Sermons about Christmas/Advent

Salvation or Judgment: The Choice is Yours

Date: December 22, 2024 | Speaker:

Throughout human history, one truth has remained unchanging: mankind’s hopelessly lost condition and his complete inability to solve the problem of sin. The final words of the Old Testament point to a promise—a coming Savior who will break the curse of sin and reconcile us to God. Yet those final words also carry a warning: a day of judgment awaits those who reject God’s offer of salvation. The choice is yours. Will you turn away from God and remain in your sin, or will you fall on His mercy and receive the complete forgiveness that is yours in Christ?

Where is the Peace the Angel Promised?

Date: December 24, 2023 | Speaker:

Whatever happened to the “peace on earth” that the ‌angels promised at the birth of Jesus? Instead of tranquility, the world remains plagued by wars, famines, disasters, and diseases. Our sins not only bear responsibility for these issues but also for separating us from God. Consequently, humanity’s greatest need is not global harmony but reconciliation with God, and that is precisely what Jesus came to provide. Genuine peace cannot be attained through earthly pursuits, but you can experience peace with God right now by placing your trust in Christ for salvation. Do you possess the true, lasting peace that only the Prince of Peace can give?

The Comfort of the Incarnation

Date: December 18, 2022 | Speaker:

The good news of Christmas is for those who are tired of seeing sin and bad news everywhere, especially in themselves. It’s easy to become weighed down and discouraged by the constant battles of this life, but having the assurance that—because Christ came the first time, He is most certainly coming again—fills us with comfort and hope. We can look beyond the unrest that we see around us and that we sometimes see within us, and we can be comforted by the guaranteed promise of His return and the eternal life that awaits all those who have trusted in Him as their Savior! Do you have this comfort today?

The Cost of the Incarnation

Date: December 11, 2022 | Speaker:

Imagine how shocked we would be to hear that all the world’s richest, most powerful people had abandoned their fortunes and moved into the worst part of town without even a penny to their name! We simply couldn’t imagine anyone doing that, and yet, someone actually did. When Jesus came to earth to rescue mankind from sin, He had to lay aside His glory and splendor, and He had to exchange His royal title as the Son of God to be called a lowly Son of man. He lived a life of poverty, ridicule and rejection, and in the end was put to death like a criminal. It cost Him everything to die for us… is it costing us anything to live for Him?

The Mystery of the Incarnation

Date: December 4, 2022 | Speaker:

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember that there is something far more important than that baby in the manger, the shepherds in the fields and the wisemen bringing gifts. The fact is, if that baby wasn’t truly the Son of God in the flesh, then all those events are meaningless. Some religions say that Jesus was nothing more than a good teacher, but how can we prove otherwise? Is there a reason why the only one who could forgive sins and redeem fallen man had to be both fully God and fully man? Join us for today’s message as we explore the most important doctrine in the entire Bible — the Incarnation of Christ.

Longing for His Return

Date: December 19, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever been stuck in a faraway airport after a long, exhausting trip, watching one flight after another being canceled? You’re tired and hungry, and all you want in that moment is to be home! The struggles and trials of life often remind us that our real home is in heaven, and make us wish we could be there now. In the midst of it all, remember, Jesus is coming back, and when He does, all things will be made new!

Rejoicing at His Birth

Date: December 12, 2021 | Speaker:

Expectant parents eagerly await the birth of their first baby, and when it arrives, they share the good news with everyone! The birth of Jesus was highly anticipated and joyfully announced by angels. But sadly, Jesus was hated and rejected most of His life, even right up to His death. This Christmas, let’s take some time to fully appreciate all that He endured to bring salvation to us.

Waiting for His Coming

Date: December 5, 2021 | Speaker:

For generations God’s faithful few waited for the promised Savior to come. But as the evil around them grew darker by the day, the flame of hope in their hearts flickered and almost went out. Still, they waited faithfully, and when the Savior finally arrived, He brought light into their dark world. Are you in that light today, or are you still walking in darkness?

Christmas: The Wonder of WHY

Date: December 20, 2020 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is just another holiday. It has no more significance to them than New Year’s Day or Valentine’s Day. But the fact is, Christ’s coming into the world has eternal consequences for every one of us. Our sin had forever cut us off from God and put us under His wrath, and we had no way of rescuing ourselves. Christ came to save us from our sin and free us from the judgment of God, and that’s why we celebrate Christmas.

Christmas: The Wonder of HOW

Date: December 13, 2020 | Speaker:

If you and I had planned the birth of Jesus, we would have made sure He was born into a royal family, that He had the best medical care, the most comfortable surroundings, and that His birth was announced to famous, influential people. But God chose for His Son to be born into the lowliest of conditions, surrounded by poverty and hardship, and overlooked by almost everyone. In doing this, God was teaching us a life-changing lesson that will forever change the meaning of Christmas!

Christmas: The Wonder of WHO

Date: December 6, 2020 | Speaker:

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the rush of the Christmas season. We get caught up in shopping and decorating and cooking, and if we’re not careful, the true meaning of Christmas will get lost in it all. That’s why we must always stay focused on that baby in the manger and remind ourselves just who He is. Everything that matters in life emanates from Him, for He truly is God with us!

Christmas Addresses Our Biggest Need

Date: December 22, 2019 | Speaker:

We were created to glorify God with every thought, every word and every action. But our sin has caused us to glorify other things more than we glorify God. As a result, we have lost peace with God, which robs us of peace within, which destroys our peace with others. That baby in the manger came to restore this broken peace with God so that we could once again have peace within and peace with others. and to give us a new heart that would desire to glorify Him above everything else. (Audio difficulties on this recording)