Sermons about God's Mercy

Do You Need a Second Chance?

Date: July 24, 2022 | Speaker:

There are certain opportunities in life that only come your way once. If you miss them, you’ll never get a second chance. But you should be encouraged to know that God doesn’t treat us that way when we fail Him. He is a God of fresh starts and new beginnings who is patient and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. When we sin, God has every right to cast us aside forever, yet He forgives all who come to Him and restores them to useful service again. If you’ve failed in some way or you’ve turned away from God, turn back to Him now. He is ready to give you a second chance!

God’s Mercy in Our Failures

Date: January 23, 2022 | Speaker:

Most people think that the Book of Jonah is all about a man being swallowed by a huge fish, but actually it’s all about God’s incredible love and mercy for everyone, even those who hate Him. Chapter 1 shows us that even when we disobey God and bring trouble into our lives, He is still ready and eager to provide a way out and bring us back to Himself.

About 30 minutes after preaching this sermon, pastor Phil suffered a heart attack and underwent quadruple bypass surgery. He was out for several months recovering, and that is the reason for the time gap between this sermon and the next sermon in this Unravel Part 4 series.

He returned to the pulpit on July 17, 2022 and resumed the series with a sermon from Jonah chapter 2 entitled: “The Blessing of Being Humbled” which you can watch by clicking this link.

Rejoicing in the Abundant Grace of God

Date: August 22, 2021 | Speaker:

Every one of us can look back over the years and see times when we failed God so miserably; times when we let our selfishness or stubbornness or foolishness take over. Looking back, it’s so clear to us now that if God hadn’t extended His grace to us in those moments, our lives would have been ruined. God doesn’t just barely give us grace, He gives us grace upon grace! Have you paused recently to thank Him for His abundant grace in your life?

God’s Faithfulness in Our Failures

Date: July 25, 2021 | Speaker:

Behind every victory and every success lies a hidden danger. These euphoric experiences tend to lull us into a false sense of security, causing us to let down our guard and coast on the momentum of those mountaintop moments. It’s then that we become vulnerable to attacks from the enemy and often find ourselves plunging from the highest peak of triumph to the lowest valley of despair. Learn how tenderly God deals with us in our worst times of defeat and discouragement, and find the hope and renewal you need in Him.

The Grace of Jesus in Our Moments of Doubt

Date: April 4, 2021 | Speaker:

The events of this past year have filled the hearts of many people around the world with fear. Some Christians feel ashamed that their faith has wavered during these difficult times. But in the Bible we see another group of people who were wrestling with doubts and fear, and we see the extraordinary grace that Jesus extended to them. If you’re struggling today, you need to come and receive the grace that Jesus longs to give to you.

The Fall of a King and the Mercy of God

Date: March 28, 2021 | Speaker:

David started out as a great king. He led the people with kindness and discernment, and he put all of his trust in the Lord. But none of that lasted. Like all of us, David was unable to live up the perfect Law of God, and his kingship was eventually tarnished by sin. Thankfully his sin did not mark the end of his legacy, because David threw himself on the mercy of God and he was forgiven. Where do you turn when you fall?

God’s Light of Hope in Dark Times

Date: November 15, 2020 | Speaker:

Sometimes when life is at its worst and dark clouds are all around, you can be tempted to wonder if God has abandoned you. It was during a period just like this when a young pagan woman named Ruth put her faith in God and chose to follow Him. God drew her out of the darkness by His grace and literally changed the course of history through her. God is still looking for people who are willing to stand up for Him when no one else will. Are you that person?

You may also find this series on the Book of Ruth helpful: “Ruth – A Story of God’s Grace”

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found

Date: September 27, 2020 | Speaker:

How long can a person continue ignoring God and pursuing sin before judgement comes? Throughout the Bible we see the incredible patience of God towards those who keep turning away from Him. He gives them many opportunities to repent, but the clock is ticking on His patience, and one day it will end. Are you still running from God? Call on Him today before it’s too late!

Covered by the Mercy of God

Date: February 23, 2020 | Speaker:

No matter how well you did in school, there is one test you will never pass, even if you spend a lifetime trying. Because of our sin, none of us will ever be able to pass the standard of God’s perfect Law of holiness, and failure to do so brings death! We were doomed without hope until Christ came and fulfilled the Law perfectly on our behalf, and then He willingly took the judgement for our sins upon Himself. What amazing love! If you are still trying to earn your way to God, why not receive His mercy today instead?

God’s Love is Bigger Than Your Failures

Date: September 8, 2019 | Speaker:

Jacob had ruined his life. He had lied to and cheated his family, and now he was about to pay! When his brother threatened to kill him, Jacob fled for his life, and while running away from his sin, he ran straight into God! Surprisingly, God met Jacob in love, and it changed his life. Sometimes we also try to run from the consequences of our sin, but we must remember that God’s love is greater than our sin! He longs to restore us to Himself if we will just surrender.

Are You Still Hiding from God?

Date: February 24, 2019 | Speaker:

Satan enticed Adam and Eve to sin against God, and the first thing they became aware of was their nakedness. Their shame forced them to cover themselves and go into hiding from God’s presence. Sin still causes us to do the very same thing today. It strips us bare and leaves us feeling shame and guilt, so our first instinct is to hide from God. But just as God came calling for Adam, He is calling for us to come and be forgiven and clothed by Him. Are you willing to come out of hiding into His presence?

Blessed are the Merciful

Date: August 5, 2018 | Speaker:

Deeply ingrained in every human heart is a desire for justice. This is part of the image of God that has been imprinted on our nature, but because of sin, our desire for justice has been distorted. It now lurks inside us, keeping track of all the ways other people have offended us, and constantly demanding that they pay for what they’ve done. But rather than seeking revenge, Jesus said His followers should be quick to show mercy by forgiving the debts of others, even if they don’t deserve it. After all, God forgave us of all our sin, and we did nothing to deserve it!