Search Results

Possessing the Land

Date: March 29, 2009 | Speaker:

God called the children of Israel out of Egypt for a specific mission — to go and possess the Land of Canaan. But because of their disobedience, they ended up wandering in circles for 40 years, missing the target. It is so easy for the church today to be caught up in busy work, thinking we’re making progress, but not really making any real progress at all because we’re not going where God wants us to go. Is there any “land” that God wants us to possess for His kingdom that we are failing to possess?

Giving God His Due

Date: February 8, 2009 | Speaker:

In these tough economic times, giving to God is often the first thing we cut from our budget in order to stretch our income further. But do we really understand the biblical principles behind this issue, and the consequences of keeping what rightfully belongs to God? During these hard times, may we continue to demonstrate our faith by giving God His due.

You Are a Saint!

Date: August 24, 2008 | Speaker:

Imagine living your entire life without ever realizing you were the heir to an enormous fortune! Sadly, many Christians live without ever knowing all that they have been given in Christ. Join us for this study through the book of Ephesians as we discover the incredible spiritual blessings we have in Jesus Christ.

Are You in Christ?

Date: August 31, 2008 | Speaker:

Throughout this letter to the Ephesians, Paul repeatedly uses the phrase “in Christ”. These are two of the most important words in all of life. Whether or not we are in Christ will determine our eternal destiny, and it will also determine how we live here on earth. Are you in Christ?

God Paid the Ultimate Price for You

Date: September 14, 2008 | Speaker:

In times of slavery, people would often sell all they had to buy the freedom of a family member who had been enslaved. But the highest price ever paid to buy someone’s freedom was paid when Jesus willingly died on the cross to redeem us from our sin. You are loved, because God paid the ultimate price for you!

You’ve Been Invited into God’s Presence

Date: September 21, 2008 | Speaker:

For centuries, God’s followers were never allowed to enter His presence, except through the High Priest once a year. But when Jesus died on the cross, all believers were given full access into His presence. What an amazing thought that we have been invited into the presence of God!

Remember What You Used to Be

Date: November 2, 2008 | Speaker:

Paul reminds the believers in Ephesus of what they used to be before Jesus came — without hope and without God in the world. Since they were all lost without Jesus, he warns them not to discriminate against others who are lost or who are different from them. This is a healthy reminder for our churches today!

Break Down Your Dividing Walls!

Date: November 9, 2008 | Speaker:

A dividing wall existed in the Temple in Jerusalem to keep the Gentiles out. Signs were posted warning them of the death penalty if they entered into the worship area. When Jesus died, He destroyed all dividing walls and allowed everyone to enter in by faith. And while churches today do not have literal dividing walls and warning signs, many “walls” still exist to keep certain people out. Are there any dividing walls you need to break down?

If You Only Knew

Date: November 30, 2008 | Speaker:

Paul closes Ephesians chapter 3 with some of the most powerful words ever written. He prays that we will all come to know two critical things: 1) How much God loves us, and 2) How much God wants to do through us. If we only knew those two things and lived like they were true, what a difference it would make in our lives!

You Are Children of God. Walk Like It!

Date: January 11, 2009 | Speaker:

Just before Princess Margaret walked to the microphone to make her first speech as a young girl, her mother, Queen Elizabeth, leaned over and said, “You are a princess. Walk like one!” In Eph. 4:1, the apostle Paul issues a similar challenge to us as believers. He urges us to live up to the high calling we have received in Christ. Are you walking in a manner worthy of the King you represent?

Getting Past Your Past

Date: January 18, 2009 | Speaker:

Is there anything in your past that is holding you back from becoming all that God wants you to be? No matter who you are, no matter where you’ve been, no matter what you’ve done, God can take your past and turn it into something beautiful for Him. Because of what Christ did on the cross, you can get past your past!