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You Are a Letter That Others Are Reading

Date: October 23, 2011 | Speaker:

Too often we think that sharing the Gospel means nervously giving a cold, rehearsed presentation to people who don’t know Christ. However, the message we are called to share is not a script that we memorize… the message is our lives! The Bible calls us to be “living letters” that others can read. As we live consistently for Christ each day, those around us will see how the Gospel has transformed us, and then our words will have credibility as we speak about our Savior. Today’s message gives some practical advice for doing just that.

We Can’t Choose Who to Love

Date: October 30, 2011 | Speaker:

Throughout history, people have always tried to relax the demands of God on their lives. Jesus said, “Forgive others,” and Peter asked, “How many times?” Jesus said, “Love your neighbor,” and the lawyer quickly replied, “Who is my neighbor?”… just to make sure he didn’t go to the trouble of loving anyone he absolutely didn’t have to. But because of the Gospel, we cannot choose who we want to love and who we don’t. We are all equal sinners in God’s eyes, and because of this, we can never again look down on anyone else.

Are You Living Life With the End in View?

Date: November 6, 2011 | Speaker:

Life is busy. In the rush of work, school, raising children, paying bills, making plans… when is the last time you thought about heaven? It is so easy for us to get swamped under the demands and pursuits of this life, that all our attention and energy becomes focused entirely on earthly things. As followers of Christ, we must intentionally allow the reality of eternity to impact the way we live our lives today. Rather than getting wrapped up in the things of this world, we must have the wisdom to live life with the end in view!

Running from the Heart of God

Date: August 14, 2011 | Speaker:

From our earliest memories in Sunday School, we were told that the book of Jonah was all about a man being swallowed by a big fish. But in reality, the whole story of Jonah, right up to the very last verse, is about the compassionate heart of God towards those who don’t deserve His grace and forgiveness. God rescues a rebellious prophet in order to redeem a rebellious city. Join us for this exciting story, not about a great fish, but about a great God!

Rescued by the Heart of God

Date: August 21, 2011 | Speaker:

Jonah’s rebellion ended up getting him thrown into the sea to drown, and in reality, he was getting exactly what he deserved. But once again we see the loving heart of God; that His grace is bigger than our failures. God sent a great fish to swallow Jonah, and although Jonah thought that fish was going to be the death of him, it turned out to be the very thing God used to rescue him. What “fish” is in your life right now that you think is going to be the death of you? That may be the very thing God will use to rescue you!

Following the Heart of God

Date: August 28, 2011 | Speaker:

When Jonah rebelled against God and got thrown overboard into the ocean, God would have had every right to let him drown. But once again we see the gracious heart of God in Jonah 3:1 – The word of the Lord came to Jonah a SECOND TIME. Where would any of us be right now if we had not been given a second chance by God? His mercy and patience are astounding. But the question is, what have we done with the second chances God has given us? Are we using them to live for ourselves or to live out His mission?

Questioning the Heart of God

Date: September 4, 2011 | Speaker:

Is your heart broken over the things that break God’s heart? Do you care about the people He cares about? It is entirely possible to go to church, sing the songs, serve in a ministry, put money in the offering plate… and yet have a heart that is miles away from God. If you find yourself just going through the motions, begin asking God to break your heart for the things that break His heart. When that truly happens, your life will never be the same!

The Power of the Seed

Date: June 5, 2011 | Speaker:

No greater sermons have ever been preached in all of human history than those preached by our Lord Jesus. No words have ever brought more comfort and hope, or given more clear directions for life than His. Those who heard His words so long ago said, “No one ever spoke the way this man does!” Join us for the next nine exciting weeks as we explore nothing but the words of Jesus, unpacking some of the greatest lessons He ever taught!

Surrendering Your Heart to God’s Plow

Date: June 12, 2011 | Speaker:

Farmers know that if they don’t prepare the soil to receive the seed, no crops will grow, because unprepared soil always yields undesirable results. Jesus said the same is true with our hearts. It is easy to allow the soil of our heart to become hard or filled with other things that will keep the seed of God’s Word from taking root in us. As you go about your life each day, what are you doing to intentionally prepare your heart to hear from God? He longs to speak to you… are you listening?

The Father’s Love for Lost Causes

Date: June 19, 2011 | Speaker:

The parable of the Prodigal Son is not really about the son at all. Jesus told this parable for one reason… to show us His Father’s amazing love for the lost. The prodigal son never expected to be welcomed home again, and he was surprised when he saw his father running to kiss him and receive him with open arms. Above all, this is a story of God’s amazing love for “lost causes.” For anyone who has strayed away from their heavenly Father, know that He longs for you to come home!

Have You Counted the Cost of Following Christ?

Date: June 26, 2011 | Speaker:

Over the course of His ministry, there were thousands and thousands of people who were quick to follow Jesus when He was doing miracles. But those same crowds turned back once they learned how much it would cost them to truly follow Jesus. He said a person must be willing to give up everything he has in order to be His disciple. Even today we see people who used to follow Christ, who have now turned back because the price was too high. Will you still be following Christ a year from now?

Don’t Be Called a Fool by God!

Date: July 3, 2011 | Speaker:

The Bible tells a story about a man who acquired great wealth, retired financially independent, and spent his life doing whatever he wanted to do. Today we call this the “American Dream,” and anyone who achieves it is looked upon as a success… but God called this man a fool. What were the blind spots in his life that brought such a harsh judgement from God, and how can you be sure you avoid making the same mistakes?