Sermons by Phil Pike

Finding Satisfaction that Lasts Forever

Date: June 30, 2013

There are inner hungers within every human heart that long to be fulfilled. The heart yearns to know, “Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Does my life have any real meaning and purpose?” While we may search for answers to these questions in the things of this world, we will always be left empty and unsatisfied. That is because the fulfillment to man’s deepest longings can only be found in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.” If you turn to Him, you will discover satisfaction that lasts forever!

Walking in the Humble Steps of Jesus

Date: June 9, 2013

It is staggering to think of everything Jesus left behind to come to earth and save us! He set aside all His kingly rights, made himself nothing, and became a humble servant to show us what sacrificial love really looks like. However, it is not enough for us to admire His humility from a distance. The Bible calls us to humble ourselves in exactly the same way and to love others as Jesus loved us.

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Date: June 2, 2013

The war that killed more American soldiers than any other war in history was the Civil War. More lives were destroyed by fighting among ourselves than by fighting an outside enemy. The same is true in the church. If Satan can get us to turn our swords on each other, the gospel will never advance, and the name of Christ will be tarnished in the eyes of a watching world once again. Are you contributing to the unity or disunity of your church?

Are We Living Worthy of the Gospel?

Date: May 26, 2013

Philippians 1:27 urges us to live lives worthy of the gospel of Christ. This literally means that our lives should give equal weight and value to the sacrifice that Christ made by giving His life for us. If His death was placed on one side of an old-fashioned scale and our life was placed on the other side, would it reveal that we are living in a way that measures up to what He did for us? Are our lives an appropriate reflection of the gospel?

Our Dying Savior Gives New Life

Date: May 19, 2013

The death of Christ on the cross changes more than our legal status before God in heaven. It does more than just save us from our sins and give us a home in heaven. His death must also bring about a complete change in our daily walk here on earth. It is impossible for anyone to have a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ and walk away unchanged! Today we celebrate not only the death Jesus died, but the life He gives. Are you living that new life?

To Die is Gain

Date: May 5, 2013

Death. It’s a topic no one likes to talk about. People do everything they can to stay young as long as possible and extend their life in the hopes of delaying the inevitable. Even many Christians are afraid to think about death. But as followers of Christ, we not only have nothing to fear about death, the Bible tells us that dying will actually be our greatest day ever! If we can truly say, “For me to live is Christ,” then the last half of that statement will also be true: “…and to die is gain!” Join us for a very uplifting and encouraging look at this normally gloomy subject.

To Live is Christ

Date: April 28, 2013

What are you living for? It’s a simple question, yet how you answer it has profound implications. For the apostle Paul, the answer was unmistakable. He said, “For me to live is Christ!” Could your life’s statement be that clear; that there would be no need for additional words or further explanations? Is Christ the very purpose, priority, and passion of your existence?

Enduring Trials for God’s Glory

Date: April 21, 2013

Some people teach that God never uses pain or trials or sickness to bring about His will. While this may sound good, it is absolutely not biblical. As we will see today, God uses many things, including suffering, to bring about His purpose. The question is not whether we will face trials, but whether we will respond to them in ways that glorify God. If you are in the middle of a painful, confusing time in life right now, we pray that this message will be a great encouragement to you!

Will God Ever Give Up On Me?

Date: April 14, 2013

Paul opens his letter to the church in Philippi with incredible words of love and encouragement, thanking them for their faithful partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now. Then he tells them that it was God who saved them, and it will be God who carries their salvation on to completion. He is reminding them that there is nothing they can do through their own efforts to earn salvation or to keep their salvation secure. If you ever worry about losing your salvation, these are great verses to help you settle this matter once and for all.

The Strange Leading of the Holy Spirit

Date: April 7, 2013

The great church in Philippi began, not through clever planning and brilliant strategy, but because of “failed” plans by a missionary team. They had planned to take the Gospel into Asia, but the Holy Spirit would not allow them to go there, and sent them instead to the city of Philippi where they were severely beaten and thrown into prison. Surely this could not be God’s will for them! Yet out of that hardship came a beautiful church. Are you learning to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, even when His plans don’t make sense?

The Incredible Exchange

Date: March 31, 2013

We’ve all been conned into a bad deal or two in our lifetime. But God comes to us this Easter weekend and offers us a deal that is so amazing, it would make no sense to refuse. He is inviting us to become part of the incredible exchange that took place on the cross and the empty tomb 2,000 years ago. That is when God took all of our sinfulness and placed it on Jesus, and God took all of His sinlessness and placed it on us, and for all who accept this offer, God no longer sees us as rotten sinners, He sees us righteous sons. Have you accepted this offer? It is the greatest deal you will ever make, and it will result in the greatest change you will ever experience!

Don’t Just Make a Living. Make a Life!

Date: March 10, 2013

God has a specific purpose for every one of us to play in His redemptive mission on this earth. He has a “life purpose” for us that is bigger than our “life provision.” The trouble is, we spend most of our life pursuing our provision instead of pursuing our purpose. Our life provision is how we make a living… our life purpose is how we make a life! Once you begin to discover your life purpose, you will discover a life of real meaning and joy far beyond the daily 8-5 grind, and you will then be able to live with confidence, knowing exactly what your role is in God’s great plan!