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The Corruption of the Church, Part 2

Date: May 27, 2012 | Speaker:

Over the centuries, false doctrine has made its way into the church in many forms, and today there are millions of people being taught things that are absolutely untrue. Many people are told to pray to Mary, that she was sinless, that she is a co-savior with Christ, and even that she rose from the dead and ascended to heaven! How is it possible that churches can teach such things when there is not one verse in the entire Bible to verify these false claims? How did such lies make their way into the church, and what should our response be?

Truth or Tradition – What are We Fighting For?

Date: June 3, 2012 | Speaker:

There are many issues in the church that have caused heated debate and division over the years. Surprisingly, most churches don’t argue over major doctrinal issues, but over far less important matters like what type of music is right or wrong, which instruments are acceptable in the church and which ones are worldly, whether suits and ties are more pleasing to God than casual clothes, etc., etc. If we don’t learn to put these issues into their proper categories, we will end up confusing tradition with truth, and we will be guilty of exactly what Jesus warned us about — trading in the commands of God for the traditions of men!

Walking in the New Life, Part 1: The Truth About Sin

Date: June 17, 2012 | Speaker:

In order to rise-up beyond the lowlands of salvation, we must first be resolute in our understanding of God’s character when it comes to sin. God has not changed, and repentance is a foundation stone on which the new life must be built.

Walking in the New Life, Part 2: Our Justification

Date: June 24, 2012 | Speaker:

Romans 8 is an exciting proclamation of what the new life is all about. Paul opens the chapter by laying the cornerstone of our faith, and then goes on to describe to us the vital role of the mind in the new life of a believer.

Blessed To Be A Blessing

Date: June 10, 2012 | Speaker:

No one has to teach little children to pull a toy out of another child’s hand and say, “Mine!” We’re all born with that selfish nature in us. And even as adults, we struggle with the same problem. God blesses us with so many things — not only material things, but salvation too — and our tendency is to hold on tightly to those blessings and say, “These are mine!” But the truth is, God blesses us, not only for our benefit, but so we can invest those blessings into the lives of others for His glory. When a church learns to start releasing God’s blessings into the mission of Christ, it will unleash His power and see lives impacted for all eternity!

Does Life Feel Like an Endless Cycle?

Date: January 15, 2012 | Speaker:

Someone once said, “I climbed the ladder of success, only to find when I reached the top that it was leaning against the wrong wall.” How sad it would be to live your entire life chasing things that didn’t matter in the end. The truth is, we’re all pursuing something. How can we be sure the things we’re pursuing will matter in eternity, or whether they will slip through our fingers like sand when life is over? Join us as we explore these questions, and many more, to make sure we’re living the life God intended!

Choose Carefully What You Chase After in Life

Date: January 22, 2012 | Speaker:

What do you think the richest, most popular, most successful man in history might say about life when he reached the end? The fact is, we don’t have to wonder… we can know exactly what he said by reading the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon had it all. He spared himself no pleasure and denied himself nothing his eyes saw. Yet he reached the end and summed it up by saying that he hated life, and all his pursuits were meaningless. Are the things you’re chasing after going to matter in eternity, or will they run through your fingers like sand?

Trusting God in the Hard Seasons of Life

Date: January 29, 2012 | Speaker:

We all go through many different seasons in life. Some seasons bring laughter and comfort, while other seasons bring sorrow and pain. It is natural for us to pray and ask God to get us out of the difficult seasons as quickly as possible… but when we do, we fail to realize this vital principle: Whenever we choose to change God’s timing, we’re choosing to depart from God’s plan. Does God have you in a season of life right now that you wish He would hurry up and get you out of? If so, we pray that this message will be a great encouragement to you!

Living Life for the Sake of Others

Date: February 5, 2012 | Speaker:

In a world filled with non-stop advertising telling us how to improve OUR finances, OUR career, OUR possessions, OUR lifestyle, etc., it requires constant diligence to remind ourselves that as followers of Christ, this life is NOT about us! The truth is, the more we gather for ourselves, the more enslaved we become. Real life and freedom can only be found when we give our lives away. So how do we rise above this temptation to live for ourselves and answer the call of Christ to live for the sake of others?

Stand in Awe of God

Date: February 12, 2012 | Speaker:

Have you ever noticed how Sunday mornings can be the most frantic time of the week? After rushing to get the kids ready, cleaning up the spilled orange juice, leaving the house late (again) and racing across town just in time for the service to start… the first few songs go by and you realize you haven’t given any thought to God at all. In this fast-paced world it’s easy to allow our worship to become just another event, but God warns us that He despises heartless worship! Today’s message is a reminder of the awesome God we serve, and that we must never allow our worship of Him to be treated casually.

What Will Be Written on Your Tombstone?

Date: February 19, 2012 | Speaker:

Whether we realize it or not, we will all leave some kind of monument after we die that others will remember us by. The Bible warns us how important it is for us to live in such a way that we will not only have a good name while we’re alive, but that even after we’re gone, our good name will linger on as a sweet fragrance to bless the lives of those who follow. Each day we live we’re adding a new page to the memoir of our life. What are you writing on your page today, and what will be written on your tombstone when your life is over?

Safe in the Hands of God

Date: February 26, 2012 | Speaker:

Living a righteous life does not exempt us from suffering. In fact, the Bible says we often see the wicked getting what the righteous deserve, and the righteous getting what the wicked deserve. While this may leave us confused and unsettled, there is one thing we can know for sureβ€”that we are all in God’s hands. Both the good times and the bad times of life are in God’s hands and under His watchful care. Even though you may not be able to make sense of the circumstances in your life right now, you can take great comfort in knowing that God is holding you safely in His hands!