Sermons about God's Glory

Persevering When it Seems Pointless

Date: May 19, 2024 | Speaker:

You’ve been laboring diligently for God, but the results don’t seem as impressive as you’d hoped. Maybe your service, your ministry, your attempts to live for God feel small and insignificant compared to others or your own past experiences, leaving you asking, “Was God ever in this? Is He truly with me?” Don’t be discouraged. God has not abandoned you. Even if your efforts for Him seem trivial, they will never be in vain! God can do immeasurably more than you can imagine even through the smallest act of obedience, so remain faithful and leave the results to Him.

We Are God’s Holy Temple

Date: April 7, 2024 | Speaker:

Throughout the Old Testament, God gave meticulous instructions for how worship was to be conducted in the temple, because that was where His glory resided. No one was at liberty to worship God according to their own whims or preferences. Today, this holds even greater significance for us because, as Christians, we are now the temple of God, and His presence dwells in us! Knowing that the Creator of the universe lives in us by His Spirit is an extraordinary honor but also a profound responsibility. Do we take this privilege seriously? Is our inner sanctuary a place that reflects God’s honor and glory?

Heart Insurance: Safeguarding Your Faith

Date: February 18, 2024 | Speaker:

Our society spends millions of dollars annually to ensure the safety of material possessions and personal well-being. We have insurance for our house, car, health, life, and even our pets! We put our money in FDIC-insured bank accounts, buy identity protection, and keep our valuables under lock and key. But do we go to the same lengths to protect ourselves from the idols that contend for the throne of our hearts? It’s so easy to make small compromises in our faith that don’t seem to pose any threat, but if left unchecked, those very things can eventually lure us away from God. Discover how an entire nation was destroyed because they failed to guard their hearts against sin, and learn from their example how to keep our hearts a holy place, untainted by the idols of this age.

The Incomprehensible Majesty of God

Date: January 28, 2024 | Speaker:

It has been said that what comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. Your view of God—right or wrong—will define your entire relationship with Him, so make absolutely sure it is based on truth. Our tendency is to create a god who is just like us; one we can manage and manipulate. But the God of heaven is not confined by our limited intellect or controlled by our expectations. The complexity of His glory extends far beyond our wildest imagination. Have you reduced God to something He is not? Have you created a god in your own image? You need a fresh look at who God really is and allow His vastness to bring you to your knees before Him!

The Mirage of Earthly Hope

Date: July 23, 2023 | Speaker:

What are you depending on to keep you firmly anchored when the storms of life begin to blow? Your 401k? Your good health? A secure job? Friends or family? While those things may offer peace of mind today, there’s no guarantee any of them will be here tomorrow. In a society driven by the pursuit of possessions, wealth, and pleasure, it is vital to recognize the profound importance of placing your trust and hope in something greater than the transient offerings of this world. There’s only one place to find that unfailing security and eternal peace, and you can find it today!

Stop Treating God Casually!

Date: January 8, 2023 | Speaker:

God has been so trivialized in our modern culture that even His name is used as a common curse word! But here’s a sobering truth: What we truly think of God is so absolutely critical that it literally shapes everything we say and do, and it will ultimately determine the outcome of our lives. So, pause for a minute and ask yourself honestly, “What do I really think of God?” Both Isaiah and Job loved and respected God, but the instant they were given a glimpse of His blazing holiness and terrifying power, they fell to their knees in repentance, and their lives were never the same again. May God give us a genuine vision of Himself that will burn away our casual view of Him and forever transform us to worship Him in the fear and reverence He deserves.

The Cost of the Incarnation

Date: December 11, 2022 | Speaker:

Imagine how shocked we would be to hear that all the world’s richest, most powerful people had abandoned their fortunes and moved into the worst part of town without even a penny to their name! We simply couldn’t imagine anyone doing that, and yet, someone actually did. When Jesus came to earth to rescue mankind from sin, He had to lay aside His glory and splendor, and He had to exchange His royal title as the Son of God to be called a lowly Son of man. He lived a life of poverty, ridicule and rejection, and in the end was put to death like a criminal. It cost Him everything to die for us… is it costing us anything to live for Him?

Glory of God

Date: December 26, 2021 | Speaker:

The glory of God is expressed in the person, character and nature of Jesus Christ. The cross is the ultimate expression of the glory of God on earth with reference to God the Father (His love, grace, mercy) and to Jesus Christ (His humble submission in obedience to the will and predetermined plan of God the Father). The outworking of the glory of God in the cross is salvation and eternal life to lost humanity. When born again believers live out the character of Jesus Christ, believers are glorifying God and reflecting His light. This is only able to be achieved through the ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Longing for His Return

Date: December 19, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever been stuck in a faraway airport after a long, exhausting trip, watching one flight after another being canceled? You’re tired and hungry, and all you want in that moment is to be home! The struggles and trials of life often remind us that our real home is in heaven, and make us wish we could be there now. In the midst of it all, remember, Jesus is coming back, and when He does, all things will be made new!

Rejoicing at His Birth

Date: December 12, 2021 | Speaker:

Expectant parents eagerly await the birth of their first baby, and when it arrives, they share the good news with everyone! The birth of Jesus was highly anticipated and joyfully announced by angels. But sadly, Jesus was hated and rejected most of His life, even right up to His death. This Christmas, let’s take some time to fully appreciate all that He endured to bring salvation to us.

Waiting for His Coming

Date: December 5, 2021 | Speaker:

For generations God’s faithful few waited for the promised Savior to come. But as the evil around them grew darker by the day, the flame of hope in their hearts flickered and almost went out. Still, they waited faithfully, and when the Savior finally arrived, He brought light into their dark world. Are you in that light today, or are you still walking in darkness?

Your Last Day On Earth

Date: August 15, 2021 | Speaker:

What if you were told that today was your last day on earth? How would that news impact your plans, and what regrets would you have? We should always be mindful of the brevity of life and make it our goal to live every day for the glory of God and for His mission. Too many people start well, but don’t finish well. Take encouragement from the lessons in this message to ensure that you will remain faithful to the very end.