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A Life-Changing Encounter

Date: April 4, 2010 | Speaker:

When we’re young, we all have dreams of how our life will turn out, but as time goes by, life looks very different than we ever imagined. Hardships and struggles set in, and often our own sinful choices leave our life tattered and torn. All our best efforts to fix it on our own leave us frustrated. It is only through an encounter with Jesus Christ that our old life can be transformed and exchanged for the brand new life that He offers to us. Have you had an encounter with Jesus?

Risking Everything to Meet Jesus

Date: April 18, 2010 | Speaker:

There are people throughout history who have risked everything to follow Jesus. Nicodemus was one such man. Although he was a member of the Pharisees who hated Jesus, he was willing to risk his reputation to have an encounter with the Savior, and after Jesus was crucified, Nicodemus was one of the men who helped bury Jesus. History tells us that he lost everything because of this, yet he was not willing to let anything hold him back from following the truth. Is there anything holding you back from following Jesus completely?

The Outrageous Claims of Jesus

Date: April 25, 2010 | Speaker:

Throughout history people have made many outrageous claims, but no one has ever made more outrageous claims than Jesus. If He were not able to back up those claims, He would be nothing short of a madman! And yet every single claim He made has proven to be true. What impact do His claims have on our lives today, and what decision have you made about this most important man in history?

When the Need Exceeds the Resources

Date: May 2, 2010 | Speaker:

When faced with the impossible problem of feeding the five thousand, the disciples were unable to come up with a solution because they failed to factor Jesus into the equation. And yet, in the hands of Jesus, one boy’s small lunch became a miraculous meal that satisfied thousands. What impossible situation are you facing today? Have you remembered to factor Jesus into the equation and leave room for a miracle?

Your Life — God’s Purpose

Date: May 9, 2010 | Speaker:

Jesus makes an almost unthinkable statement in John 9, that a certain man had been blind from birth for one reason — so that God could be glorified through it. How do we view the pain and struggles that come into our lives? Do we get angry at God for being unfair and allowing them to happen, or do we consider that perhaps God has a higher purpose He wants to bring about through our suffering?

Finding Hope in a Hopeless Situation

Date: June 6, 2010 | Speaker:

Have you ever found yourself facing a desperate situation… the clock is ticking… time is running out… and it seems like God is ignoring you? Has he heard your prayers? Will He ever show up? If you’ve been there, or you’re there now, take heart in today’s message from John 11 where a family learned that even though Jesus delayed, His delay brought about a far greater purpose than they could have ever imagined.

Jesus Got Dirty for You

Date: June 13, 2010 | Speaker:

When Jesus served His disciples by washing their feet, Peter strongly resisted because He was embarrassed at the thought of having the Lord wash his filthy feet. When we become dirty by sin, our shame makes us want to run and hide from God. Yet God longs for us to come to Him despite our dirt. Just as the father ran to embrace the filthy prodigal son and put a clean robe on him, so God longs to embrace us and wash us clean.

Will Our Lives Count for Eternity?

Date: June 20, 2010 | Speaker:

Hours before His death, Jesus challenged His disciples to make sure their lives bore fruit… fruit that would LAST. When our lives come to an end, will what we’ve done be gone like fireworks exploding and then fading away, or will our lives bear fruit that will last for eternity?

Rising from Your Failures

Date: June 27, 2010 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt disappointed in yourself because you let someone down? Even worse, have you ever felt the bitter sting of knowing that you let Jesus down? Peter experienced this when he denied Jesus three times… but thankfully that was not the end of the story. Jesus restored Peter and assured him that no failure is final with God! Whatever failures you have experienced, Jesus is waiting to help you rise from the ashes and find hope in Him once again.

The Price Jesus Paid for Our Freedom

Date: July 4, 2010 | Speaker:

As we celebrate our freedom as Americans, we remember those who have paid the price to keep us free. But how often do we celebrate the freedom we have been given through the blood that Jesus shed on the cross when He gave His life for us? He paid the ultimate price to set us free, and we owe Him a lifetime of gratitude and faithful service!

No Failure is Final with God

Date: July 18, 2010 | Speaker:

It’s easy for discouragement to set in after we have failed the Lord in some way. Peter understood this all too well after denying Jesus, and he was ready to quit and return to his fishing business. But he learned that, despite his sin, Jesus was not finished with him… in fact, Jesus had an important mission for him to help lead the early church. Whatever you may have done to get off track, you need to know one thing: No failure is final with God! He is waiting to restore you right now.

To Die is Gain

Date: May 5, 2013 | Speaker:

Death. It’s a topic no one likes to talk about. People do everything they can to stay young as long as possible and extend their life in the hopes of delaying the inevitable. Even many Christians are afraid to think about death. But as followers of Christ, we not only have nothing to fear about death, the Bible tells us that dying will actually be our greatest day ever! If we can truly say, “For me to live is Christ,” then the last half of that statement will also be true: “…and to die is gain!” Join us for a very uplifting and encouraging look at this normally gloomy subject.