Sermons about Comfort

The Glorious Future That Awaits You!

Date: June 16, 2024 | Speaker:

What gives you certainty in such an uncertain world? How do you keep your fire for God alive when weariness or doubt set in? The Bible paints a vivid picture of a day when Christ will return to eradicate evil and rescue His people. Until then, we must live in this broken world, and the waiting can leave us weary and discouraged. Yet, no matter how dark things seem now, this glorious future is the certainty that inspires us to persevere, remain passionate for God, and find joy in knowing that we will be with Him forever. All tears will be wiped away, and all things will be made new. This is the promise that should fuel an unshakable hope in the heart of every believer!

Divine Delays: When Prayers Seem Unanswered

Date: March 31, 2024 | Speaker:

Martha has just endured the heartbreaking loss of her brother, and now, disappointment is mingled with grief because Jesus didn’t respond to her plea for help in time. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a glimmer of hope persists as she turns to Jesus with her burden. Her unwavering faith amidst sorrow serves as a powerful challenge for us all—to lean on Jesus in our darkest hours. Witnessing Jesus’ transformative power, Martha’s “what now?” becomes an “even now” moment, displaying His sovereignty even in life’s chaos. If you’re grappling with unanswered prayers, take heart and continue to trust in Him. His timing is perfect, no matter what trials you are facing.

Finding Hope When Hope is Gone

Date: March 24, 2024 | Speaker:

As the prophet Jeremiah stood amidst the smoldering ruins of his beloved city, he was overcome with grief and hopelessness. What made it even more painful is that he knew this devastation could have been avoided if the nation had only listened to God. But at his lowest point of despair, he remembered God’s faithfulness, and calling this to mind renewed his faltering hope. When your world seems to be crumbling around you, and you feel overwhelmed by the struggles and pain of life, shift your focus back to God’s goodness, trusting that He is ruling over it all and that your hope should rest in Him alone.

The Comfort of the Incarnation

Date: December 18, 2022 | Speaker:

The good news of Christmas is for those who are tired of seeing sin and bad news everywhere, especially in themselves. It’s easy to become weighed down and discouraged by the constant battles of this life, but having the assurance that—because Christ came the first time, He is most certainly coming again—fills us with comfort and hope. We can look beyond the unrest that we see around us and that we sometimes see within us, and we can be comforted by the guaranteed promise of His return and the eternal life that awaits all those who have trusted in Him as their Savior! Do you have this comfort today?

Following God in Days of Uncertainty

Date: August 30, 2020 | Speaker:

What do you do when some traumatic event has left you shaken, broken, and filled with worry? What do you do when the future looks so overwhelming that fear paralyzes you from moving forward? The same help that God gave to Joshua is available to you right now. Yes, you can continue following God, even in days of uncertainty!

Trusting God to the Very End

Date: August 9, 2020 | Speaker:

Imagine being told that you only had a few days to live. That would be very difficult for anyone to hear! That’s exactly what happened to Moses, and we can learn some crucial lessons from the way he responded to that news. Do we know what it takes to trust God so much that, like Moses, we will trust Him right up to the very end?

Our Refuge from the Storms of Life

Date: July 26, 2020 | Speaker:

If you’ve ever been caught in a blinding rain storm while driving, the first thing you want to do is find shelter. Mountain climbers trapped by blizzards stand very little chance of surviving in sub-zero temperatures unless they can locate a place of safety and warmth. But where do you go when the storms of life overtake you? Do you have a place of refuge you can run to where you will always find strength and hope?

The Unseen Protection of God

Date: May 31, 2020 | Speaker:

As a follower of Christ, there will be times in your life when evil forces will be plotting against you, but you will be completely unaware of it. Even now, Satan could be quietly planning attacks on you. But you do not need to be afraid, because the great news is that God is fully aware of Satan’s schemes, and He is already working behind the scenes to protect you and defeat the enemy. The plans of God cannot be destroyed by the evil one, and neither can you!

The Hope We’ve All Been Searching For

Date: December 15, 2019 | Speaker:

Our lives are fueled by hope. The decisions we make, the goals we pursue — in fact everything we do is driven by the hope that our efforts will make life better tomorrow than it is today. Often we search for hope in all the wrong places. We mistakenly think that we will find hope in a new relationship, or by having a particular experience, or if our current circumstances were different. But none of those things can ever give us hope. There is only one place hope can be found. Have you found it yet?

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Comfort

Date: December 16, 2018 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is their favorite time of the year. They enjoy fireplaces, hot chocolate and gatherings with family and friends. But for others, Christmas is the most difficult time of the year. For them it stirs painful memories of a broken relationship, or a loved one who is no longer alive. When Jesus came into the world, He brought us the gift of comfort. If you’re hurting today, you don’t have to suffer alone. Jesus longs to give you this gift of comfort!

Blessed are Those Who Mourn

Date: July 15, 2018 | Speaker:

We do everything we can in life to avoid sorrow and grief, but there is a certain kind of mourning the Bible tells us we ought to do. We are called to take the reality and wickedness of sin seriously and mourn over it. Our hearts should be broken over our sin, knowing that it grieves the heart of God. This kind of godly sorrow is good and right because it leads us to repentance, which in turn, leads us to joy and comfort and peace with God.

The Resurrection Changes Everything

Date: April 1, 2018 | Speaker:

We spend our entire lives trying to keep death at a distance, but still, death is coming for all of us. And death isn’t even the worst news, because after death comes the judgment! So what hope do we have in the face of such frightening events? When Jesus died on the cross and rose to life again, He conquered sin and death, and everyone who trusts in Him will be forgiven of their sins and given eternal life. They will then be able to face death and judgment without fear! Have you trusted in Christ to save you?