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Courageous Faith

Date: September 5, 2021 | Speaker:

The Centurion courageously and desperately sought after the only One who could change his servant’s situation. In the process, the Centurion displayed amazing faith in what Jesus could do and ultimately saw Jesus bring glory to God by healing his servant. Even though we may not always see the rewards of our faith on this earth like the Centurion did, we can trust that God is working in all our situations to bring glory and honor to Him. Are you desiring to bring God glory by desperately seeking and trusting Him with the situations in your life?

Do You Need a New Beginning?

Date: September 12, 2021 | Speaker:

Because we are all sinful creatures we fail God and other people regularly. In those moments of failure we certainly deserve whatever condemnation and judgement might come our way, yet we can all recall times when God showed us His grace instead and gave us a fresh start. You may feel like you’ve blown it so badly that God will never take you back. But He stands ready right now to extend His grace and give you a new beginning!

It Shall Be Well

Date: September 19, 2021 | Speaker:

History is filled with the accounts of men and women whose lives were overwhelmed with suffering, pain and loss, yet because of their faith in Christ, they could still say with confidence that all will be well. How is it possible for someone to go through such devastating trials and still know that God is good? Trouble and heartache will visit us all in this life. Do you know how to stand firm when the storms begin to blow?

The Disease You Can Never Cure

Date: September 26, 2021 | Speaker:

Imagine having an incurable disease, but one day hearing that someone had finally discovered a cure. You rush to see them, but they tell you to do something that sounds ridiculous and embarrassing and humiliating. Would you do it in order to be cured? Sometimes our pride keeps us from fully obeying what God has told us to do. We’d rather do it our own way! Is pride keeping you from fully obeying God in some area?

Surrounded by Truth but Living a Lie

Date: October 3, 2021 | Speaker:

We have all had the awful experience of seeing a news story about a Christian ministry whose leaders were charged with embezzlement or some other crime. It’s a reminder of how close we can be to the truth, but still be living a lie. We can worship and pray and serve in the church, but have hearts that are far from God. What about you? Is Christ your highest pursuit, or are you just going through the motions?

Opening Our Eyes to the Spiritual Realm

Date: October 10, 2021 | Speaker:

It is possible to have 20/20 vision but still be completely blind! If we only perceive life through our physical senses, we’ll be dangerously unaware of the spiritual realm that exists all around us. This will make us vulnerable to the enemy and cause us to live in fear when we face overwhelming battles. Being aware of God’s presence all around us brings an entirely new perspective to everything. It reminds us that, as God’s children, we are never alone. We are never outnumbered. We are never at the mercy of the enemy. Are your spiritual eyes open?

When Tyrants Rule the Land

Date: October 17, 2021 | Speaker:

The Bible says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” During this past year we have witnessed an unprecedented number of evil leaders in our nation and around the world dismantling democracy and increasing their control over us. Sadly this is nothing new. Generations past have come under the tyrannical rule of power-hungry leaders, but when it’s all said and done, you can be sure that God will have the last word!

You Can’t Live on Borrowed Faith

Date: October 24, 2021 | Speaker:

The statistics are daunting. More and more young people raised in Christian homes abandon the faith when they leave for college. Growing up, they quoted Bible verses, worshiped every Sunday, and knew all the right things to say. So what went wrong? It’s because they’ve been living on a borrowed faith instead of making it their own. They had religion, but they never had a relationship with Christ. What about you? Is your faith your faith, or is it a borrowed faith?

I’m Outta Here

Date: November 7, 2021 | Speaker:

We don’t have to travel far to be outside the will of God. All of us have deliberately strayed away from God at times, and we have all experienced the emptiness that ultimately comes with that choice. But even when we reach our lowest point, the Father is constantly looking and longing for us to come home; and when we do, He welcomes us back with open arms! Are you away from God today? Come back to Him right now and receive the love and forgiveness that He is waiting to give you.

Don’t Be Left Out of the Banquet!

Date: November 14, 2021 | Speaker:

God has an incredible plan for expanding His family. One that ensures many children will dwell with Him and His Son for eternity. It’s a plan that culminates with a wedding banquet to which we have all been invited. But to be included in this banquet, we must adhere to the requirements for attendance. Don’t overlook these truths and be left out of the banquet! Tune-in, be encouraged, and be ready!

Remembering What God Has Done for You

Date: November 28, 2021 | Speaker:

In the rush of life it’s easy to get distracted and lose sight of what’s most important. The Bible tells us again and again to set time aside to remember all that God has done for us. If you’re feeling far away from God or wondering if He still cares about you, the best thing you can do is to stop and recall how his mercy and grace have changed your life. Why not pause right now and give Him the thanks He deserves.

You may find this sermon on a similar topic helpful: “Being Thankful in All Circumstances”

Waiting for His Coming

Date: December 5, 2021 | Speaker:

For generations God’s faithful few waited for the promised Savior to come. But as the evil around them grew darker by the day, the flame of hope in their hearts flickered and almost went out. Still, they waited faithfully, and when the Savior finally arrived, He brought light into their dark world. Are you in that light today, or are you still walking in darkness?