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The Life Changing Power of Jesus

Date: May 17, 2009 | Speaker:

In the Gospels we see the disciples arguing, doubting, and abandoning Jesus, but when you reach Acts you see a totally transformed group of men. What happened? Their lives were radically changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and by their risen Lord. Yes, Jesus truly does change people. Has He changed your life?

What are You Devoted To?

Date: May 31, 2009 | Speaker:

It’s easy to devote ourselves to something, whether it’s to our marriage, our family, or to the Lord, but then realize over time that our devotion has faded. The believers in Acts 2 not only devoted themselves to the Lord’s work, but they were “continually devoting” themselves to it. What area of your life were you once devoted to, but now you’re miles off course because you have not been “continually devoting” yourself to it?


Date: June 7, 2009 | Speaker:

What is it that you get the most excited to talk about… your team winning the ballgame last night? Your new car? That exciting vacation? The believers in the early church were so excited about Jesus, that even when they were threatened and warned to stop speaking in His name, they replied, “We cannot help speaking about Jesus.” Basically, they were saying, “Beat us, torture us, even kill us… it doesn’t matter because we cannot stop talking about our Lord!” They were literally unstoppable! No wonder they were a church on fire!

The Strange Plans of God

Date: June 21, 2009 | Speaker:

As the first church began to explode with growth and unlimited possibility, one of its brightest and best young leaders–a man named Stephen–was brutally murdered for his faith. Who would have thought that something so awful and unfair would have ever been part of God’s plans for the church? And yet God used this event to scatter the church and spread the Gospel to other places. Often in life God’s plan seem so strange, even unkind, yet we must trust His plans and hold to the promise that God knows what He is doing.

Amazing Grace

Date: June 28, 2009 | Speaker:

As Stephen was being brutally murdered, a man named Saul was watching and giving his approval. It seems unthinkable that a cold hearted man like Saul would go on to become the greatest voice of the church and write half the New Testament. Yet the fact that someone like that can be completely transformed is a testimony of God’s amazing grace! No matter what road a person is on, God’s grace can still turn them around.

Committed to the Mission

Date: July 5, 2009 | Speaker:

Churches everywhere are filled with people who have made a commitment to Jesus… but many of those people have never made a commitment to the “mission” of Jesus. They took a step towards the cross to be saved, but they have never taken the next step to go beyond the cross and live out their lives for the cause of Christ. Today’s messages challenges us to not just make a commitment to Jesus, but to make a commitment to the mission of Jesus as well.

Committed to Community

Date: July 12, 2009 | Speaker:

When humans are placed in solitary confinement for long periods of time, they often begin to lose their mind, because we were created for relationships. In our fast-paced world, “community” is almost a lost art. But if we are ever going to be a church on fire, we must be committed to community, as the early church was. Unless our lives are closely intertwined with the lives of other believers, we will never be all that God intends for us to be.

Committed to Worship

Date: July 19, 2009 | Speaker:

It’s easy to show up at a church service on Sunday morning and worship… but how many people are merely going through the motions? God does not accept worship if our hearts are far from Him and if our lives are not fully committed to Him. Do you know what God is looking for in your life before your worship will be pleasing to Him?

The Difference Easter Makes

Date: April 12, 2009 | Speaker:

In a world of false advertising and empty promises, it’s no wonder people are skeptical. Products promise to improve our lives, but very few live up to their claims. The Bible also makes some pretty outrageous claims of how the risen Lord promises to change our lives, but the question remains… “What difference does Easter really make?” Because Jesus conquered sin and death, our past can be forgiven, our present can have meaning, and our future can be secure!

Getting a Broken Heart for a Cause

Date: March 1, 2009 | Speaker:

A destructive trend has been taking place in the church over the years. Rather than remaining focused on its mission in the world, the church has become almost totally preoccupied with itself, and now resembles a clubhouse more than a lighthouse. What would happen if the church in America once again got a broken heart for those outside its own walls? What would God do?

Getting a Broken Heart for People

Date: March 8, 2009 | Speaker:

Even with 20/20 vision, it is still possible to not “see” people like we really need to see them. How would it change our lives, our churches, and our communities if we could truly see people through the eyes of Jesus and have compassion for them like He did? This message challenges us to have eyes that see, a heart that breaks, and hands that reach.

Doing Whatever it Takes

Date: May 22, 2009 | Speaker:

The Bible tells a story of four men who were so determined to get a crippled man to Jesus, that they ripped the roof off a house to get him there! They were willing to do whatever it took. As followers of Christ, are we truly willing to do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus, despite the obstacles, despite the inconvenience, despite the cost? We never will be until we fully understand how much is at stake.