Sermons about Christmas/Advent

Wonderful Counselor

Date: December 4, 2016 | Speaker:

The stress of our daily lives and the uncertainties of the world in which we live can leave us filled with fear and despair, and even the best counselors will admit they don’t have all the answers. But Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas, was called the Wonderful Counselor. He not only cares about all our troubles, but He knows exactly what to do about them because He is the very embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. Have you talked with this Wonderful Counselor lately?

The Response to Christmas

Date: December 27, 2015 | Speaker:

When Jesus was born 2,000 years ago, people reacted in very different ways to Him. Some were threatened by Him, like King Herod. Others, like Simeon, welcomed His arrival. And Jesus still evokes the same two responses today. People either reject Him or receive Him, and which one you choose will make all the difference in your life. How have you responded to Jesus?

Christmas Eve 2015

Date: December 24, 2015 | Speaker:

Why would the King of heaven choose to enter the world in such lowly circumstances; born in a stable to an unwed teenage mother, welcomed only by shepherds who were among the lowest people in society? Because Jesus came to be a Savior for all people… for ALL people… and that includes you! This Christmas, rejoice in knowing that His love extends to all those who are willing to receive Him.

The Preparation for Christmas

Date: December 20, 2015 | Speaker:

As we rush all over town preparing for Christmas, have we ever stopped to consider all that God did to prepare mankind for the coming of His Son into the world that first Christmas so long ago? The lengths God went to may surprise you, but even after all that, most people still rejected Him. What about you? In all your preparations for Christmas, have you prepared your own heart to receive Him?

The Need for Christmas

Date: December 13, 2015 | Speaker:

What is the greatest need in the world today? Is it a stronger economy, better government, less war? While those things are important, they pale in comparison to man’s greatest need, and that need was met in the One who came that very first Christmas so long ago. That Baby in the manger was the Savior of the world who came to forgive our sins and restore our broken relationship with God. Have you ever recognized your need for Christmas?

Christmas Eve 2014

Date: December 24, 2014 | Speaker:

When we were children, most of us had things handed down to us. Perhaps we had clothes from an older sibling handed down to us, or toys they had outgrown. That first Christmas 2,000 years ago truly was a hand-me-down Christmas. God handed down His Son to a sinful world. Jesus humbled Himself and was made a little lower than the angels in order to come and save us. This Christmas, you may receive all the gifts you’ve ever wanted, but have you ever received the one Gift you really need?

An Unexpected Surprise

Date: December 21, 2014 | Speaker:

For generations the people of Israel waited for their Savior to come, but when He did come, He was not the Savior they wanted. Instead of being born to royalty, He was born to a poor couple from the middle of nowhere. Instead of being a powerful king, He was a humble servant. Instead of being a mighty military leader, He taught everyone to love their enemies. Jesus truly was an unexpected surprise. And even after they put Him to death on a cross, He still had one more unexpected surprise that no one could have believed until they saw it for themselves!

An Unwanted Gift

Date: December 14, 2014 | Speaker:

Imagine spending weeks searching for the perfect gift for someone you dearly love, paying an outrageous price to purchase it, carefully wrapping it in just the right paper, then giving it to them with great excitement, only to have them throw it in the trash can! Surely no one would ever respond to such extravagant kindness in such a cruel way. Yet the Bible tells us that God gave the gift of His Son to the world, and they rejected Him. John 1:11 says, “He came to his own, but his own did not receive him.” What have you done with the gift of Jesus? Are there areas of your life where He is still unwanted?

An Unwelcome Announcement

Date: December 7, 2014 | Speaker:

Mary and Joseph didn’t ask for this! They were quite content making their plans and living their lives. Things were going along just fine. And then, without warning, along came God and dropped a bombshell in their lap, telling them that all their plans would be laid aside so that God could use their lives for His plans. They could have been angry. They could have fought back. But instead, they both submitted themselves to God’s will, and their lives were never the same. How do we react when God drops an unwelcome announcement into our lap and asks us to put our lives on hold for Him?

The Wise Men Fall Down

Date: December 24, 2013 | Speaker:

The events surrounding Jesus birth are so amazing when we pause and meditate on what took place. Specifically to focus our thoughts on the wise men and compare them with Harod and the Jewish Scribes, some interesting facts pop out. The wise men came to fall down before an infant; Harod was not willing to. What’s so significant about falling down? Have we fallen down before Jesus?

The Christmas Attitude

Date: December 15, 2013 | Speaker:

Christmas, as a season, is full of many emotions and attitudes. It is the one time of year when it is acceptable to talk about Jesus. Knowing the reality of the circumstances surrounding Christmas, we also find that the truth cannot be silenced. It is far too easy to be caught up in the commercialism, materialism and worldliness that is so evident this time of year; either being swept away in its current or being embittered towards it. Which attitude do you currently own?

What Child is This?

Date: December 30, 2012 | Speaker:

Centuries before Jesus came, people shook their heads and wondered what kind of Savior this might be who the prophets said would come, not as a mighty warrior, but as a little baby. Then, when He did come, people shook their heads in wonder and amazement at the things He said and did, as they asked each other, “Who is this?” Today, this continues to be life’s most important question — deciding for ourselves who this Child really is. Have you answered this all-important question?