Sermons by Phil Pike

Your Worst Can Become God’s Best

Date: October 27, 2019

Anyone watching Moses during the middle years of his life would have concluded that he would never amount to anything. He was a murderer and a fugitive who ended up living in a desert. Surely he had completely ruined his chances of ever being useful to God. Yet, behind the scenes, God was using all these things to prepare Moses for one of the most important assignments in the Bible. Are there failures, fears or disappointments in your life holding you back? Those may be the very things God uses for your greatest service to Him in the days to come!

Upheld by the Providence of God

Date: October 20, 2019

Are there situations in your life right now that have brought you so much pain or fear or discouragement that you are beginning to doubt God’s love and faithfulness? Do your prayers sometimes feel like they are falling on deaf ears? No matter how long you may have to wait for an answer, you can be absolutely certain of this: God’s providence is at work behind the scenes, orchestrating all things for His ultimate glory, and you can trust Him through it all.

The Faith that Sustains You to the End

Date: October 13, 2019

It has been said that we will never truly know how to live until we have learned how to die. This simply means, unless our faith for what happens to us after death is firmly anchored in the truth of God’s promises, we will live our entire life filled with uncertainty and fear. So what are you counting on to get you through death? Your accomplishments, your money, your friends won’t do you any good when that time comes. There is only one thing you can trust in completely when life is over, and you either have it right now, or you don’t!

Where is God When Life Hurts?

Date: October 6, 2019

When life turns out differently than we had hoped, when our plans are dashed, when hardships and suffering come our way, we tend to say, “God, where are you?” This is because we are basing God’s presence and love for us on our immediate circumstances instead of on His Word. Joseph was a young man whose life was filled with trials, yet he continued trusting in God, even through the tears and pain. He could do this because he knew that, despite the trouble that came his way, God was with him, and He was using it all for His greater purpose.

The Gracious Wounds of God

Date: September 22, 2019

At times in life we tend to go our own way instead of walking with God. In fact, sometimes we don’t just walk away from Him, we actually run! But if we truly belong to Him, He will not let us run forever. Often He will have to break us, wound us, in order to keep us from going astray and forgetting our dependence upon Him. These wounds might be painful, but they are really the marks of grace. They are proof that He knows us and loves us enough to keep us close to His side.

Finding What You’ve Been Searching For

Date: September 15, 2019

Many people spend their lives searching for something to fill up the empty ache they feel inside. They look for fulfillment in relationships, career, money, status… yet they soon realize that those things are not the answer. That emptiness every person feels inside is there for a reason, and that’s because sin separated us from God and left us incomplete. There is only one way to satisfy that empty longing forever, and today’s message tells us exactly how.

God’s Love is Bigger Than Your Failures

Date: September 8, 2019

Jacob had ruined his life. He had lied to and cheated his family, and now he was about to pay! When his brother threatened to kill him, Jacob fled for his life, and while running away from his sin, he ran straight into God! Surprisingly, God met Jacob in love, and it changed his life. Sometimes we also try to run from the consequences of our sin, but we must remember that God’s love is greater than our sin! He longs to restore us to Himself if we will just surrender.

Trusting God’s Word to the Very End

Date: August 25, 2019

As we have studied the lives of Abraham and Sarah, we have learned many lessons from both their failures and their faith. But despite every setback and every obstacle, God’s plans prevailed, and ultimately they trusted God’s Word right to the very end of their lives. Can the same be said of us? Is our faith in God so secure that regardless of the problems that may arise, our trust in His Word will stand firm to the very end?

What Would You Not Give Up for God?

Date: July 14, 2019

When we give clothing, furniture or other items to charities, we typically give things that are old and worn; items that have lost their value to us. But what if a charity asked people to give their most valuable possession in the world? They probably wouldn’t receive a single donation. Today we look into an event where God asked Abraham to sacrifice the most beloved treasure he had. Abraham’s response is both shocking and inspiring, and it raises the question, “What would you not give up if God asked you for it?”

So Close But So Far Away

Date: July 7, 2019

We cringe when we hear about the heir who inherited a fortune and squandered it all, or the person who was entrusted to carry on a famous legacy, only to soil the family name in disgrace. Sometimes people can literally be surrounded by things that others only dream of, yet fail to do anything worthwhile with them. Today we see a young man who grew up in the presence of God’s covenant promises, but he chose to mock it and walk away from it all.

What Gives God the Right to Judge Me?

Date: June 30, 2019

Maybe you’ve heard someone say, “If God is loving and kind, He would never judge anyone!” That may sound logical, but those same people cry out for justice and judgement the instant their child or spouse falls victim to a terrible crime. Their actions prove that wrong doing and evil must be judged. The lack of justice is, itself, wrong. Today we look at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and see why judgement had to fall. But we also see that God’s desire to save is far greater than His desire to punish!

How Long Will You Wait for God?

Date: June 23, 2019

Waiting. It is no one’s favorite thing to do. We wait in traffic, in stores, at doctor’s offices. We wait for our vacation days to get here, children wait eagerly for Christmas morning… it seems we spend a lot of our life waiting. But have you ever waited 24 years for anything? God promised that He would do certain things for Abram, but 24 years later, Abram was still waiting! Today we discover some things Abram learned through this experience that can help us in our own waiting.