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Perfectly Pure

Date: August 18, 2013 | Speaker:

God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. He is perfectly pure; altogether, in himself complete. He is altogether Righteous; altogether Just; altogether Good. He has revealed himself to us in various ways, but in order to understand that revelation, we must be humble before the Lord; for God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Renewing Your Mind

Date: August 25, 2013 | Speaker:

Being born again is about a new life with a new nature. It’s about dying to your old nature and living life with a new nature; the nature of Jesus Christ. Scripture describes the reality of this change, and it also tells us a key component to true transformation. It’s known as renewing the mind. It is through our mind that sin and the enemy are able to deceive us and lead us astray. What controls our mind will ultimately direct our path. Our mind must be renewed by the source of our new life, which is Jesus Christ. Listen as we teach the necessity of dying to our old nature and putting on our new nature by the renewing of our mind.

Are You Clean?

Date: November 3, 2013 | Speaker:

Jesus washed the twelve disciples feet; it seems even the feet of Judas Iscariot. Jesus does however state that “not all of you are clean”, speaking of Judas. Even though Judas was one of the twelve, he was not counted clean by Jesus. Are you clean? If so, are you still clean? Jesus also spoke to Peter saying “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me”. Even though most of the twelve were already made clean, they needed a little washing to stay clean. Are you still clean?

Why Thankfulness?

Date: November 24, 2013 | Speaker:

In Luke 17 Jesus heals ten lepers but only one returns to gives thanks. Though Jesus did not command them to return and give thanks, he was surprised that only one did; and that he was a foreigner. What can we learn about being thankful from this? Was this man simply being respectful, or was there more? Why should we be thankful, and what does that mean?


Date: October 21, 2007 | Speaker:

From a very dark time in history when corruption was rampant and every man did what was right in his own eyes, there emerges a story of grace and hope. A young woman named Ruth makes a choice to follow God, and her life is forever changed. Regardless of how dark or hopeless your surroundings may be, you can be that one person who chooses to rise above it all, follow God, and make a difference!

God’s Goodness in Hard Times

Date: October 28, 2007 | Speaker:

From a very dark time in history when corruption was rampant and every man did what was right in his own eyes, there emerges a story of grace and hope. A young woman named Ruth makes a choice to follow God, and her life is forever changed. Regardless of how dark or hopeless your surroundings may be, you can be that one person who chooses to rise above it all, follow God, and make a difference!

Drawing Near to Christ

Date: November 4, 2007 | Speaker:

From a very dark time in history when corruption was rampant and every man did what was right in his own eyes, there emerges a story of grace and hope. A young woman named Ruth makes a choice to follow God, and her life is forever changed. Regardless of how dark or hopeless your surroundings may be, you can be that one person who chooses to rise above it all, follow God, and make a difference!

God Still Writes the Last Chapter

Date: November 11, 2007 | Speaker:

From a very dark time in history when corruption was rampant and every man did what was right in his own eyes, there emerges a story of grace and hope. A young woman named Ruth makes a choice to follow God, and her life is forever changed. Regardless of how dark or hopeless your surroundings may be, you can be that one person who chooses to rise above it all, follow God, and make a difference!

Sustained Through Humility

Date: June 12, 2016 | Speaker:

Jesus Christ is a great man. He is wise, compassionate, gentle, approachable, loving, caring. As a man he is top of the charts for a potential husband. He is the Son of God and is one with his Father. His bride, the church, is made up of people, but what kind of people? And how does Jesus show his love for his bride?


Satisfied In Christ

Date: June 19, 2016 | Speaker:

C.S Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity; “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world”. We have hopes, dreams, and expectations in life. But what happens when those dreams, hopes, and expectations aren’t fulfilled. Do we react like a 3 year old whose balloon just popped, or is there something better to ground us as we experience the ebbs and flows of life?