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Our Dying Savior Gives New Life

Date: May 19, 2013 | Speaker:

The death of Christ on the cross changes more than our legal status before God in heaven. It does more than just save us from our sins and give us a home in heaven. His death must also bring about a complete change in our daily walk here on earth. It is impossible for anyone to have a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ and walk away unchanged! Today we celebrate not only the death Jesus died, but the life He gives. Are you living that new life?

Are We Living Worthy of the Gospel?

Date: May 26, 2013 | Speaker:

Philippians 1:27 urges us to live lives worthy of the gospel of Christ. This literally means that our lives should give equal weight and value to the sacrifice that Christ made by giving His life for us. If His death was placed on one side of an old-fashioned scale and our life was placed on the other side, would it reveal that we are living in a way that measures up to what He did for us? Are our lives an appropriate reflection of the gospel?

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Date: June 2, 2013 | Speaker:

The war that killed more American soldiers than any other war in history was the Civil War. More lives were destroyed by fighting among ourselves than by fighting an outside enemy. The same is true in the church. If Satan can get us to turn our swords on each other, the gospel will never advance, and the name of Christ will be tarnished in the eyes of a watching world once again. Are you contributing to the unity or disunity of your church?

Walking in the Humble Steps of Jesus

Date: June 9, 2013 | Speaker:

It is staggering to think of everything Jesus left behind to come to earth and save us! He set aside all His kingly rights, made himself nothing, and became a humble servant to show us what sacrificial love really looks like. However, it is not enough for us to admire His humility from a distance. The Bible calls us to humble ourselves in exactly the same way and to love others as Jesus loved us.

As You Have Obeyed

Date: June 16, 2013 | Speaker:

When Christ gave His life for us, He also set an example for us to follow. It was an example of humble obedience to His Father’s will, even to the extent of death on a cross. Claiming faith in God without obedience to His commands is nothing more than wishful thinking. It’s a hollow claim. Scripture is very clear on this, and Jesus warned of many who will deceive themselves because they fail to understand this truth.

Work Out Your Salvation

Date: June 23, 2013 | Speaker:

What higher priority could there be in our lives than that of our own salvation? Yet, many are confused, deceived, or indifferent when it comes to this vital topic. Scripture teaches us how to avoid these errors, and we must be diligent in making sure our claim of salvation is in agreement with the description of salvation found in God’s Word.

Finding Satisfaction that Lasts Forever

Date: June 30, 2013 | Speaker:

There are inner hungers within every human heart that long to be fulfilled. The heart yearns to know, “Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Does my life have any real meaning and purpose?” While we may search for answers to these questions in the things of this world, we will always be left empty and unsatisfied. That is because the fulfillment to man’s deepest longings can only be found in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.” If you turn to Him, you will discover satisfaction that lasts forever!

Why God Hates Grumbling

Date: July 7, 2013 | Speaker:

If we were asked to list destructive sins that stir God’s anger and hinder the light of the gospel from shining, complaining and grumbling would probably not even make it on the list. And yet God puts grumbling right alongside the sin of idol worship, paganism and sexual immorality! Why? Because grumbling is a sign of an ungrateful heart towards God’s goodness, and it severely damages the testimony of the gospel. Is your life characterized by a grateful spirit or an undercurrent of complaining?

Being Willing To Do What You Can

Date: July 14, 2013 | Speaker:

There are people in the Bible whose names we know very well. Sermons are preached about them, Sunday School lessons are taught about them, even books have been written about them. But there is a hidden hero in the Bible who was highly praised by Paul for serving faithfully in the shadows and for simply being willing to do what he could. Are you serving the Lord without recognition or applause? Take heart! God sees your service, and He will reward you one day!

How To Miss Heaven When You Die

Date: July 21, 2013 | Speaker:

There is a half-built highway bridge in Cape Town, South Africa that comes to an abrupt end and hangs perilously in midair. If you were to drive on this road, you would think it was taking you somewhere, but you would soon plunge off the end to your demise. The same is true with salvation. Many people follow patterns and lifestyles they think will take them to heaven, but when they reach the end of life, they will plunge into a godless eternity. What are you trusting in to make you right with God and take you to heaven when you die? Make absolutely sure it is not one of the false hopes for eternity the Bible warns us about!

The New Covenant

The New Covenant

Date: August 4, 2013 | Speaker:

Covenant. It’s how God relates to man. There was an old covenant, as described in the Old Testament, and we should learn about it to know more about who God is. It was holy and good. Unfortunately, man didn’t hold-up his side of the covenant. But God, out of mercy and love for us, has initiated a new covenant, and He has replaced the old covenant with the new. It is this new covenant that we refer to as the Good News; the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is described to us in the New Testament, and God has invited each one of us to accept and commit to His new covenant. When we do, He promises cleansing from our sins, and the blessing of new life. One that will last for eternity. Be encouraged as we reflect on the good news of God’s new covenant.

The New Covenant

Our Covenant Keeping God

Date: August 11, 2013 | Speaker:

Covenant. It’s how God relates to man. There was an old covenant, as described in the Old Testament, and we should learn about it to know more about who God is. It was holy and good. Unfortunately, man was unfaithful to his side of the covenant. But God, out of mercy and love for us, has initiated a new covenant, and He has replaced the old covenant with the new. It is this new covenant that we refer to as the Good News; the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is described to us in the New Testament, and God has invited each one of us to accept and commit to His new covenant. When we do, He promises cleansing from our sins, and the blessing of new life. One that will last for eternity. Be encouraged as we reflect on the good news of God’s new covenant.