Sermons by Phil Pike

The Secret of Contentment

Date: June 8, 2014

Have you ever known someone who seemed to have it all, and yet it wasn’t enough? On the other hand, have you ever known someone who had very little, and they were bitter and resentful because others had more than they did? But the real question is, how content are you? Once you learn the secret of contentment, God’s power will be alive in you, and your life will be a blessing and an inspiration to others.

God’s Remedy for Worry

Date: June 1, 2014

The economy, loss of jobs, our health, our finances, our children, the future — there are plenty of things in life that can fill us with worry and anxiety. In fact, if we allow it to, worry can become all-consuming and drain us of our joy and effectiveness. But we are not just helpless victims destined to live in the stranglehold of fear! The Bible shows us how we can rise above our anxious thoughts and find a supernatural peace that comes only from God.

Trading Your Past for God’s Future

Date: May 18, 2014

“If God has forgiven me, why don’t I feel forgiven?” Have you ever asked that question? As Christians, we know that God has forgiven all our sin and He has promised to never remember it again. Why, then, do we so often still feel haunted and condemned by things in our past? If you’ve ever wrestled with this issue, today’s sermon will help you understand why that happens and how you can move beyond your past into the future God has for you! (Audio problems at the beginning will clear up within the first few minutes)

I Want To Know Christ!

Date: May 11, 2014

A bride on her wedding day would never dream of saying to her new husband, “Thanks for the ring and the lovely ceremony, but I’m leaving now to go live life on my own.” Many people can tell you the time and place they were saved, but they have never had a relationship with Jesus since then. The Bible says if we have truly been saved, our lives will be characterized by an ongoing desire to know Christ more and more. Is that your desire?

Life’s Most Profitable Loss

Date: May 4, 2014

When the Titanic was sinking, many wealthy passengers left money, priceless jewels, and artwork behind as they fled to the lifeboats. What had been so valuable to them just minutes before was now worthless in comparison to saving their lives. There are things we sometimes place high values on that we think will make us right with God — good works, being a church member, etc. — but the Bible says all these are worthless compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ. Discover the secret Paul knew and see why he could truly say that Christ was his greatest treasure.

How Has the Resurrection Changed You?

Date: April 20, 2014

An encounter with the risen Savior changes everything. After Jesus rose from the dead, he purposefully and intentionally met with certain people to strengthen and encourage them in some way. Each one, having met their risen Savior, walked away from the encounter, forever changed. Have you encountered the risen Son of God? Have you been forever changed?

The Joy of the Cross

Date: April 13, 2014

As Jesus drew closer to the cross, knowing all the suffering and anguish that awaited Him there, the Bible says that there was a joy for Him in enduring the cross. What kind of joy could Jesus possibly have found in such a horrific event, and what can we learn from this when facing struggles and suffering of our own?

He Died In My Place

Date: March 2, 2014

When something monumental occurs in our life, it has the power to change us forever. Depending on the circumstance, we may want to erase that event from our memory, or intentionally remember how greatly we have been impacted by it. How important is Jesus Christ’s sacrifice to us? How often do we really focus on what He has done for us? (The last few minutes of this message were lost, but the heart of the message is still intact for you to listen to.)

How To Miss Heaven When You Die

Date: July 21, 2013

There is a half-built highway bridge in Cape Town, South Africa that comes to an abrupt end and hangs perilously in midair. If you were to drive on this road, you would think it was taking you somewhere, but you would soon plunge off the end to your demise. The same is true with salvation. Many people follow patterns and lifestyles they think will take them to heaven, but when they reach the end of life, they will plunge into a godless eternity. What are you trusting in to make you right with God and take you to heaven when you die? Make absolutely sure it is not one of the false hopes for eternity the Bible warns us about!

Being Willing To Do What You Can

Date: July 14, 2013

There are people in the Bible whose names we know very well. Sermons are preached about them, Sunday School lessons are taught about them, even books have been written about them. But there is a hidden hero in the Bible who was highly praised by Paul for serving faithfully in the shadows and for simply being willing to do what he could. Are you serving the Lord without recognition or applause? Take heart! God sees your service, and He will reward you one day!

Why God Hates Grumbling

Date: July 7, 2013

If we were asked to list destructive sins that stir God’s anger and hinder the light of the gospel from shining, complaining and grumbling would probably not even make it on the list. And yet God puts grumbling right alongside the sin of idol worship, paganism and sexual immorality! Why? Because grumbling is a sign of an ungrateful heart towards God’s goodness, and it severely damages the testimony of the gospel. Is your life characterized by a grateful spirit or an undercurrent of complaining?