Search Results

What Kind of Love is This?

Date: May 14, 2023 | Speaker:

Imagine seeing a job listing for someone willing to always be the lowest employee in the company; to be hated and ignored by everyone; to be lied about and ridiculed, and to eventually be fired for the wrongs that others had done. Who in their right mind would apply for that job? The amazing thing is, when Jesus came to earth, He willingly accepted a role far worse than that! He left heaven and submitted himself to the cruel hands of men; was hated and rejected by the very people He came to save; suffered indescribable anguish and physical abuse at their hands, and was finally nailed to a cross for the sins they had committed. What kind of love would cause Him to do all that? It’s the greatest love the world has ever known, and He did it all for you!

That’ll Be the Day!

Date: May 28, 2023 | Speaker:

You don’t have to look far in this world to encounter corruption, deception, injustice, and far worse. It’s obvious that our world is broken, and the reason for that is sin. All of man’s best efforts to bring peace and harmony to the world have failed miserably because the only One who can fix it is God. And there is coming a dark and dreadful Day when He will judge the world for their sin. That will be a terrifying Day for all who are unsaved! But there is also going to be a grand and glorious Day when He will welcome His children into heaven and sing songs of joy over them. What an incredible Day that will be! When the time comes, you will be at one of those two Days — judgment or joy. Which one will it be?

A Matter of Urgency

Date: June 11, 2023 | Speaker:

God is sovereign, and His power and authority rules over all creation. In this sovereignty, God presents all people with a choice… Follow His way that leads to life, or follow our own that leads to death. For those who choose His way, he then assigns to a mission… Tell others of the same choice He offers to them. They can accept or reject His way that leads to life. The mission is a matter of urgency! May this reminder inspire us all to action!

Live Like Your Life Matters!

Date: June 18, 2023 | Speaker:

So many people go through life without knowing why they’re even here on this earth. No one has ever told them that their life has meaning and that they were born for a purpose. As a result, they merely exist from day to day, wondering when it will all be over, and the consequences of this are devastating! If that describes you in some way, you need to know that before you were even conceived, God knew you intimately. Before you were born, He had a plan for your life. You may not have been planned by your parents, but you were planned by God, and He is waiting to unfold His incredible purpose for your life! Open the Bible and begin seeking Him today. Pray and ask that His plan for you will be revealed. Your life will have more meaning and significance than you’ve ever dreamed!

The Danger of Cold Christianity

Date: June 25, 2023 | Speaker:

If you have surrendered your life to Christ and you faithfully live for Him, then the idea of ever forsaking Him is absolutely unthinkable to you! But don’t get too comfortable. It’s entirely possible to forsake the Lord even while still believing in Him, attending church, and having all the outward appearances of a devoted Christian. We can obey Him out of cold, rigid obedience, and yet have hearts that are miles away from Him. We can say we love Him, but not have an active, vibrant relationship with Him. So, what about you? Have you lost the passion you once had for the Lord? Come back to Him today. He longs to restore the closeness you once enjoyed!

The Mirage of Earthly Hope

Date: July 23, 2023 | Speaker:

What are you depending on to keep you firmly anchored when the storms of life begin to blow? Your 401k? Your good health? A secure job? Friends or family? While those things may offer peace of mind today, there’s no guarantee any of them will be here tomorrow. In a society driven by the pursuit of possessions, wealth, and pleasure, it is vital to recognize the profound importance of placing your trust and hope in something greater than the transient offerings of this world. There’s only one place to find that unfailing security and eternal peace, and you can find it today!

The Significance of Our Work

Date: July 30, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever considered what God thinks about work? There are quite a few scriptures in the Bible concerning this topic, but often we don’t associate our daily work to our relationship with God. Should we reconsider this? Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about the significance of our work.

Where is God When You Need Him?

Date: August 6, 2023 | Speaker:

You have probably experienced times when God seems silent or absent like He is no longer aware of your struggles. When uncertainty clouds your vision, and you question whether God is at work, be comforted by the truth that His hand is always active, shaping circumstances in ways you may not perceive. Just as the sun continues to shine behind the clouds, so does God’s providence persist even when we are surrounded by shadows. Rejoice in knowing that He can use any means necessary to fulfill His purpose, and when all is said and done, you will be amazed to see just how near He was to you the entire time, even when you didn’t know He was there!

Waiting When You’re Tired of Waiting

Date: August 13, 2023 | Speaker:

In the midst of life’s trials, our impatience often nudges us towards immediate answers and quick fixes, but it is in these moments that we are called to wait on the Lord’s timing and tune our hearts to His guidance. Just as a masterpiece unfolds with each stroke, so our journey of faith gains meaning and value in patiently waiting for the Master to finish His work in us. Walking by faith without having all the answers can be daunting, but doing so affirms our trust in God. So, if your life is in a holding pattern right now, be still before the Lord and listen for His voice. Even though He often seems slow, He will show up right on time!

Unwavering Joy in Uncertain Times

Date: August 20, 2023 | Speaker:

It is all too easy to derive our joy and contentment from our circumstances, our possessions, or our relationships, but that path eventually leads to disappointment. True contentment and unwavering confidence can never be found in the ever-changing situations of life, but rather by placing our trust in God alone. When we ground our faith in His character and faithful care, our peace and joy remain unshaken, even in the midst of adversity, pain, or loss. Are you still looking to the fleeting things of this world for security, or have you put your trust fully in God’s promises?

Are You Yielding to the Potter’s Hands?

Date: September 3, 2023 | Speaker:

Artists possess the extraordinary ability to see beauty and potential where others may see only the ordinary or mundane. They can look at a blank canvas and see a masterpiece; they can envision elegant vases and intricate sculptures in a simple lump of clay. The Bible says God is like a potter and we are like clay. If we are willing to surrender our lives to Him, He will transform us into something far more meaningful than we could ever create on our own. But if we resist Him, we will never become the masterpiece He desires. Just as the clay yields to the Potter’s skillful hands, are you willing to surrender your will and desires, allowing God to craft you into a vessel for His purpose and glory?

But Because You Say So, I Will

Date: September 17, 2023 | Speaker:

When Jesus called Simon and the other disciples to follow Him, He displayed His power through a miraculous catch of fish. This encounter changed these men’s lives forever and reminds us of what Jesus can do in us and through us when we step out in obedience to Him. Jesus used these men to impact the world for the Kingdom and it all started with Simon’s obedience to put his net out into deep water. Are you ready and willing to obey Him however He may lead?