Sermons by Phil Pike

Broken but Blessed

Date: October 2, 2022

One of the most remarkable details about the life of Christ is often overlooked. The Bible tells us that on the same night Jesus was betrayed; on the same night Peter denied Him; on the same night he was falsely accused, beaten and spat upon… he gave thanks. He gave thanks! How was He able to be thankful even when facing the most excruciating trial of His life? It’s because He trusted His Father’s plan completely and He knew with absolute certainty that even when He was being broken, the very trial that was breaking Him had already been blessed by His Father. We are also called to give thanks in all circumstances, but do we have that same level of trust in our heavenly Father’s plan for us?

Prepare to Meet Your God!

Date: September 11, 2022

No parent enjoys disciplining their children. It grieves us when they sin and have to be corrected. Throughout history God has disciplined His wayward children in hopes of bringing them back to Him. They refused to listen, so eventually God had to give this heartbreaking conclusion: “You have not returned to me… now prepare to meet your God!” That is a sobering statement, and we all need to be prepared for that day! When God looks at your life, would He have to conclude that you have not returned to Him? Why not come back to Him today while He is still calling?

When God’s Patience Runs Out

Date: August 28, 2022

Have you noticed how easy it is to take your relationship with God for granted when everything in life is going well? We continue going to church, singing the songs, serving here and there… but we’re really just going through the motions. In those times, we usually don’t even hear God’s gentle calls for us to return to Him, so He sometimes has to send stronger warnings our way. God is so patient with us, but a day is coming when His tender calls will end and we will hear the Lion roar instead! That will be a terrifying moment that none of us want to face! Don’t wait that long to get your heart back to where God wants it to be. Respond to His call while there is still time.

The Danger of Holding Grudges

Date: August 21, 2022

Everyone has stories of a relative who got offended about something at Thanksgiving dinner 40 years ago, and they still won’t speak to the family today! Holding grudges is like cancer. It spreads and kills if left untreated; but worst of all, it withholds the forgiveness from others that God has already shown to you. If someone has hurt you and you’re finding it hard to forgive them, come and hear what God’s Word says about it. You’ll gain the insight and encouragement you need to free the other person from the clutches of resentment, and you will free yourself at the same time!

God is Still Good When Things are Bad

Date: August 14, 2022

Where do you turn when life turns bad? What do you when your world is filled with chaos, heartache or pain? If you are in a place right now where you feel broken, empty and alone, and it seems like God is miles away, don’t stay there another minute! God is waiting for you to turn around and come back to Him. He will meet you with open arms of forgiveness, but He will go far beyond that… He longs to pour out His goodness and blessings upon you, and to restore the wasted years in your past. Even when things are bad, God is still good, so run to Him today!

The Destructive Consequences of Our Sin

Date: August 7, 2022

One little bug can’t harm a whole crop, but a swarm of locusts can devour and destroy an entire countryside in just minutes! We may not think that our “little” sins will ever harm anyone else, but the ripple effects might actually be felt for generations to come. The book of Joel describes a time when God’s people and their land suffered complete devastation as a result of their sin, and there was only one way to fix it. God called them to be genuinely brokenhearted, to repent of their sin, and to return to Him. If they did this, He promised to restore what they had lost and pour out His blessings upon them once again. If you are away from God right now and suffering the consequences of your sin, you don’t have to stay there! Return to Him today and receive the forgiveness and blessing He longs to give you.

Does Everyone Deserve God’s Grace?

Date: July 31, 2022

“Grace.” It’s a beautiful word and something that we all hope will be shown to us when we sin. But could you name people who you feel don’t deserve grace — people who have personally wronged you and hurt you, or those who are committing terrible evil in the world in general? If so, this message will help you see that you don’t deserve grace any more than they do, and yet God has lavished His grace upon you. The Bible says you have been given grace upon grace! Having freely received God’s grace despite our sin, do we really have grounds for withholding grace from others? Maybe it’s time to find out for sure!

Do You Need a Second Chance?

Date: July 24, 2022

There are certain opportunities in life that only come your way once. If you miss them, you’ll never get a second chance. But you should be encouraged to know that God doesn’t treat us that way when we fail Him. He is a God of fresh starts and new beginnings who is patient and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. When we sin, God has every right to cast us aside forever, yet He forgives all who come to Him and restores them to useful service again. If you’ve failed in some way or you’ve turned away from God, turn back to Him now. He is ready to give you a second chance!

The Blessing of Being Humbled

Date: July 17, 2022

The refining furnace that God sometimes puts us in is both necessary and beautiful. He places us there because—simply put—we need it. Being humbled tests us, proves us and drives us to God; and ultimately, anything that does that is a blessing! Don’t resent those times when God is breaking you of yourself. Thank Him for it and trust in His unfailing wisdom and goodness.

God’s Mercy in Our Failures

Date: January 23, 2022

Most people think that the Book of Jonah is all about a man being swallowed by a huge fish, but actually it’s all about God’s incredible love and mercy for everyone, even those who hate Him. Chapter 1 shows us that even when we disobey God and bring trouble into our lives, He is still ready and eager to provide a way out and bring us back to Himself.

What Is Baptism All About?

Date: January 2, 2022

To people outside the church, baptism seems like a strange ritual. Why dunk people under water? What does that mean, and what does it accomplish? Does getting baptized mean you’ll go to heaven? Can anyone be baptized? In this brief message we’ll answer those and other important questions by seeing what the Bible actually says about baptism.

Longing for His Return

Date: December 19, 2021

Have you ever been stuck in a faraway airport after a long, exhausting trip, watching one flight after another being canceled? You’re tired and hungry, and all you want in that moment is to be home! The struggles and trials of life often remind us that our real home is in heaven, and make us wish we could be there now. In the midst of it all, remember, Jesus is coming back, and when He does, all things will be made new!