Sermons by Phil Pike

Living With Purpose Right Where You Are

Date: November 18, 2012

It’s an awesome thing to see God moving through you to touch the lives of others, and the best part is, you don’t have to earn a special degree, write a best-selling book, or become a great speaker… God wants to use you right where you are with what He has already given you! Did you know that whatever you do for a living, you are just as ordained by God as the pastor who stands in the pulpit every week? It’s true! Today we look at three simple steps you can take to allow God to start using your life in powerful, eternally significant ways right where you are. We encourage you to follow these steps of obedience and watch what God will do through you to impact the lives of others with His love, His light and His hope!

God Chose You for His Team!

Date: November 11, 2012

Remember being on the playground at school when the kids would choose teams for kickball? Did you ever have the awful experience of being the last one chosen, or maybe not being chosen at all? Sadly, many people go through their entire life feeling that God would never want them on His team because they see themselves as having no value at all. If you feel weak, ashamed, broken, overlooked or useless in life, you need to know that God sees great value in you! In fact, you are exactly the person He is looking for to show His greatness through. Listen and be encouraged by today’s message!

He Sees You in the Storm

Date: October 28, 2012

When the storms of life are beating down upon you, it is very easy to forget everything you thought you knew about God. Sometimes when you’re all alone struggling against the wind and waves, it can feel like God has forgotten you. Your prayers seem to go unheard and you wonder if He will ever come to your rescue. In those difficult times, it is vital that you remember three important truths about God. These truths will help you hold on through even the roughest seas and guide you safely to your destination!

He Himself is Our Peace

Date: October 21, 2012

Regardless of who we are or how much we love God, the storms of life are bound to come. We sometimes endure struggles that feel completely overwhelming, and we wonder if God has forgotten all about us. Have you ever felt like the dark clouds would never roll away and let the sun shine again? If so, these sermons will bring you fresh hope and help you find peace in your storm.

Free from the Need to Earn God’s Love

Date: July 8, 2012

Some people grow up without ever hearing their father say, “I love you,” and consequently they spend their entire life doing everything they can to try and earn his love. Often, we as Christians do the same thing with our heavenly Father. We feel like we have to meet certain standards and do enough good things in order to earn God’s love and acceptance. If you are living that way, you are believing a lie! The Bible says we are already fully loved and accepted by God because of what Christ has done, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us more. Come discover what the Bible says about God’s amazing love for you, and learn to live in the freedom and joy of that relationship!

Free from the Power and the Penalty of Sin

Date: July 1, 2012

When a prisoner is pardoned and set free, he doesn’t live the rest of his life hanging around the prison yard and sleeping in his old cell at night. He lives in freedom! When a person receives Jesus as his Savior, he is forgiven and set free from his sin, but unfortunately, many Christians cannot believe they are really free, so they continue to live each day trapped by the power of sin. The Bible tells us that because of Christ, we have been set free from the power and the penalty of sin. This is great news! Listen to today’s message and learn how to live in the freedom you’ve been given!

Blessed To Be A Blessing

Date: June 10, 2012

No one has to teach little children to pull a toy out of another child’s hand and say, “Mine!” We’re all born with that selfish nature in us. And even as adults, we struggle with the same problem. God blesses us with so many things — not only material things, but salvation too — and our tendency is to hold on tightly to those blessings and say, “These are mine!” But the truth is, God blesses us, not only for our benefit, but so we can invest those blessings into the lives of others for His glory. When a church learns to start releasing God’s blessings into the mission of Christ, it will unleash His power and see lives impacted for all eternity!

Truth or Tradition – What are We Fighting For?

Date: June 3, 2012

There are many issues in the church that have caused heated debate and division over the years. Surprisingly, most churches don’t argue over major doctrinal issues, but over far less important matters like what type of music is right or wrong, which instruments are acceptable in the church and which ones are worldly, whether suits and ties are more pleasing to God than casual clothes, etc., etc. If we don’t learn to put these issues into their proper categories, we will end up confusing tradition with truth, and we will be guilty of exactly what Jesus warned us about — trading in the commands of God for the traditions of men!

The Corruption of the Church, Part 2

Date: May 27, 2012

Over the centuries, false doctrine has made its way into the church in many forms, and today there are millions of people being taught things that are absolutely untrue. Many people are told to pray to Mary, that she was sinless, that she is a co-savior with Christ, and even that she rose from the dead and ascended to heaven! How is it possible that churches can teach such things when there is not one verse in the entire Bible to verify these false claims? How did such lies make their way into the church, and what should our response be?

The Corruption of the Church, Part 1

Date: May 20, 2012

When Jesus died on the cross, He opened the way for every believer to have direct access to God through Him. This new relationship was one of the foundational doctrines of the early church, but in 312 A.D. Emperor Constantine of Rome forced a system of lies into the church that completely distorted this biblical truth. Pastors were no longer seen as “Shepherds,” but were renamed Priests and wore visually intimidating robes to elevate themselves above the common man. Church members were falsely told that they now had to go through a Priest in order to reach God, and this began the corruption of the church which continues to this very day!

Church: It’s Not About Buildings and Steeples

Date: May 13, 2012

Ask someone to show you their church and they’ll point to the building where they meet on Sundays. But is that really a church? It is amazing to see just how far our understanding of church has drifted from the Book of Acts. If you had asked any follower of Christ in those days to show you their church, they would have called the other believers together, pointed to them and said, “Here is our church.” Today we think church is a place we go, but we couldn’t be more wrong! Once we regain a correct understanding of what the church really is, it will radically change how we see our role in it.

Church: Whose Idea Was This?

Date: May 6, 2012

Most of us who were raised in Christian circles will spend our entire life involved in the church to one degree or another. But what do we really know about the history of the church? Who started it, and why do we even bother being part of a 2,000-year-old organization, anyway? How has the church survived that long when most other organizations, and even entire nations, have long since failed and vanished from the face of the earth? Why are people willing to give their lives for the church, and exactly how big of a commitment should we be willing to make?