Sermons by Phil Pike

Are You Still Hiding from God?

Date: February 24, 2019

Satan enticed Adam and Eve to sin against God, and the first thing they became aware of was their nakedness. Their shame forced them to cover themselves and go into hiding from God’s presence. Sin still causes us to do the very same thing today. It strips us bare and leaves us feeling shame and guilt, so our first instinct is to hide from God. But just as God came calling for Adam, He is calling for us to come and be forgiven and clothed by Him. Are you willing to come out of hiding into His presence?

Flirting with Temptation

Date: February 17, 2019

God created the perfect world for man and woman to enjoy, along with everything they could ever want. But He also gave them the freedom to choose whether or not they would obey Him. Sadly, they abused this privilege by choosing to sin, and soon found their entire world collapsing around them. We, too, have the choice of following God’s commands and enjoying His pleasure, or pursuing temptation and suffering the painful consequences. What choices are you making today?

The Day Man Met His Match

Date: February 10, 2019

Explorers, sailors and hikers have described the feelings of isolation and fear from being lost and completely cut off miles from all human contact for days, or even weeks. But imagine if you were the only person on earth! Adam knew what that was like for a short while, until God created a partner for him, and that’s the day he met his perfect match. God is the creator of relationships, so He has more to teach us than anyone. Are we following His instructions in our relationships?

We Are God’s Image Bearers

Date: February 3, 2019

God created all the animals, birds, fish and plants after their own kind, but He made human beings in the image and likeness of God. Every day, in every situation, wherever we go, whatever we’re doing, whatever we’re saying, always remember that we are bearing the image of God! We are His representatives to the world, reflecting His image to others. Are they seeing the best possible picture of God in us? Is the image of God in us so beautiful that it draws people to Him, or drives them away? This is a wonderful privilege we’ve been given, and also a great responsibility.

Don’t Forget Who’s in Charge!

Date: January 27, 2019

In our country, citizens can vote leaders in or out of office, but in days of old when kings ruled, they had absolute authority over their entire domain. Everyone who lived within the king’s domain were his subjects. The Bible begins in Genesis 1 with an amazing display of God’s power and authority, letting us know that He is King over everything. From the smallest ant to the biggest galaxy, all creation obeys His voice. But do we? Do our thoughts, our words and our actions give evidence that God is the ruler of our lives, and that we are living in subjection and obedience to Him?

In the Beginning, God…

Date: January 20, 2019

To believe anything in the Bible, you must believe the very first verse in the Bible. A person who does not believe Genesis 1:1 will never believe the rest of the Bible. This opening statement declares boldly that there is, in fact, one true God who has existed forever, who created everything, and who therefore owns everything, including our lives. This single sentence, “In the beginning, God created…” makes it clear that we are not here by random chance; that our lives do have extraordinary meaning, value and purpose, and that there actually is a higher Authority to whom we must answer. Have you ever come to terms with this truth?

How the Bible Defies the Odds

Date: January 13, 2019

Take 40 people to the library and tell them to choose any books they want. Some people must choose more than one so that there are 66 books in all. What are the odds that all 66 books would be in agreement and form one continuous story? It is statistically impossible! The 66 books of the Bible were written by 40 authors from diverse backgrounds, living over a period of about 1,500 years, and yet when all 66 books are brought together, they form one complete, unified story from beginning to end. This is just more evidence confirming the Divine authorship of this amazing Book.

Can We Trust the Bible?

Date: January 6, 2019

Do you believe the Bible is really a supernatural book inspired by God? If so, why do you believe that? Is it just because that’s what you were taught growing up, but you’ve never examined it for yourself? Are you absolutely certain that the Bible is true and trustworthy? Today we explore some of the amazing historical and scientific evidence that demonstrates the Divine authorship of this incredible Book, and you’ll have even more reasons to know that you really can trust the Bible!

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Peace

Date: December 24, 2018

In December 1914, several countries were engaged in one of the bloodiest battles the world had ever seen. But they reached a stalemate and could not advance any further. The troops dug trenches and continued to lob artillery at one another. Then something unexpected and amazing happened on Christmas Eve. Both sides began to sing “Silent Night”, and as their voices filled the cold night air, peace filled their hearts, and soon they met in the middle to shake hands as friends and brothers. Jesus is the only One who can bring true peace into our troubled lives. Do you know this peace?

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Salvation

Date: December 23, 2018

You have probably received some strange gifts at different times in your life; things that ended up in a closet or in the attic because you simply had no use for them. But once in a while you get a gift that seems perfectly suited for you. When Jesus came into the world, He brought us the costliest, most thoughtful and most practical gift ever given — the gift of salvation. It is the one gift you cannot afford to live without, or die without! He is offering it to you today. Have you ever received it?

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Comfort

Date: December 16, 2018

For many people, Christmas is their favorite time of the year. They enjoy fireplaces, hot chocolate and gatherings with family and friends. But for others, Christmas is the most difficult time of the year. For them it stirs painful memories of a broken relationship, or a loved one who is no longer alive. When Jesus came into the world, He brought us the gift of comfort. If you’re hurting today, you don’t have to suffer alone. Jesus longs to give you this gift of comfort!

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Hope

Date: December 2, 2018

If we’re not careful, it’s easy for all our hopes and prayers to revolve around us. “God, please take away these problems… give me more money… a happier marriage… a nicer house…” While there’s nothing wrong with having hopes and dreams, we often fail to realize that our greatest needs are actually much deeper. Jesus came to give us a brand new kind of hope, one that truly satisfies and lasts forever! Is your hope in Him?