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Remember Your Creator While There is Still Time

Date: March 25, 2012 | Speaker:

Solomon started out his life so well… following God with all his heart and choosing wisdom over riches, fame and pleasure. But somewhere along the way, he got his focus off of God and began pursuing other things, and because of this, Solomon’s life ended in misery and regret. Although he had everything his heart desired, he described the conclusion of all his pursuits are being empty and meaningless. As an old man, realizing the error of his ways, he urges all of us reading his words to remember God while we are still young, and keep our eyes upon Him all the days of our life.

How to Conclude Your Life Well

Date: April 1, 2012 | Speaker:

Solomon had everything a person could ever want, yet despite all his wealth and learning, he chose to live for the pleasures of this world and failed to consider the end of his life until it was too late. 1 Kings 11 says, “Solomon’s heart was not fully devoted to the Lord.” Although he knew the Word of the Lord very well, he failed to put it into practice in his own life, and so his life ended in heartache and regret. What about you? Are you living life with the end in view, making choices now that will keep your heart focused upon God so that you can conclude your life well?

Free from the Power and the Penalty of Sin

Date: July 1, 2012 | Speaker:

When a prisoner is pardoned and set free, he doesn’t live the rest of his life hanging around the prison yard and sleeping in his old cell at night. He lives in freedom! When a person receives Jesus as his Savior, he is forgiven and set free from his sin, but unfortunately, many Christians cannot believe they are really free, so they continue to live each day trapped by the power of sin. The Bible tells us that because of Christ, we have been set free from the power and the penalty of sin. This is great news! Listen to today’s message and learn how to live in the freedom you’ve been given!

Free from the Need to Earn God’s Love

Date: July 8, 2012 | Speaker:

Some people grow up without ever hearing their father say, “I love you,” and consequently they spend their entire life doing everything they can to try and earn his love. Often, we as Christians do the same thing with our heavenly Father. We feel like we have to meet certain standards and do enough good things in order to earn God’s love and acceptance. If you are living that way, you are believing a lie! The Bible says we are already fully loved and accepted by God because of what Christ has done, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us more. Come discover what the Bible says about God’s amazing love for you, and learn to live in the freedom and joy of that relationship!

Surrendering Your Future to God’s Will

Date: January 6, 2013 | Speaker:

The night before Jesus went to the cross, He agonized over that step of obedience so deeply that the Bible says His soul was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death! He asked His Father if there was any other way, but He concluded that prayer by saying, “…not my will, but Thy will be done.” Jesus was willing to surrender His future to God because he trusted His Father completely. He let go of everything that might have held Him back from total obedience. What about you? Is there anything holding you back from fully surrendering your future to God’s will?

O Little Town of Bethlehem

Date: December 2, 2012 | Speaker:

When God sent His Son to earth, why didn’t He choose a major world city to announce His arrival to millions of people? Instead, He chose the tiny town of Bethlehem and only announced His birth to lowly shepherds in the middle of the night. And instead of coming as a mighty warrior or a powerful political leader, He came as a helpless baby born into a poor family. But why? Why did He choose to come that way? Once you understand the reasons why He came, lived and died the way He did, you will gain a new appreciation for the lengths that God went to in order to identify with our struggles and become one of us!

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Date: December 9, 2012 | Speaker:

October 1962 was a time of tremendous uncertainty and fear for Americans. The Cuban missile crisis had reached its most critical hour as America stood toe to toe with the Soviets and wondered if a nuclear war was imminent.  People were gripped with panic, and it was during this dreadful time that Noel Regney wrote the song, Do You Hear What I Hear? It was a prayer for peace, encouraging everyone everywhere to look carefully and listen closely to the message that the Baby in the manger brings to all who will trust in Him. Jesus alone can bring true peace in life’s most troubling times. Do you know the peace that He gives?

O Holy Night

Date: December 16, 2012 | Speaker:

A song most of us know as “O Holy Night” is a favorite of many, but the origin is not as commonly known. First written as a poem to be read in a Christmas service in France, the original French version is a powerful reminder of the truth and good news of that holy night our Redeemer was born.

Joy to the World

Date: December 23, 2012 | Speaker:

The world can offer you momentary happiness, but only Jesus can give you lasting joy. Happiness comes and goes depending on life’s circumstances, but joy remains even in the worst of times. But is it really possible for anyone to experience this kind of joy? Despite having so many things in life like pleasures, pursuits and possessions, most people are still not fulfilled. What about you? Are you still searching for joy and fulfillment? Today’s message tells how you can have the joy that Jesus came to give, even when life let’s you down!

What Child is This?

Date: December 30, 2012 | Speaker:

Centuries before Jesus came, people shook their heads and wondered what kind of Savior this might be who the prophets said would come, not as a mighty warrior, but as a little baby. Then, when He did come, people shook their heads in wonder and amazement at the things He said and did, as they asked each other, “Who is this?” Today, this continues to be life’s most important question — deciding for ourselves who this Child really is. Have you answered this all-important question?

God Chose You for His Team!

Date: November 11, 2012 | Speaker:

Remember being on the playground at school when the kids would choose teams for kickball? Did you ever have the awful experience of being the last one chosen, or maybe not being chosen at all? Sadly, many people go through their entire life feeling that God would never want them on His team because they see themselves as having no value at all. If you feel weak, ashamed, broken, overlooked or useless in life, you need to know that God sees great value in you! In fact, you are exactly the person He is looking for to show His greatness through. Listen and be encouraged by today’s message!

Living With Purpose Right Where You Are

Date: November 18, 2012 | Speaker:

It’s an awesome thing to see God moving through you to touch the lives of others, and the best part is, you don’t have to earn a special degree, write a best-selling book, or become a great speaker… God wants to use you right where you are with what He has already given you! Did you know that whatever you do for a living, you are just as ordained by God as the pastor who stands in the pulpit every week? It’s true! Today we look at three simple steps you can take to allow God to start using your life in powerful, eternally significant ways right where you are. We encourage you to follow these steps of obedience and watch what God will do through you to impact the lives of others with His love, His light and His hope!