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Date: April 20, 2008 | Speaker:

As LifePoint begins to take our first step towards world missions, there are three key words that will define our entire focus… PRAY, GIVE, GO! We must always remember that the starting point is prayer. Today’s message is a reminder to everyone of the incredible power that comes through prayer, and a challenge for us all to begin this journey on our knees.


Date: April 27, 2008 | Speaker:

Talking about “Giving” should not be something that we, as followers of Jesus Christ, should dread. The truth is, God has given us the incredible opportunity of partnering with Him in the greatest adventure of a lifetime — being involved in His Kingdom work! Jesus said that the location of our treasure indicates the location of our heart, and if we are investing our treasure into eternal things, our heart will be there also. This encouraging sermon will give you a fresh perspective on giving!

Why Should I Believe the Bible? (Part 1)

Date: February 24, 2008 | Speaker:

It doesn’t much matter what you believe about Time Magazine, the JC Penney catalogue, or Gulliver’s Travels… but it matters immensely what you believe about the Bible. If the Bible is indeed what it claims to be, then the implications for all of us are enormous! Today we examine some of the remarkable evidence that makes the Bible unlike any other book that has ever been written — a book that has withstood every criticism leveled against it, and despite many attempts by tyrants throughout history to wipe it off the face of the earth, the Bible continues to be the best-selling book of all time.

Why Should I Believe the Bible? (Part 2)

Date: March 2, 2008 | Speaker:

The Bible claims to be the actual words of God; the absolute truth and final authority on life. Either it is or it isn’t… there’s no third option! But if the Bible is to be completely trusted, then it must be totally reliable and accurate in every area to which it speaks; not just doctrinally, but scientifically and historically as well. Today we uncover some stunning scientific and archaeological facts that the Bible wrote about centuries before man ever discovered them!

Why Should I Believe the Bible? (Part 3)

Date: March 9, 2008 | Speaker:

Without a doubt, one of the greatest proofs of the Bible’s claims of Divine inspiration is the fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies with absolute pinpoint accuracy, each of which can be verified by secular history. More than 300 prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus alone, including events He could not have controlled, like the exact time, place, and circumstances of His own birth!Β The chances of just eight of those prophecies being fulfilled in one person has been calculated to be 1 in 10 to the 17th power. Thats 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. And Jesus fulfilled more than 300 such prophecies!

Why Should I Believe in God?

Date: March 16, 2008 | Speaker:

How can we know God really exists? We’ve never seen Him or talked to Him in person, so what evidence is there for us to know that He is real? In this message we will explore a number of solid reasons to believe in God, including 1) the evidence of intelligent design in the universe–creation vs. evolution, 2) the universal sense of right and wrong, and 3) the universal need to worship.

Why Should I Believe in Jesus?

Date: March 23, 2008 | Speaker:

Jesus made some pretty outrageous claims during His time on Β earth… claiming to be sent from God, claiming to be equal with God, claiming to have always existed, claiming to have the power to forgive sins, and most of all, claiming to rise from the dead. Why should anyone believe His claims? Today’s message looks at seven major historical evidences that lend remarkable proof to the claims of Jesus. If He truly was who He claimed to be, then the most important question in all of life is, “What will I do with Jesus?”

Why Should I Believe in the Church?

Date: March 30, 2008 | Speaker:

Do followers of Jesus really need to be part of a church family? Can’t we do just fine living the Christian life by ourselves? What’s the point of the church anyway? Isn’t the church just full of hypocrites? Despite its flaws and failures over the years, the church is still the greatest and most important organism on this planet, because it is the living Body of Christ — the one and only entity that God has chosen to spread the message of salvation to all mankind! Find out today why we need the church and why the church needs us.

Why Should I Believe in Heaven?

Date: April 6, 2008 | Speaker:

Is heaven a real place or just a figment of our imagination? Is it merely the stuff of fairy tales and legends, or a real place that we can go when we die? How can we know for sure? If heaven is not real, then let’s live this life completely for ourselves and give no thought for eternity. But if heaven is real, what impact should it have on our lives right now?

Don’t Lose Your First Love

Date: February 17, 2008 | Speaker:

As Christians, it is possible for us to have solid doctrine, impeccable church attendance, generous giving and faithful service, but to be doing all those things out of routine rather than out of a heart of love for the Lord. The Bible strongly warns us against worshiping God in this way. Today’s message is a reminder of the danger of losing our first love.

A God Worth Trusting

Date: January 13, 2008 | Speaker:

As we go through life, we all experience what it’s like to have our trust broken — in relationships, in business deals, through false advertising — and the list goes on. We quickly learn that trust is a very fragile thing that is as easily broken as a spider’s web. All those experiences teach us to become cautious, even skeptical of others. And then along comes God, and the very first thing He asks us to do is to put our trust in Him! But how can we know for sure that God is worth trusting; that He won’t let us down like others have?