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Are You Being Faithful Where You Are?

Date: July 10, 2011 | Speaker:

Someone once said, “If you can’t be faithful where you are, you won’t be faithful where you ain’t.” We spend far too much of our lives “planning on” being faithful to God “one day.” We think, when we have more money, we’ll give… when we have more time, we’ll serve. But God is not interested in what we’re planning on doing for Him 10 years from now if we’re not being faithful today. Are you being faithful right now where you are with what you have?

Forgiven of a Debt You Could Never Pay

Date: July 17, 2011 | Speaker:

If you were in debt for a billion dollars, imagine how grateful you would feel if someone paid it for you, especially if you had done nothing to deserve such kindness! The truth is, that debt is small compared to the debt we really do owe. Our sin has put us under a debt we can never pay, but because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, all who trust Him by faith will be forgiven! Has the magnitude of just how much you’ve been forgiven of ever dawned upon you?

The Greatest Sacrifice

Date: May 29, 2011 | Speaker:

As Americans, we observe Memorial Day to honor and remember those who have given their lives for our freedom. But may we never forget that the greatest sacrifice ever made was when Jesus willingly bore our sin and died on the cross to purchase our freedom. For us, every day should be a “Memorial Day” as we honor and remember our Savior for shedding His innocent blood to save us!

What Kind of Baggage Are You Passing Down?

Date: May 22, 2011 | Speaker:

The power that parents have to shape and influence their children for a lifetime is astounding. While our parents pass down many good things to us, they also pass down a certain amount of baggage, which, if not dealt with, will be carried through our entire life and passed on to our children. Are there any hurts or destructive patterns you are still carrying through life? Jesus invites you to lay that baggage down at the cross and find the strength to be the agent of change for your family.

The Crossroads of Life

Date: April 24, 2011 | Speaker:

We all come to crossroads in life — moments of important decisions that will shape our family and our future for years to come. But the most important crossroads we will ever face is when we choose whether to accept Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world or reject Him forever. Choose wisely! This decision not only affects your life today, but all of eternity. What decision will you make at life’s most important crossroads?

We Need a Downpour

Date: January 23, 2011 | Speaker:

Do you remember a time in your life when you were more in love with Jesus than you are today? Do you feel like your heart has grown dry and distant compared to the passion you used to have for Him? You need a fresh awakening of His grace… you need a revival… you need a downpour! Hosea tells us that God longs to come to us like the rains, to soak the dry soil of our heart and nourish us with renewed life and vitality. If that is what you long for, this sermon series is for you!

God on the Throne: A Picture of Holiness, Part 1

Date: January 30, 2011 | Speaker:

How do you picture God? Is He an old man with a long white beard trying to keep up with everything in the universe? The Bible says God is a consuming fire; that He dwells in unapproachable light; that anyone who encounters His holy presence falls on their face in fear. Once we catch even a glimpse of God’s holiness, we are made utterly aware of our sinfulness, and that is the place where true revival can begin. Do you have a right view of God’s holiness?

God on the Throne: A Picture of Holiness, Part 2

Date: February 6, 2011 | Speaker:

Whether you look through the telescope or the microscope, the majesty and greatness of God are on display for all to see. Each year brings new discoveries of giant galaxies that now number in the billions, and also new discoveries of the vast “galaxies” within the microscopic cells of our own bodies. One cannot help but feel small and be humbled when presented with the staggering enormity and brilliance of God’s creative handiwork. The holiness and majesty of God are so immense and overwhelming that we are once again brought to our knees in worship before Him!

Sin in the Mirror: A Picture of Brokenness, Part 1

Date: February 13, 2011 | Speaker:

We usually don’t have trouble seeing sin in the newspaper or sin in the neighborhood, but we’re not so good at seeing sin in the mirror. God longs to bring revival to our hearts, but sin is the one thing keeping that from happening. The Bible says our sins have separated us from God and hidden his face from us. Once we see how our sin breaks God’s heart, we will never look at it the same way again.

Sin in the Mirror: A Picture of Brokenness, Part 2

Date: February 20, 2011 | Speaker:

What do you do when you look in the mirror and see that your hair or makeup is out of place? Do you walk away and forget about it, or do you stop and fix it? When the mirror of God’s Word reveals sin in our life, we have the same choice… we can walk away and ignore it, or we can become broken over it and allow God to cleanse us. Today we look at one person who covered over his sin, and the consequences that followed, and we look at another person who became broken over his sin, and how God’s mercy and healing flowed into his life.

Self in the Dirt: A Picture of Repentance, Part 1

Date: February 27, 2011 | Speaker:

When you hear the word “repent,” who do you think of? Is there a person or a group of people who, in your mind, are doing something terribly sinful of which they need to repent? It is so easy for us to point a guilty finger at others, while completely overlooking our own need to humble ourselves before God and repent of the things in our life that are breaking His heart. Repentance always comes before revival. Are we willing to turn from whatever wrongs God wants to reveal to us… including the subtle sin of indifference?

Self in the Dirt: A Picture of Repentance, Part 2

Date: March 6, 2011 | Speaker:

The Bible says that our lives must bear fruit that gives evidence of our repentance, but in order for fruit to grow, God must prune away any areas that are not of Him. This process is often painful, but in the end, it is the only thing that brings true life and true joy! What areas of your life are you holding back and not allowing God to trim away? Surrender yourself to His skillful hands and allow Him to shape you into the image of His Son.