Sermons about Fruitfulness

Escaping the Trap of Empty Religion

Date: June 9, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever found yourself going through the motions of Christianity without truly engaging your heart? Our relationship with God can easily turn into empty routines and religious rituals, so we must guard against this subtle danger. God desires our spiritual service to flow from a vibrant relationship with Him, not from forced habits or the need to keep up appearances. When the world sees God’s truth, mercy, and love radiating through us, they will be drawn to Him. Take a moment today to reflect on why you do what you do for God. Make sure you can honestly say, “Lord, I’m doing it all for you!”

Persevering When it Seems Pointless

Date: May 19, 2024 | Speaker:

You’ve been laboring diligently for God, but the results don’t seem as impressive as you’d hoped. Maybe your service, your ministry, your attempts to live for God feel small and insignificant compared to others or your own past experiences, leaving you asking, “Was God ever in this? Is He truly with me?” Don’t be discouraged. God has not abandoned you. Even if your efforts for Him seem trivial, they will never be in vain! God can do immeasurably more than you can imagine even through the smallest act of obedience, so remain faithful and leave the results to Him.

Overcoming Discouragement

Date: September 24, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever taught a Sunday School class, led a Bible study, or participated in an outreach endeavor, only to witness what appears to be a total lack of results? It can be disheartening to invest so much and reap so little. Even the prophet Jeremiah, a man of steadfast faith, found himself in the depths of discouragement. But in his darkest hour, when he contemplated giving up, it was the unshakable Word of God that brought him back from the precipice of despair. We must remember that even in the midst of apparent fruitlessness, God’s purposes are still at work in ways we cannot see. If you are in a similar place right now, you can find renewed strength and hope in the unfaltering promises of God’s Word!

Words That Will Save Your Life

Date: May 23, 2021 | Speaker:

If a sketchy person approached you on the street one night and asked you to go with him down a dark alley, would you go? Probably not! Why is it that we recognize that kind of danger immediately, but we so often get fooled by temptation? If only we had some kind of guidebook to give us the wisdom we need to make the best choices in life. Well, we do! It’s the Book of Proverbs, and today we discover how to use it to steer us away from sin and keep us on the path of life.

Are You in the Light?

Date: April 19, 2020 | Speaker:

Most of us would not feel comfortable being dropped in the middle of a forest at night with no flashlight. There is nothing fun about being lost in the dark! But this is even more true spiritually speaking. The Bible says we are either walking in darkness or we are walking in the light. Where are you?

A True Disciple Makes Disciples

Date: November 4, 2018 | Speaker:

In church circles, we often repeat Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples.” We’re familiar with the phrase, but what about the meaning? What does it mean to be a disciple? And how do we go about making disciples? In our culture today, we more often use the title of “Christian” than disciple, but does it convey the same meaning? Listen as we unpack these powerful words of Jesus, and take a glimpse at what’s included in this final imperative from Him.

A True Disciple Walks in the Spirit

Date: October 21, 2018 | Speaker:

Have you ever prayed, “God, I’m sorry for that sin. I promise I’ll never do it again!” You sincerely meant those words, and you were more determined than ever to do better, but even your most valiant attempts to live a holy life always leave you frustrated and defeated. There’s a good reason we continue to fail in our efforts to live for God, and the Bible tells us how to break these patterns of defeat. By ourselves, we are incapable of living holy lives, but the Spirit of God in us can! Are you allowing Him to live His life through you?

A True Disciple is Filled with the Spirit

Date: October 14, 2018 | Speaker:

When we are saved, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us. His role in our lives is indispensable, and yet He is the least acknowledged and least appreciated person of the Trinity. If we truly understood all that He does for us every moment of every day, and the devastation our lives would be in without His convicting, teaching, guiding and empowering, we would appreciate Him far more, and we would long to be filled with Him continuously. Today we learn how we can be filled with the Spirit, and what that actually means.

The Danger of Dead Religion

Date: March 29, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus enters Jerusalem a few days before His crucifixion and examines the spiritual condition of the people. What He finds is a nation bustling with outward displays of religious activity, but beneath the surface, there is nothing but dead religion. He curses a fruitless fig tree as a sign of judgement against them, and then He throws the corrupt money changers out of the Temple for defiling His Father’s house. If Jesus were to examine our lives today, would He see a cold, dead heart beneath the outward religious appearance, or would He find fruit growing for His glory?

Seeing Your Pain as Part of God’s Plan

Date: October 5, 2014 | Speaker:

When difficult or painful circumstances come into your life, do you ever stop to consider that they may have been divinely orchestrated by God to bring about His ultimate purpose in your life? Many Christians see hard times as a sign that God has abandoned them or that He is not being kind to them. But the Bible teaches us that God is at work even in the worst moments of our lives, and if we will surrender them to Him, He will bring about a life of fruitfulness for His glory!

Renewing Your Mind

Date: August 25, 2013 | Speaker:

Being born again is about a new life with a new nature. It’s about dying to your old nature and living life with a new nature; the nature of Jesus Christ. Scripture describes the reality of this change, and it also tells us a key component to true transformation. It’s known as renewing the mind. It is through our mind that sin and the enemy are able to deceive us and lead us astray. What controls our mind will ultimately direct our path. Our mind must be renewed by the source of our new life, which is Jesus Christ. Listen as we teach the necessity of dying to our old nature and putting on our new nature by the renewing of our mind.

Work Out Your Salvation

Date: June 23, 2013 | Speaker:

What higher priority could there be in our lives than that of our own salvation? Yet, many are confused, deceived, or indifferent when it comes to this vital topic. Scripture teaches us how to avoid these errors, and we must be diligent in making sure our claim of salvation is in agreement with the description of salvation found in God’s Word.