Sermons about Abiding

Staying True in a World of Broken Promises

Date: December 15, 2024 | Speaker:

What happens when faithfulness falters? Malachi confronts the people of Israel about their unfaithfulness to God and to one another. Their compromised worship and broken relationships reveal the deeper issue: hearts that have drifted from God’s covenant. This message explores how we, too, can fall into patterns of half-hearted devotion and relational betrayal. Yet God’s call to faithfulness invites us to realign our hearts, honor our commitments, and experience His blessing. Through this passage, we’ll discover what it means to guard our spirits and live as covenant keepers in a world that often disregards sacred promises.

God is Faithful Even When We Falter

Date: November 17, 2024 | Speaker:

Do you ever find yourself wincing at your frequent failures in your walk with God? Are mountaintop victories sometimes followed by valleys of our own making? No life of faith is a straight climb toward perfection, but rather a winding journey of wandering and returning. But here’s the good news: God’s grace meets you every time you stumble, His Word continually calls you back, and His promises invite you to start anew. He knows that you long to be faithful, even when you falter. Take heart in that truth and remember that the only time you fail is when you refuse to get back up!

Escaping the Trap of Empty Religion

Date: June 9, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever found yourself going through the motions of Christianity without truly engaging your heart? Our relationship with God can easily turn into empty routines and religious rituals, so we must guard against this subtle danger. God desires our spiritual service to flow from a vibrant relationship with Him, not from forced habits or the need to keep up appearances. When the world sees God’s truth, mercy, and love radiating through us, they will be drawn to Him. Take a moment today to reflect on why you do what you do for God. Make sure you can honestly say, “Lord, I’m doing it all for you!”

Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow

Date: June 2, 2024 | Speaker:

When faced with a daunting task that looms before you like a mountain, where do you turn for the strength to sustain you today and the hope to carry you through tomorrow? This sermon reminds us that we don’t need to face life’s challenges alone. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have an inexhaustible supply of power for today, and through the sure promise of Christ’s return, we have an anchor of unwavering hope for a glorious future. Our coming Savior is both our Priest and our King—the answer to our desperate need for redemption and righteous rule. Do you lack strength for today’s battles? Do you lack hope for the future? Find encouragement in the truth of God’s Word today!

Faithfulness in the Face of Opposition

Date: April 21, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever started something for God, only to face discouragement and opposition that made you want to quit? In the book of Ezra, the Israelites encountered this very situation as they rebuilt the temple. But through the preaching of God’s Word, their passion was reignited, and they were empowered to persevere. Despite opposition, the people returned to the task with renewed vigor. Discover how staying close to God’s Word can help you overcome attacks, despondency, and spiritual decline. If you’ve grown weary in your journey, find encouragement in His Word today. It will guide, strengthen, and empower you to carry on, even in the most challenging of times.

Overcoming Discouragement

Date: September 24, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever taught a Sunday School class, led a Bible study, or participated in an outreach endeavor, only to witness what appears to be a total lack of results? It can be disheartening to invest so much and reap so little. Even the prophet Jeremiah, a man of steadfast faith, found himself in the depths of discouragement. But in his darkest hour, when he contemplated giving up, it was the unshakable Word of God that brought him back from the precipice of despair. We must remember that even in the midst of apparent fruitlessness, God’s purposes are still at work in ways we cannot see. If you are in a similar place right now, you can find renewed strength and hope in the unfaltering promises of God’s Word!

Waiting When You’re Tired of Waiting

Date: August 13, 2023 | Speaker:

In the midst of life’s trials, our impatience often nudges us towards immediate answers and quick fixes, but it is in these moments that we are called to wait on the Lord’s timing and tune our hearts to His guidance. Just as a masterpiece unfolds with each stroke, so our journey of faith gains meaning and value in patiently waiting for the Master to finish His work in us. Walking by faith without having all the answers can be daunting, but doing so affirms our trust in God. So, if your life is in a holding pattern right now, be still before the Lord and listen for His voice. Even though He often seems slow, He will show up right on time!

Where is God When You Need Him?

Date: August 6, 2023 | Speaker:

You have probably experienced times when God seems silent or absent like He is no longer aware of your struggles. When uncertainty clouds your vision, and you question whether God is at work, be comforted by the truth that His hand is always active, shaping circumstances in ways you may not perceive. Just as the sun continues to shine behind the clouds, so does God’s providence persist even when we are surrounded by shadows. Rejoice in knowing that He can use any means necessary to fulfill His purpose, and when all is said and done, you will be amazed to see just how near He was to you the entire time, even when you didn’t know He was there!

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Date: July 2, 2023 | Speaker:

God created us in His image to have fellowship with Him forever, and to seek Him alone for joy, meaning, and fulfillment. When we disconnect ourselves from Him, we begin an endless search for other things that we hope will satisfy us. These may include money, lust, power, career, relationships, acceptance, and addictions. Those things may satisfy us for a while, but they always leave us empty and thirsty, forcing us to start the search all over again. Have you been looking for life, love, and satisfaction in anything or anyone other than God, yet you’re still exhausted and empty? You need to reconnect your heart to the only true Source of life and living water. When you drink from the water He offers, you will never thirst again!

The Danger of Cold Christianity

Date: June 25, 2023 | Speaker:

If you have surrendered your life to Christ and you faithfully live for Him, then the idea of ever forsaking Him is absolutely unthinkable to you! But don’t get too comfortable. It’s entirely possible to forsake the Lord even while still believing in Him, attending church, and having all the outward appearances of a devoted Christian. We can obey Him out of cold, rigid obedience, and yet have hearts that are miles away from Him. We can say we love Him, but not have an active, vibrant relationship with Him. So, what about you? Have you lost the passion you once had for the Lord? Come back to Him today. He longs to restore the closeness you once enjoyed!

Broken But Blessed

Date: October 2, 2022 | Speaker:

One of the most remarkable details about the life of Christ is often overlooked. The Bible tells us that on the same night Jesus was betrayed; on the same night Peter denied Him; on the same night he was falsely accused, beaten and spat upon… he gave thanks. He gave thanks! How was He able to be thankful even when facing the most excruciating trial of His life? It’s because He trusted His Father’s plan completely and He knew with absolute certainty that even when He was being broken, the very trial that was breaking Him had already been blessed by His Father. We are also called to give thanks in all circumstances, but do we have that same level of trust in our heavenly Father’s plan for us?

You may find this sermon on a similar topic helpful: “Remembering What God Has Done for You”

The Blessing of Being Humbled

Date: July 17, 2022 | Speaker:

The refining furnace that God sometimes puts us in is both necessary and beautiful. He places us there because—simply put—we need it. Being humbled tests us, proves us and drives us to God; and ultimately, anything that does that is a blessing! Don’t resent those times when God is breaking you of yourself. Thank Him for it and trust in His unfailing wisdom and goodness.

Prior to bringing this second sermon in the Unravel Part 4 series, pastor Phil was away for several months recovering from a heart attack and open-heart surgery. That is the reason for the time gap between the first and second sermon in this series.

You can watch the first sermon from Jonah chapter 1 entitled: “God’s Mercy in Our Failures” by clicking this link.