Sermons about Encouragement

Free from the Power and the Penalty of Sin

Date: July 1, 2012 | Speaker:

When a prisoner is pardoned and set free, he doesn’t live the rest of his life hanging around the prison yard and sleeping in his old cell at night. He lives in freedom! When a person receives Jesus as his Savior, he is forgiven and set free from his sin, but unfortunately, many Christians cannot believe they are really free, so they continue to live each day trapped by the power of sin. The Bible tells us that because of Christ, we have been set free from the power and the penalty of sin. This is great news! Listen to today’s message and learn how to live in the freedom you’ve been given!

Grace That is Greater Than All Our Sin

Date: April 8, 2012 | Speaker:

We have all done things in our lifetime that we know are wrong. Sadly, many people go through their entire life carrying the guilt and shame of things from their past, never feeling worthy, loved or accepted by God. But because Jesus died on the cross and rose again, we can break free from a life of guilt by receiving the forgiveness and grace He offers to us. Regardless of who you are or what you’ve done, God’s grace is greater than all our sin, and you can receive that grace today!

Safe in the Hands of God

Date: February 26, 2012 | Speaker:

Living a righteous life does not exempt us from suffering. In fact, the Bible says we often see the wicked getting what the righteous deserve, and the righteous getting what the wicked deserve. While this may leave us confused and unsettled, there is one thing we can know for sure—that we are all in God’s hands. Both the good times and the bad times of life are in God’s hands and under His watchful care. Even though you may not be able to make sense of the circumstances in your life right now, you can take great comfort in knowing that God is holding you safely in His hands!

The Hope that Christmas Brings

Date: December 18, 2011 | Speaker:

The coming of Jesus into the world has had an unmistakable, undeniable impact on history… but has His coming affected you personally in any way? It is only because He came that life can have true meaning and purpose beyond the routine of the daily grind. Because He came, we can have lasting peace even in a world of turmoil. Because He came, we can receive complete forgiveness of our sins and have a personal relationship with God. No greater Gift has ever been given. Have you allowed this Gift to change your life?

Rescued by the Heart of God

Date: August 21, 2011 | Speaker:

Jonah’s rebellion ended up getting him thrown into the sea to drown, and in reality, he was getting exactly what he deserved. But once again we see the loving heart of God; that His grace is bigger than our failures. God sent a great fish to swallow Jonah, and although Jonah thought that fish was going to be the death of him, it turned out to be the very thing God used to rescue him. What “fish” is in your life right now that you think is going to be the death of you? That may be the very thing God will use to rescue you!

Forgiven of a Debt You Could Never Pay

Date: July 17, 2011 | Speaker:

If you were in debt for a billion dollars, imagine how grateful you would feel if someone paid it for you, especially if you had done nothing to deserve such kindness! The truth is, that debt is small compared to the debt we really do owe. Our sin has put us under a debt we can never pay, but because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, all who trust Him by faith will be forgiven! Has the magnitude of just how much you’ve been forgiven of ever dawned upon you?

The Father’s Love for Lost Causes

Date: June 19, 2011 | Speaker:

The parable of the Prodigal Son is not really about the son at all. Jesus told this parable for one reason… to show us His Father’s amazing love for the lost. The prodigal son never expected to be welcomed home again, and he was surprised when he saw his father running to kiss him and receive him with open arms. Above all, this is a story of God’s amazing love for “lost causes.” For anyone who has strayed away from their heavenly Father, know that He longs for you to come home!

Coming to Grips with the Real You

Date: October 17, 2010 | Speaker:

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Be honest. The truth is, most people–even Christians–don’t like what they see. They are haunted by past failures or present weaknesses, and often see themselves as useless in God’s eyes. Moses had such a low view of himself that he almost missed God’s greatest mission for his life, because when we fail to see ourselves as God sees us, we will fail to fulfill the purpose for which we were created. Don’t let a wrong view of yourself cause you to miss God’s mission for you!

Seeing Your Future Through God’s Eyes

Date: September 12, 2010 | Speaker:

How many of our plans for the future revolve around OUR goals, OUR ambitions, OUR needs, OUR comfort? Why is it that we are so preoccupied with our own agenda when, as followers of Christ, we have clearly been called to live our lives for God’s mission in this world? Could it be that we think our salvation was for our benefit alone, rather than for the sake of others? It is time for God’s people to wake up and realize that Christ didn’t save us just so we could miss hell… He saved us because He has a mission for us to accomplish!

Seeing Your Past Through God’s Eyes

Date: September 5, 2010 | Speaker:

Failure to see our past through God’s eyes can be crippling to our future. Sins and hurts from years gone by often continue to haunt us, making us doubt whether God has really forgiven us. But what we must understand is that God sees our past differently than we do because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. It is vitally important that we learn to see our past as God does, or it will keep us from a life of effectiveness for Him.

No Failure is Final with God

Date: July 18, 2010 | Speaker:

It’s easy for discouragement to set in after we have failed the Lord in some way. Peter understood this all too well after denying Jesus, and he was ready to quit and return to his fishing business. But he learned that, despite his sin, Jesus was not finished with him… in fact, Jesus had an important mission for him to help lead the early church. Whatever you may have done to get off track, you need to know one thing: No failure is final with God! He is waiting to restore you right now.

Rising from Your Failures

Date: June 27, 2010 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt disappointed in yourself because you let someone down? Even worse, have you ever felt the bitter sting of knowing that you let Jesus down? Peter experienced this when he denied Jesus three times… but thankfully that was not the end of the story. Jesus restored Peter and assured him that no failure is final with God! Whatever failures you have experienced, Jesus is waiting to help you rise from the ashes and find hope in Him once again.