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Wisdom — Don’t Live Without It!

Date: July 20, 2008 | Speaker:

If you knew of one sure way to have God’s blessing and favor upon your life, would you want to know about it? Proverbs 8:33 tells us what that is. It is essential for us to grow daily in wisdom if our life is going to be one of usefulness to God’s kingdom.

The Father’s Love

Date: June 15, 2008 | Speaker:

We all have different memories of our father… for some people, those memories bring great joy. For others, they bring tremendous pain. But even though none of our earthly fathers were perfect, we have a heavenly Father who loves us with an everlasting love, regardless of who we are. Do you know this Father’s love?

What on Earth Am I Here For?

Date: May 18, 2008 | Speaker:

Does your life really matter? Is there any purpose to it all, or is the day to day grind just a pointless, meaningless existence? Are you here by accident, or is there a reason–a mission–for your life? If you have ever pondered the question, “What on earth am I here for?”, this series will give you the answer!

When God Messes Up Your Plans

Date: May 25, 2008 | Speaker:

The only way to follow God into the life’s purpose that He has for each of us is to let go of things that are holding us back. We must completely surrender to God and be willing to let Him mess up our plans. But none of us are good at surrendering. We all want to have things our own way. Yet the Bible makes it unmistakably clear that as followers of Christ, we must be willing to yield our plans to His plans and follow wherever He leads.

Seeing With God’s Vision

Date: June 1, 2008 | Speaker:

Our purpose on this earth is not just to step into God’s mission for a few weeks or a few months, but to finish the mission by reaching the destination God has for us. Will we get distracted by the mirages along the way like the Israelites in the wilderness, or will we see past them with God’s vision and fulfill our purpose on this earth?


Date: April 20, 2008 | Speaker:

As LifePoint begins to take our first step towards world missions, there are three key words that will define our entire focus… PRAY, GIVE, GO! We must always remember that the starting point is prayer. Today’s message is a reminder to everyone of the incredible power that comes through prayer, and a challenge for us all to begin this journey on our knees.


Date: April 27, 2008 | Speaker:

Talking about “Giving” should not be something that we, as followers of Jesus Christ, should dread. The truth is, God has given us the incredible opportunity of partnering with Him in the greatest adventure of a lifetime — being involved in His Kingdom work! Jesus said that the location of our treasure indicates the location of our heart, and if we are investing our treasure into eternal things, our heart will be there also. This encouraging sermon will give you a fresh perspective on giving!

Why Should I Believe the Bible? (Part 1)

Date: February 24, 2008 | Speaker:

It doesn’t much matter what you believe about Time Magazine, the JC Penney catalogue, or Gulliver’s Travels… but it matters immensely what you believe about the Bible. If the Bible is indeed what it claims to be, then the implications for all of us are enormous! Today we examine some of the remarkable evidence that makes the Bible unlike any other book that has ever been written — a book that has withstood every criticism leveled against it, and despite many attempts by tyrants throughout history to wipe it off the face of the earth, the Bible continues to be the best-selling book of all time.