Sermons about Abiding

When Trust Turns Into Trials

Date: May 12, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever stepped out to follow God, only to discover when you got to where you were going, that it didn’t look anything like you thought it would? Has your obedience ever been followed by trials and testing? This is exactly what happened to Abram after he obeyed God’s call. It all started out very different than he must have imagined, but at just the right time, God fulfilled every one of His promises. If you are faithfully following God, but your life isn’t what you hoped for, keep trusting Him. He will not steer you wrong.

Don’t Stop Short of God’s Call

Date: April 28, 2019 | Speaker:

Growing up we were all taught the importance of finishing what we started. This is certainly good advice to live by, but it is even more important in our walk with God. Sometimes we leave things undone that God’s Word has already told us to do, simply because we don’t want to deal with them. We follow where God calls us, but only as long as we’re comfortable. A life lived this way will never see all that God has in store, but will, instead, have to be content with hearing the stories of great faith from those who chose not to settle for less.

Walking with God in a Corrupt World

Date: March 10, 2019 | Speaker:

Are you outnumbered by people at work, at school, or even at home who don’t share your faith? Is your environment filled with foul language, immoral behavior and jokes about Christianity? You’re not the first person to stand for God in an evil world. Today we discover one man who stood out from everyone on earth because he chose to walk daily with God rather than be numbered with unbelievers, and we still remember his name to this very day! Keep standing firm right where you are. God sees and He will remember you!

Flirting with Temptation

Date: February 17, 2019 | Speaker:

God created the perfect world for man and woman to enjoy, along with everything they could ever want. But He also gave them the freedom to choose whether or not they would obey Him. Sadly, they abused this privilege by choosing to sin, and soon found their entire world collapsing around them. We, too, have the choice of following God’s commands and enjoying His pleasure, or pursuing temptation and suffering the painful consequences. What choices are you making today?

A True Disciple Walks in the Spirit

Date: October 21, 2018 | Speaker:

Have you ever prayed, “God, I’m sorry for that sin. I promise I’ll never do it again!” You sincerely meant those words, and you were more determined than ever to do better, but even your most valiant attempts to live a holy life always leave you frustrated and defeated. There’s a good reason we continue to fail in our efforts to live for God, and the Bible tells us how to break these patterns of defeat. By ourselves, we are incapable of living holy lives, but the Spirit of God in us can! Are you allowing Him to live His life through you?

A True Disciple is Filled with the Spirit

Date: October 14, 2018 | Speaker:

When we are saved, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us. His role in our lives is indispensable, and yet He is the least acknowledged and least appreciated person of the Trinity. If we truly understood all that He does for us every moment of every day, and the devastation our lives would be in without His convicting, teaching, guiding and empowering, we would appreciate Him far more, and we would long to be filled with Him continuously. Today we learn how we can be filled with the Spirit, and what that actually means.

A True Disciple is Obedient and Loving

Date: October 7, 2018 | Speaker:

We all have our own ideas of what love is, but the Bible provides the only true definition. It tells us that we cannot just say we love God and love others; our actions must back up our words. We prove our love for God, not by talking about it, but by obeying His commands. And we prove our love for others, not through words, but by serving them and sacrificing ourselves for them, just as Jesus did for us. If we don’t obey God, we don’t love Him. If we’re not serving others, we don’t love them. So, how is your love?

A True Disciple is Saved and Surrendered

Date: September 30, 2018 | Speaker:

The first mark of a true disciple is that he is saved. Jesus said there are many people doing religious things in His name, yet they will be turned away from heaven because they were never really born again. But salvation is just the first step. Once we’re saved, we cannot continue to run our own lives. We must turn over the throne of our heart to Him, surrendering everything to His leadership. It is difficult to give up control, but the truth is, our lives will never make sense or be fulfilling until the One who made us is completely in charge.

You are the Light of the World

Date: September 23, 2018 | Speaker:

If you light a candle in a room that is already filled with light, the candle will not make any difference. But light that same candle in a totally dark room, and the darkness will disappear. The Bible tells us that we live in a world of spiritual darkness, and that we are to be a light in that darkness. Our light was never meant to be kept inside the church. It was meant to be taken into the dark world. Is there anyone in your circle of influence who could use your light right now?

Are You Following the Right Christ?

Date: March 6, 2016 | Speaker:

Just because someone teaches from the Bible, does that mean they are teaching the truth? John warns us that there are many “antichrists” already among us, and some are inside our churches! How can we identify these people to make sure we are not following false teachers, and how can we know for sure that our own faith is real and not counterfeit?

Are You Undergoing the Change?

Date: February 14, 2016 | Speaker:

There are certain chemicals which, when combined, produce tremendous change. Once they come in contact with each other, they cannot stay the same. In a similar way, a genuine encounter with God always produces change. John says if we claim to have had an encounter with God, but our lives have not been radically changed as a result, then we do not really know Him. Does your life show proof of this change?

The Danger of Dead Religion

Date: March 29, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus enters Jerusalem a few days before His crucifixion and examines the spiritual condition of the people. What He finds is a nation bustling with outward displays of religious activity, but beneath the surface, there is nothing but dead religion. He curses a fruitless fig tree as a sign of judgement against them, and then He throws the corrupt money changers out of the Temple for defiling His Father’s house. If Jesus were to examine our lives today, would He see a cold, dead heart beneath the outward religious appearance, or would He find fruit growing for His glory?