Sermons by Phil Pike

Good News Bad News

Date: April 16, 2023

If your doctor hid the fact that you had cancer because he only liked saying positive things, would you  consider him to be a good doctor? Of course not! Sometimes getting bad news is the best news you could ever get, especially if it would save your life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for mankind, but it also contains some very bad news—that all those who reject Christ will spend eternity in hell separated from God. Right now, every person is either living in the good news of eternal life, or they are living in the bad news of God’s coming judgement. After you die will be too late to make this decision. So, which is it for you? Good news or bad news?

Where is Your Road Taking You?

Date: April 9, 2023

Have you ever been making good time on a trip, but didn’t realize you were on the wrong road? That’s not a big problem when you’re in a car, but if you’re on the wrong road of life it will have eternal consequences. When it comes to life, remember this — what determines your destination tomorrow ‌is the direction you choose to go in today. We’re all on a road to somewhere, and one day that road will come to an end. You will either find yourself exactly where you wanted to end up, or you’ll be somewhere you never intended to go. Your eternal destiny is in the balance. So, where are your choices taking you?

God, What Do You Want From Me?

Date: March 19, 2023

Have you ever tried to please God by doing more religious things like increasing your church attendance, never missing your daily quiet time or giving more money to the church? The fact is, you can’t earn favor with God by doing any of those things. God is not looking for external shows of religion because it’s dangerously easy to be immersed in religious activities, yet be a complete hypocrite in God’s eyes. Today we explore what God actually requires of us, and the list may surprise you! So, are you doing what God wants?

Keep Fighting! God Will Win the War!

Date: March 12, 2023

As followers of Christ we would all have to admit that we have often given in to Satan’s attacks and allowed him to have the victory. At times we may even feel overwhelmed by our sin and wonder if anything good will ever come out of our battles in this life. Be encouraged! God will take even our worst failures and ultimately use them for His glory. Believers throughout history have fallen again and again, but none of their failures have disrupted God’s plan. Keep fighting, and when you fall, get back up. Satan may win some battles over us, but God will win the war!

How to Stand When the Enemy Attacks

Date: March 5, 2023

Did you ever obey God and do the right thing, ‌but the results didn’t turn out like you thought they would, ‌so you started to wonder if ‌doing the right thing was really the right thing to do? It is a mistake to think that if you faithfully live for God, your life will be trouble free as a result. The truth is, when we do choose to live for Him, the forces of hell will be unleashed against us. So what do you do when those attacks come? How do you stand strong when your life seems to be crumbling around you? Today’s message will help you know exactly how to face the enemy, and it will encourage you to press on in this battle we all fight every day.

Out With the New, In With the Old

Date: February 26, 2023

These days people are quick to throw out old things and replace them with the newest version. Sadly that viewpoint has made its way into the church. Leaders are constantly scrambling to find the latest and greatest techniques, believing that they will somehow make the gospel more effective. The Bible says the opposite. Revival doesn’t come by introducing something new. It comes when we return to the things God has already told us in His Word. King Hezekiah led the nation back to God’s old ways and revival swept the land. What might happen if Christians stopped searching for new things in churches, and instead, simply realigned their hearts and lives to the truth of God’s Word?

The Secret to Restoring a Nation

Date: February 19, 2023

What would you say is the first and most important step required to get any nation back on track? Fix the economy, strengthen the military, rebuild the infrastructure? Those things have their place, but none of them have the power to turn a nation around. Nothing will ever change for the better until God is given His rightful place in the hearts of believers again, and until God is given His rightful place in the church again… and it could all begin with you! Are you willing to humbly offer yourself to God as the starting place for revival in your family, your church, your community and your nation?

How Will You Be Remembered When You Die?

Date: February 12, 2023

Every day we live, every choice we make, every thought we think and word we speak, we are making contributions to the legacy that we will leave behind after we die. Out of all the kings who reigned over Jerusalem, king Ahaz is remembered for being the worst of them all. Why? Because he lived a sinful life and led the people away from God… and 2,700 years later, his wicked legacy still lives on! Ahaz was given every opportunity to live for God and do what was right, but he repeatedly chose to go his own way, and in the end he wrecked his own life and destroyed the entire nation. God has promised that anyone who rejects Him will eventually come to ruin, but those who obey and trust Him will be blessed. If you honestly evaluate your own life right now, what kind of legacy do you think you’re writing? Choose today to live for God, and leave a legacy that will bring glory to Him!

Saying Yes to a Costly Call

Date: January 22, 2023

God called Isaiah to spend the rest of his life preaching to a rebellious nation, and was told that no one would listen to his message. That was a difficult assignment! God also calls us to step out and obey Him in various ways throughout our life, and those calls are seldom convenient or easy. Saying yes to God always comes with a cost. It requires laying aside our own desires and plans, and even being willing to suffer and die, if necessary. The call may be hard, but there is no safer, more rewarding place to be than right where God is leading you! Will you be ready to answer God’s calls when they come?

Alive for a Reason

Date: January 15, 2023

Do you ever wonder why you’re here on this earth; why God is keeping you alive, and whether or not there is really any purpose to it all? Yes, the daily grind of life can sometimes feel like a pointless, monotonous routine, but the fact is, there’s much more to this life—to your life—than meets the eye. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your education, your occupation or your level of influence, you are still living and breathing for one reason: God has an assignment for you! You were saved, not as the final step in your spiritual journey, but as the first step to a mission God has created for you to carry out. Wherever God has placed you, He wants you to be a living testimony for Him right there, touching others with His love and pointing them to Him. The only question is, are you willing to accept your assignment and faithfully carry it out?

Stop Treating God Casually!

Date: January 8, 2023

God has been so trivialized in our modern culture that even His name is used as a common curse word! But here’s a sobering truth: What we truly think of God is so absolutely critical that it literally shapes everything we say and do, and it will ultimately determine the outcome of our lives. So, pause for a minute and ask yourself honestly, “What do I really think of God?” Both Isaiah and Job loved and respected God, but the instant they were given a glimpse of His blazing holiness and terrifying power, they fell to their knees in repentance, and their lives were never the same again. May God give us a genuine vision of Himself that will burn away our casual view of Him and forever transform us to worship Him in the fear and reverence He deserves.

Does Our Worship Please God?

Date: January 1, 2023

If God gave us a worship checkup, how well would we do on that test? Our worship services may attract big crowds, may be exciting, and may even be the talk of the town… but does our worship actually please God? After all, His opinion is the only one that counts! Are we worshipping from the heart or simply out of routine? Are we worshipping with sin in our lives and assuming it doesn’t matter? Our worship is a direct reflection of the condition of our heart, so let’s ask God to show us what it really looks like through His eyes, and then be willing to surrender anything that is hindering us from offering pure worship to Him.