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A Radical Faith

Date: September 13, 2009 | Speaker:

While a “dislocated heart” and a “broken spirit” may be private matters, a “radical faith” is public. It means stepping out to obey God’s will and putting it all on the line, regardless of the cost. Faith is the thing God longs to see in us most of all. Has God put a specific burden on your heart that may soon require a step of faith? If so, what is it? What would it look like for you to take a radical step of faith towards such a need? How will you respond?

A Strategic Plan

Date: September 20, 2009 | Speaker:

Most people spend more time planning their vacation than they ever do planning to be used by God. But without a strategic plan, our best intentions will never become reality. So, what is your plan for your life? Your marriage? Your family? Your personal ministry? Do you have one? Plans clarify the vision and get us moving in the right direction. Planning shows faith in the vision God has given us… and God will move mightily through that kind of faith!

A Personal Commitment

Date: September 27, 2009 | Speaker:

Everything in life is just talk until we make a personal commitment to actually DO it. So often, the difference between people God uses greatly and people He doesn’t use comes down to which person is fully committed to Him. Is there an area of your life that you have been hesitant to commit the Lord? Why not give it to Him today?

A Courageous Soul

Date: October 4, 2009 | Speaker:

The final sermon in this series is a warning to let you know the reality of what you will face if you do step out and live a life of holy ambition. Whenever we step out to follow God, we can expect to face attacks from the enemy, just as Nehemiah did. We will be criticized and ridiculed, we will face discouragement and doubt, and we must determine beforehand that we are going to have a courageous soul or we will cave in under the opposition. Are you going to finish what God has called you to, despite the difficulties?

Waiting for God to Show Up

Date: May 3, 2009 | Speaker:

Nobody likes to wait, especially when you feel like God doesn’t hear your prayers and that He is never going to show up! But the first command Jesus gave His followers just before He ascended to heaven was to… WAIT. Does God have you in wait mode right now? If so, just hold on and know that He has not forgotten you. His timing will prove to be perfect!

You are Part of the Mission of Jesus!

Date: May 10, 2009 | Speaker:

An estimated 97% of the entire world has heard of Coca-Cola. That means roughly only 3% of the earth’s population has never heard of Coke. Yet, the sad news is that more than 25% of the people on earth have never heard the name of Jesus. The last words Jesus spoke before He ascended to heaven (Acts 1:8) were for His followers to go and spread the Good News about Him to the ends of the earth. There is still a great harvest to bring in. Are we doing our part?

The Life Changing Power of Jesus

Date: May 17, 2009 | Speaker:

In the Gospels we see the disciples arguing, doubting, and abandoning Jesus, but when you reach Acts you see a totally transformed group of men. What happened? Their lives were radically changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and by their risen Lord. Yes, Jesus truly does change people. Has He changed your life?

What are You Devoted To?

Date: May 31, 2009 | Speaker:

It’s easy to devote ourselves to something, whether it’s to our marriage, our family, or to the Lord, but then realize over time that our devotion has faded. The believers in Acts 2 not only devoted themselves to the Lord’s work, but they were “continually devoting” themselves to it. What area of your life were you once devoted to, but now you’re miles off course because you have not been “continually devoting” yourself to it?


Date: June 7, 2009 | Speaker:

What is it that you get the most excited to talk about… your team winning the ballgame last night? Your new car? That exciting vacation? The believers in the early church were so excited about Jesus, that even when they were threatened and warned to stop speaking in His name, they replied, “We cannot help speaking about Jesus.” Basically, they were saying, “Beat us, torture us, even kill us… it doesn’t matter because we cannot stop talking about our Lord!” They were literally unstoppable! No wonder they were a church on fire!

The Strange Plans of God

Date: June 21, 2009 | Speaker:

As the first church began to explode with growth and unlimited possibility, one of its brightest and best young leaders–a man named Stephen–was brutally murdered for his faith. Who would have thought that something so awful and unfair would have ever been part of God’s plans for the church? And yet God used this event to scatter the church and spread the Gospel to other places. Often in life God’s plan seem so strange, even unkind, yet we must trust His plans and hold to the promise that God knows what He is doing.

Amazing Grace

Date: June 28, 2009 | Speaker:

As Stephen was being brutally murdered, a man named Saul was watching and giving his approval. It seems unthinkable that a cold hearted man like Saul would go on to become the greatest voice of the church and write half the New Testament. Yet the fact that someone like that can be completely transformed is a testimony of God’s amazing grace! No matter what road a person is on, God’s grace can still turn them around.

Committed to the Mission

Date: July 5, 2009 | Speaker:

Churches everywhere are filled with people who have made a commitment to Jesus… but many of those people have never made a commitment to the “mission” of Jesus. They took a step towards the cross to be saved, but they have never taken the next step to go beyond the cross and live out their lives for the cause of Christ. Today’s messages challenges us to not just make a commitment to Jesus, but to make a commitment to the mission of Jesus as well.