s the best news we could ever hear!

Nothing Can Separate Us

Date: April 5, 2020 | Speaker:

Hard times and trials are inevitable, but how can we know for sure that our commitment to follow Christ will continue to stand firm through those hard times? What is it that we can count on to hold us steady when the storms begin to blow? The Bible gives us the answer in three simple words. Every believer should make these words the foundation of their life and faith. Without them, we will surely fall.

The Death You Should Have Died

Date: March 1, 2020 | Speaker:

Imagine being brought to trial for committing a horrible crime, and being given the death penalty. Then suddenly, someone jumps up and says they want to die in your place. The judge agrees, but orders you to perform the execution! Could you do it? In a sense, that’s exactly what we did to Jesus. It was our sin that put Him to death and made Him suffer God’s judgement! How often do we remember just how much He loves us that He would willingly die so that we could live?

Covered by the Mercy of God

Date: February 23, 2020 | Speaker:

No matter how well you did in school, there is one test you will never pass, even if you spend a lifetime trying. Because of our sin, none of us will ever be able to pass the standard of God’s perfect Law of holiness, and failure to do so brings death! We were doomed without hope until Christ came and fulfilled the Law perfectly on our behalf, and then He willingly took the judgement for our sins upon Himself. What amazing love! If you are still trying to earn your way to God, why not receive His mercy today instead?

When Hope Fades

Date: June 16, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever lost hope in something important? It’s a tough place to be that can cause us to make poor choices out of desperation. Abram and Sarai found themselves in that place, and they made a big mistake by taking matters into their own hands. But there is much to learn from it, and we should pay attention to what this historical account can teach us. Let’s prepare ourselves for those times when hope fades.

In the Beginning, God…

Date: January 20, 2019 | Speaker:

To believe anything in the Bible, you must believe the very first verse in the Bible. A person who does not believe Genesis 1:1 will never believe the rest of the Bible. This opening statement declares boldly that there is, in fact, one true God who has existed forever, who created everything, and who therefore owns everything, including our lives. This single sentence, “In the beginning, God created…” makes it clear that we are not here by random chance; that our lives do have extraordinary meaning, value and purpose, and that there actually is a higher Authority to whom we must answer. Have you ever come to terms with this truth?

The Truth Will Set You Free

Our Redeeming God and His New Covenant

Date: April 29, 2018 | Speaker:

Starting with the fall of Adam and Eve, we see clearly the sobering consequences of sin. To know the truth is to know that our God is unchanging about sin. He is holy and righteous, and our sins cannot be overlooked. But God has provided a way for us to be saved from our sins. He offers this path of salvation through a new covenant; the Messianic Covenant. We either accept this new covenant and abide by the terms, or we reject it altogether and choose our own path; a choice that Jesus described as leading to destruction. Join us as we uncover the truth about God’s New Covenant offer, and the reason it is described as such good news!

The Resurrection Changes Everything

Date: April 1, 2018 | Speaker:

We spend our entire lives trying to keep death at a distance, but still, death is coming for all of us. And death isn’t even the worst news, because after death comes the judgment! So what hope do we have in the face of such frightening events? When Jesus died on the cross and rose to life again, He conquered sin and death, and everyone who trusts in Him will be forgiven of their sins and given eternal life. They will then be able to face death and judgment without fear! Have you trusted in Christ to save you?

Are You a Debt Collector?

Date: March 4, 2018 | Speaker:

There’s a lot of debt collecting taking place in the world, and not just the financial kind. When someone hurts us, we tend to hold that person in debt, convinced that they owe us something, and demanding that they pay us back for the wrong they’ve done. But Jesus says we must release others and forgive them, just as our heavenly Father has canceled our debt and forgiven us. So, are you a debt collector or a debt releaser?

Living in View of God’s Love

Date: January 14, 2018 | Speaker:

Life is short and the world is filled with trouble as a result of man’s sin, and we all feel the impact of that. Is there somewhere we can turn to find true, lasting love and satisfaction that can actually make us rejoice and be glad regardless of what is going on around us? The world promises satisfaction, but it never lasts. Only the Bible has the answer. Have you found it yet?