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Our Ultimate Victory in Christ

Date: August 18, 2024 | Speaker:

Itโ€™s thrilling to celebrate victories in life, whether itโ€™s a significant personal accomplishment, a well-deserved business success, or a hard-fought spiritual battle! But as rewarding as these moments are, they are only temporary. Soon we realize that this warfare never ends because we live in a world of sin. Itโ€™s a sobering reminder that we need the ultimate rescue only Christ can give. By His death and resurrection, He conquered sin and secured eternal deliverance for all who put their faith in Him. Have you trusted in Christ for this everlasting victory?

The Good Hand of God Upon Us

Date: September 8, 2024 | Speaker:

As you endeavor to solve problems, accomplish tasks and pursue your goals, remember that your success doesn’t depend upon your own strength or wisdom alone. It rests in the powerful, guiding hand of God. Do you ever pause to recognize how God is working in your lifeโ€”opening doors, orchestrating circumstances, and meeting your needs? Yes, your planning and effort are important, but itโ€™s God who leads, sustains, and empowers you to do anything of lasting value. In your journey of faith, pause often to thank God for His good and faithful hand upon you, acknowledging that without Him, none of it would be possible.

The Significance of Our Actions

Date: September 1, 2024 | Speaker:

The Bible has a lot to say about our actions. Most often this is described in Scripture as works or deeds. Unfortunately, many have a negative view of these words, but why is that? When we examine Scripture, we find that God has expectations regarding our actions, so it’s important that we understand what He says about them. Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about our actions.

The Story

Date: May 22, 2016 | Speaker:

Jerry McCorkle, Executive Director of Spread Truth Ministries, shares how the amazing 5-minute video called The Story came about, and how God is using it to reach millions of people around the world. Listen to this powerful testimony and discover how you can use this simple tool to spread the Gospel right from your phone! Watch the video here:

Your Last Chance to be Saved

Date: July 16, 2023 | Speaker:

On May 18, 1980, the volcano inside Mount St. Helens erupted. For two months, authorities had warned everyone in the vicinity to evacuate, and everyone did, except for one man. Harry Rainel Truman refused to leave his small cottage at the base of the mountain, and on that fateful day, he was buried beneath 150 feet of debris. He heard the repeated warnings, but he chose to ignore them. Many people are just like Truman. They hear Godโ€™s invitation to be saved before judgment comes, but they refuse to listen. Tragically, a day is coming when they will hear that warning for the final time, and then the door of opportunity will close forever. Today, while you hear God’s voice, respond to Him before itโ€™s too late!

The Glorious Future That Awaits You!

Date: June 16, 2024 | Speaker:

What gives you certainty in such an uncertain world? How do you keep your fire for God alive when weariness or doubt set in? The Bible paints a vivid picture of a day when Christ will return to eradicate evil and rescue His people. Until then, we must live in this broken world, and the waiting can leave us weary and discouraged. Yet, no matter how dark things seem now, this glorious future is the certainty that inspires us to persevere, remain passionate for God, and find joy in knowing that we will be with Him forever. All tears will be wiped away, and all things will be made new. This is the promise that should fuel an unshakable hope in the heart of every believer!

The Significance of Our Time

Date: June 30, 2024 | Speaker:

Time. It’s a word we use everyday. It’s also a word used often in Scripture. But have we ever focused on the significance God gives to it? Do we view it the way He wants us to view it? And even more than that, are we faithfully stewarding the time God has given us? Join us as we look at the significance of the time God has given to each one of us.

The Cost of Holiness: Is it Too High a Price?

Date: September 15, 2024 | Speaker:

God calls us to live holy lives, reflecting His glory and purity in a world that often pulls us in the opposite direction. Holiness requires a conscious separation from the patterns and values of the world, because following God always involves surrender. Who or what has the greatest influence over your heart? Are these influences drawing you closer to God, or leading you further from Him? The call to follow Him is costlyโ€”requiring sacrifice, trust, and a realignment of priorities. But itโ€™s also the only path that leads to true life. Are you willing to answer that call, no matter the cost?

The Church is Not the Destination

Date: April 29, 2012 | Speaker:

For far too long Christians have believed that if we could just get the people “out there” to come to our church, then we have accomplished the mission of the church. The more people who show up on Sunday, the more we think we’re winning. Nothing could be further from the truth! In this powerful message, Reggie McNeal shows us that we’re using the wrong scorecard, and reminds us that the church is not the destination, but rather the “connector” to get people where God really wants them to go.

Church: Whose Idea Was This?

Date: May 6, 2012 | Speaker:

Most of us who were raised in Christian circles will spend our entire life involved in the church to one degree or another. But what do we really know about the history of the church? Who started it, and why do we even bother being part of a 2,000-year-old organization, anyway? How has the church survived that long when most other organizations, and even entire nations, have long since failed and vanished from the face of the earth? Why are people willing to give their lives for the church, and exactly how big of a commitment should we be willing to make?

Church: It’s Not About Buildings and Steeples

Date: May 13, 2012 | Speaker:

Ask someone to show you their church and they’ll point to the building where they meet on Sundays. But is that really a church? It is amazing to see just how far our understanding of church has drifted from the Book of Acts. If you had asked any follower of Christ in those days to show you their church, they would have called the other believers together, pointed to them and said, “Here is our church.” Today we think church is a place we go, but we couldn’t be more wrong! Once we regain a correct understanding of what the church really is, it will radically change how we see our role in it.

The Corruption of the Church, Part 1

Date: May 20, 2012 | Speaker:

When Jesus died on the cross, He opened the way for every believer to have direct access to God through Him. This new relationship was one of the foundational doctrines of the early church, but in 312 A.D. Emperor Constantine of Rome forced a system of lies into the church that completely distorted this biblical truth. Pastors were no longer seen as “Shepherds,” but were renamed Priests and wore visually intimidating robes to elevate themselves above the common man. Church members were falsely told that they now had to go through a Priest in order to reach God, and this began the corruption of the church which continues to this very day!