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Getting to the Root

Date: September 16, 2012 | Speaker:

When there’s an ugly weed in your flower bed, you know you must pull-up the root to prevent it from growing again. In the same way, when an ugly weed keeps popping-up in the life of a Christian, the remedy is no different. You must pull-up the root. Join us as we uncover some of the root issues that cause unnecessary hardships in the life of a believer.

Going Deep

Date: September 9, 2012 | Speaker:

Do you ever feel the pressure of life that limits your ability to build deeper relationships? Does this same pressure limit your availability and accessibility to others? Listen as we learn how availability is being willing to adjust our own schedule, agenda, and plans to fit the right desires of God and others.

Our Pudding of Proof

Date: August 26, 2012 | Speaker:

“The proof is in the pudding.” It’s a phrase we sometimes hear when someone wants proof of a claim. So, what about our claim of loving Jesus Christ? How do we show proof of that claim? Listen as we uncover the “pudding of proof” for those who truly belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Standing Firm in the Lord

Date: July 29, 2012 | Speaker:

When facing discouragement and difficulties in life, do you turn to yourself and the world, or do you turn to the Lord? As the narrow road becomes hard to travel, we must not shrink back from our faith. Join us as we hear an inspiring message about standing firm in the Lord.

One Question You Never Want to Hear

Date: January 27, 2013 | Speaker:

Imagine if Jesus called you and said He wanted to come by your house that evening to speak with you for a few minutes. As you excitedly invited Him into your living room, He took a seat right beside you, then turned to you and took your hand in His. Then He looked into your eyes with incredible love, and said very gently but with great concern, “Why do you call me Lord, and do not do what I say?” Can you imagine how your heart would sink? What does making Him Lord really mean, and how can we make sure we never have to hear that question?

Will God Ever Give Up On Me?

Date: April 14, 2013 | Speaker:

Paul opens his letter to the church in Philippi with incredible words of love and encouragement, thanking them for their faithful partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now. Then he tells them that it was God who saved them, and it will be God who carries their salvation on to completion. He is reminding them that there is nothing they can do through their own efforts to earn salvation or to keep their salvation secure. If you ever worry about losing your salvation, these are great verses to help you settle this matter once and for all.

Communion Service (4/15/2012)

Date: April 15, 2012 | Speaker:

During World War II, men in a prisoner of war camp were radically changed when they saw an innocent soldier lay down his life to save theirs. Decades after that event, they still remembered that soldier and paid tribute to his selfless sacrifice. Join us for today’s message as we pause to remember the ultimate sacrifice that was made for us when Jesus willingly laid down His life to save us. How has this great sacrifice affected you?

Grace That is Greater Than All Our Sin

Date: April 8, 2012 | Speaker:

We have all done things in our lifetime that we know are wrong. Sadly, many people go through their entire life carrying the guilt and shame of things from their past, never feeling worthy, loved or accepted by God. But because Jesus died on the cross and rose again, we can break free from a life of guilt by receiving the forgiveness and grace He offers to us. Regardless of who you are or what you’ve done, God’s grace is greater than all our sin, and you can receive that grace today!

Crossing Our Jordan Rivers – Part 1

Date: March 11, 2012 | Speaker:

God’s paths seldom make sense. Often in life God leads us straight into what looks like an impossible situation where even our best resources are not enough to get us through. This is how the Israelites felt when God led them to the banks of the Jordan River at flood stage and commanded them to step out into the water and go across! These moments are not obstacles, but opportunities to see God’s power displayed! Are we willing to trust God to make a way where there is no way?