Sermons about Doubt

Can I Know For Sure That I’m Saved?

Date: May 1, 2016 | Speaker:

We live in a world that is increasingly opposed to any notion of absolute truth, to the point where anyone who claims to be absolutely certain about truth is considered by many to be arrogant. So can we really know anything for sure? John closes his letter by reminding us that we can indeed know with total certainty that we are saved. Do you have this assurance of salvation?

Easter Hope

Date: March 27, 2016 | Speaker:

Hope is an absolutely essential part of life. Where there’s hope, there’s a will to carry on. But on that first resurrection morning, there was no group more hopeless and defeated than the followers of Christ. Even the empty tomb did not convince them. It was only when they saw their risen Lord that their lives were transformed and they were filled with an unshakable hope. Do you know this resurrection hope?

What If We Really Believed the Bible?

Date: September 13, 2015 | Speaker:

Ask the average churchgoing Christian if they believe the Bible and they will quickly respond, “Of course I believe the Bible… I’m a Christian!” But the proof is not in what we say, it is in what we do. Are there commands in Scripture that we know, yet we are not actively obeying? Is there any visible evidence in our lives that our faith is real? Imagine what God could do through us if we really believed the Bible and put it into action!

Carrying Out an Impossible Mission

Date: April 19, 2015 | Speaker:

When you consider the odds that were stacked against the mission of the early church, it is literally nothing short of miraculous that it ever succeeded at all. Jesus sent a handful of trembling followers into a hostile world to proclaim an unbelievable story to people who hated them. On their own, these weak, broken followers had no chance whatsoever of accomplishing this task. How, then, were they able to carry out this mission with such astonishing power, and what must we learn from them?

To Believe or Not to Believe: The Sin of Unbelief

Date: March 1, 2015 | Speaker:

One way to help us understand biblical belief is to consider what it is not. Jesus was amazed at the unbelief of those in His hometown. Surely powerful miracles would cause people to recognize Jesus’ authority as the Son of God; well that’s how we think anyways. So why does Jesus not perform these powerful mighty works in his hometown, demonstrating who he is?


Identity Recovery (Embracing the Truth)

Date: November 23, 2014 | Speaker:

The world puts all kinds of labels on us to define who we are: smart or dumb, pretty or ugly, popular or unpopular, successful or failure. The truth is, all of those labels are lies! We are not defined by any of those things. Jesus met many people whose lives were shaped and limited by the negative labels society had placed on them, but His transforming power set them free from those lies and gave them a brand new identity in Him. Don’t allow other people to define you. Find your identity in Christ alone!


Credit Check (Silencing the Lies)

Date: November 16, 2014 | Speaker:

None of us would put much value on a single sheet of paper. And yet a piece of paper once sold for almost $750,000… not because of the paper, but because of whose name was on it. It was a letter signed by Abraham Lincoln. The same is true with us. We ourselves are worthless jars of clay, but because Christ has put His name on us, we now have incalculable value! We have value, not because of who we are, but because of whose we are. It’s time to stop basing our worth on our own identity, and start discovering the real value we have been given in Christ!


Identity Crisis (Believing the Lies)

Date: November 9, 2014 | Speaker:

In moments of raw honesty, it is startling to discover the negative words people often use to describe how they see themselves: ugly, fat, unloveable, stupid, worthless. Still others use words like depressed, lonely, unwanted, fearful, addict, hopeless, etc. And the sad reality is, these are actual terms used, not just by unsaved people to describe themselves, but by Christians! It’s time for the church to expose the lies Satan is telling us and discover the truth about who the Bible says we really are in Christ!

How Has the Resurrection Changed You?

Date: April 20, 2014 | Speaker:

An encounter with the risen Savior changes everything. After Jesus rose from the dead, he purposefully and intentionally met with certain people to strengthen and encourage them in some way. Each one, having met their risen Savior, walked away from the encounter, forever changed. Have you encountered the risen Son of God? Have you been forever changed?