Sermons about Eternity

Why Easter Matters On Monday

Date: April 16, 2017 | Speaker:

The resurrection of Jesus Christ not only provides hope for us beyond this life, but it also provides peace and strength for our lives right here and now. We can face each day with the certainty of knowing that the risen Christ is Lord of all, and that every moment is under His conquering care.

A Life That Draws Others to Christ

Date: March 19, 2017 | Speaker:

The most powerful argument for the truth of Christianity is not the argument of theology. It is the argument of a transformed life. God has given us the privilege of being His representatives to the world around us. Are people drawn to the beauty of the Gospel by the way we live our lives each day? Do they want to know Him because of what they see in us?

Can I Lose My Salvation?

Date: January 22, 2017 | Speaker:

Have you ever flown standby? You’re always left wondering if you’re going to get a seat on the flight or not, and it can make you feel anxious and uncertain. Sadly, this is how many Christians see their relationship with Jesus. They live every day in constant fear, wondering if they’ve lost their salvation. If that describes you, listen to this message and discover what the Bible says about your eternal security.

Dying to Encounter Jesus

Date: August 14, 2016 | Speaker:

Two criminals were crucified beside Jesus; one on His right and one on His left. One of them cursed Jesus and was plunged into hell, but the other one cried out for mercy and was given eternal life in heaven. All of mankind is pictured in those two criminals. We will all die on one side of Jesus or the other; either rejecting Him or receiving Him. Which one are you? Are you ready to face eternity?

The Religious Man Who Went to Hell

Date: July 3, 2016 | Speaker:

“I’m not a bad person.” This is the response many people give when asked why God should allow them into heaven. But believing that we are good enough for heaven will actually send us to hell! No amount of religion or good deeds can ever save us. This only happens when we see our sin and admit our need for a Savior. So, are you good or are you saved?

Can I Know God Without Knowing Jesus?

Date: April 24, 2016 | Speaker:

The most outrageous claim the Bible makes is that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. What an offensive, closed-minded thing to say! But what if it’s true, and what evidence can you examine to know for sure? Today we explore this claim to find out if believing in Jesus really matters.

Giving Ourselves Completely to God

Giving Our Talents to God

Date: February 1, 2015 | Speaker:

Have you ever said, “If I had a chance to live my life over, I’d live it so much better!” But why is it that we don’t go ahead and make those changes now with the one life we do have? The Bible tells us how to invest our life wisely so we don’t reach the end and realize we wasted it. Jesus has entrusted each of us with different “talents” and one day He will return to see how we invested them. Will we hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” or will He rebuke us for the way we managed what He gave us?

Giving Ourselves Completely to God

Giving Our Treasures to God

Date: January 25, 2015 | Speaker:

God sends so many blessings into our lives, but there is always a danger that those very blessings will be the things that draw our hearts away from Him. Because of this, the Bible warns us to never treasure anything more than we treasure God. We can become so consumed by our treasures that we refuse to let them go, and as a result, we will miss God’s mission for our life. Are you investing the blessings God gives you for His kingdom, or are you using them all for your own benefit?

Giving Ourselves Completely to God

Giving Our Time to God

Date: January 18, 2015 | Speaker:

What a tragedy it would be to reach the end of your life and still not know the purpose of it all; to live for 70 or 80 years and have nothing of eternal value to show for it! For the most part, we spend our lives pursuing temporary achievements and storing up temporary things, never realizing that one day they will all slip through our fingers like sand. We get so preoccupied with the present that we lose sight of eternity. We must pray that God will reveal to us the brevity of life and the seriousness of eternity, so that we will learn how to live a life of purpose.

What Are We Doing With the Good News?

Date: September 7, 2014 | Speaker:

If you found the cure for cancer, but then kept it all for yourself, what kind of person would you be? The fact is, when we received the Gospel, we were given something far greater than the cure for cancer. We were given the cure for a lost eternity! So the question is, what are we doing with it? Are we keeping it all to ourselves? Has our heart ever become broken over the fate of those around us who do not know Christ, and are we moved with compassion to share the good news with them?

Good News for a Dying World

Date: July 27, 2014 | Speaker:

Bad news — we’re bombarded with it every day. Even a quick glance at the headlines reminds us that we live in a world plagued with violence, war, crime and greed. Is there any truly good news that could right all this wrong, and if so, where do we find it? Lasting good news will never come from better government, peace treaties or any other efforts of man. There is only one source of good news, and it has already been made available to us. Have you discovered this good news?

The Eternal Man

Date: January 26, 2014 | Speaker:

“This world is not our home; we are looking forward to our city in heaven, which is yet to come.” – Heb. 13:14 (NLT). God is bringing His plan of redemption to pass, and throughout history we can see the different ways that plan is being brought about. We are living in the age of grace and are looking forward to the age of the kingdom. 2 Cor. 6:2 says “Now is the day of salvation.” We should be getting acquainted with the eternal God today! How well do you know Him? Is He sitting on the throne of your heart, or are you?