Sermons about Eternity

You Can’t Take it with You

Date: August 29, 2010 | Speaker:

What would you do if you discovered the richest hidden treasure in all the world? Would you be willing to trade in all your old junk in exchange for that treasure? In Christ we have discovered life’s greatest treasure, yet so few Christians are willing to invest even a small portion of what they have into His mission. What will we say when we stand before God one day… will we weep tears of regret knowing that we refused to invest in His kingdom work, or will we rejoice knowing that we held nothing back? We must all decide what we value most before it’s too late.

Will Our Lives Count for Eternity?

Date: June 20, 2010 | Speaker:

Hours before His death, Jesus challenged His disciples to make sure their lives bore fruit… fruit that would LAST. When our lives come to an end, will what we’ve done be gone like fireworks exploding and then fading away, or will our lives bear fruit that will last for eternity?

Doing Whatever it Takes

Date: May 22, 2009 | Speaker:

The Bible tells a story of four men who were so determined to get a crippled man to Jesus, that they ripped the roof off a house to get him there! They were willing to do whatever it took. As followers of Christ, are we truly willing to do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus, despite the obstacles, despite the inconvenience, despite the cost? We never will be until we fully understand how much is at stake.

Why Should I Believe in Heaven?

Date: April 6, 2008 | Speaker:

Is heaven a real place or just a figment of our imagination? Is it merely the stuff of fairy tales and legends, or a real place that we can go when we die? How can we know for sure? If heaven is not real, then let’s live this life completely for ourselves and give no thought for eternity. But if heaven is real, what impact should it have on our lives right now?

A God Worth Sharing

Date: February 3, 2008 | Speaker:

All of us know someone who has been impacted by cancer. What if you discovered the cure for this devastating disease… would you hide the formula in a drawer at home, or would you share it with everyone you knew? As Christians, we have the cure for something far worse than cancer. Through Jesus Christ, we have been given the cure for sin, the cure for a meaningless life, and the cure for eternity in hell! Why is it, then, that so few Christians ever share this “cure” with others who need it? Today we see why God truly is a God worth sharing!