Sermons about God's Glory

What If We Saw God for Who He Really Is?

Date: September 6, 2015 | Speaker:

Today the name of God has become a common curse word. Even Christians are guilty of treating God casually. The problem is, we have lost the fear of God because we have forgotten who it is we’re dealing with. God is not the old man in the sky. He is a consuming fire who dwells in unapproachable light. If we caught even the slightest glimpse His holiness, we would fall to the ground like dead men! How would our lives be different if we saw God for who He really is?

God on the Throne: A Picture of Holiness, Part 2

Date: February 6, 2011 | Speaker:

Whether you look through the telescope or the microscope, the majesty and greatness of God are on display for all to see. Each year brings new discoveries of giant galaxies that now number in the billions, and also new discoveries of the vast “galaxies” within the microscopic cells of our own bodies. One cannot help but feel small and be humbled when presented with the staggering enormity and brilliance of God’s creative handiwork. The holiness and majesty of God are so immense and overwhelming that we are once again brought to our knees in worship before Him!

God on the Throne: A Picture of Holiness, Part 1

Date: January 30, 2011 | Speaker:

How do you picture God? Is He an old man with a long white beard trying to keep up with everything in the universe? The Bible says God is a consuming fire; that He dwells in unapproachable light; that anyone who encounters His holy presence falls on their face in fear. Once we catch even a glimpse of God’s holiness, we are made utterly aware of our sinfulness, and that is the place where true revival can begin. Do you have a right view of God’s holiness?

A God Worth Worshiping

Date: January 27, 2008 | Speaker:

Did you know it is possible to worship God and have all the right elements in place, to do and say all the right things, but to actually be worshiping Him in vain? The Bible tells of times when God’s people were going through the motions of worship, but their hearts were far from Him, and it describes how much this broke God’s heart and angered Him. If we could ever catch a glimpse of who God really is — how powerful and holy and awesome He is — our worship would never be the same again! All other things would disappear from view, and we would worship God as He truly deserves.