Sermons about God's Mercy

God is Faithful Even When We Falter

Date: November 17, 2024 | Speaker:

Do you ever find yourself wincing at your frequent failures in your walk with God? Are mountaintop victories sometimes followed by valleys of our own making? No life of faith is a straight climb toward perfection, but rather a winding journey of wandering and returning. But here’s the good news: God’s grace meets you every time you stumble, His Word continually calls you back, and His promises invite you to start anew. He knows that you long to be faithful, even when you falter. Take heart in that truth and remember that the only time you fail is when you refuse to get back up!

God’s Grace Amidst Our Failures

Date: July 14, 2024 | Speaker:

Imagine being torn from your home and thrust into a foreign land where Christianity is despised. Would you proclaim your faith in Christ or hide it to survive? Why did Esther choose to conceal her faith and do things clearly forbidden by God? Her choices challenge us to examine our own lives, realizing we might have done the same thing! Yet, even as we contemplate Esther’s story, we’re struck by an awe-inspiring truth: God’s providence and grace are so powerful that even our missteps can become part of His divine plan. This realization doesn’t excuse sin, but ignites a desire to live more faithfully, knowing that our human frailty is encompassed by God’s unfathomable love and eternal purposes!

Escaping the Trap of Empty Religion

Date: June 9, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever found yourself going through the motions of Christianity without truly engaging your heart? Our relationship with God can easily turn into empty routines and religious rituals, so we must guard against this subtle danger. God desires our spiritual service to flow from a vibrant relationship with Him, not from forced habits or the need to keep up appearances. When the world sees God’s truth, mercy, and love radiating through us, they will be drawn to Him. Take a moment today to reflect on why you do what you do for God. Make sure you can honestly say, “Lord, I’m doing it all for you!”

God’s Promise of Love and Restoration

Date: May 26, 2024 | Speaker:

In this world, we can never be entirely certain that those who profess to love us will remain by our side during our darkest moments of failure and sin. Past experiences have left us guarded and skeptical, doubting that unwavering, unfaltering love truly exists. To make matters worse, Satan continuously tries to convince us that we’re unworthy of love. Thankfully, we have one friend who has never abandoned anyone and has promised to love us despite our shortcomings. He is the very life within us, a wall of protection around us, and the hope we have for today and for all eternity. Do you know this one true friend?

We Are God’s Holy Temple

Date: April 7, 2024 | Speaker:

Throughout the Old Testament, God gave meticulous instructions for how worship was to be conducted in the temple, because that was where His glory resided. No one was at liberty to worship God according to their own whims or preferences. Today, this holds even greater significance for us because, as Christians, we are now the temple of God, and His presence dwells in us! Knowing that the Creator of the universe lives in us by His Spirit is an extraordinary honor but also a profound responsibility. Do we take this privilege seriously? Is our inner sanctuary a place that reflects God’s honor and glory?

Finding Hope When Hope is Gone

Date: March 24, 2024 | Speaker:

As the prophet Jeremiah stood amidst the smoldering ruins of his beloved city, he was overcome with grief and hopelessness. What made it even more painful is that he knew this devastation could have been avoided if the nation had only listened to God. But at his lowest point of despair, he remembered God’s faithfulness, and calling this to mind renewed his faltering hope. When your world seems to be crumbling around you, and you feel overwhelmed by the struggles and pain of life, shift your focus back to God’s goodness, trusting that He is ruling over it all and that your hope should rest in Him alone.

God Can Rewrite Your Story!

Date: February 25, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt trapped by your past or current circumstances, like you’re destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over? It may seem as though the deck has been stacked against you because of your upbringing, but there is a way to break free from those shackles. Don’t believe the lie that your past has already written the script for your future and you have no way to change it! Through Christ, you can rise above whatever has enslaved you and create a new legacy of faith for yourself and future generations. The choice is yours. Will you turn to the Lord and discover the life and freedom that await you?

Your Last Chance to be Saved

Date: July 16, 2023 | Speaker:

On May 18, 1980, the volcano inside Mount St. Helens erupted. For two months, authorities had warned everyone in the vicinity to evacuate, and everyone did, except for one man. Harry Rainel Truman refused to leave his small cottage at the base of the mountain, and on that fateful day, he was buried beneath 150 feet of debris. He heard the repeated warnings, but he chose to ignore them. Many people are just like Truman. They hear God’s invitation to be saved before judgment comes, but they refuse to listen. Tragically, a day is coming when they will hear that warning for the final time, and then the door of opportunity will close forever. Today, while you hear God’s voice, respond to Him before it’s too late!

God, What Do You Want From Me?

Date: March 19, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever tried to please God by doing more religious things like increasing your church attendance, never missing your daily quiet time or giving more money to the church? The fact is, you can’t earn favor with God by doing any of those things. God is not looking for external shows of religion because it’s dangerously easy to be immersed in religious activities, yet be a complete hypocrite in God’s eyes. Today we explore what God actually requires of us, and the list may surprise you! So, are you doing what God wants?

How Will You Be Remembered When You Die?

Date: February 12, 2023 | Speaker:

Every day we live, every choice we make, every thought we think and word we speak, we are making contributions to the legacy that we will leave behind after we die. Out of all the kings who reigned over Jerusalem, king Ahaz is remembered for being the worst of them all. Why? Because he lived a sinful life and led the people away from God… and 2,700 years later, his wicked legacy still lives on! Ahaz was given every opportunity to live for God and do what was right, but he repeatedly chose to go his own way, and in the end he wrecked his own life and destroyed the entire nation. God has promised that anyone who rejects Him will eventually come to ruin, but those who obey and trust Him will be blessed. If you honestly evaluate your own life right now, what kind of legacy do you think you’re writing? Choose today to live for God, and leave a legacy that will bring glory to Him!

When God’s Patience Runs Out

Date: August 28, 2022 | Speaker:

Have you noticed how easy it is to take your relationship with God for granted when everything in life is going well? We continue going to church, singing the songs, serving here and there… but we’re really just going through the motions. In those times, we usually don’t even hear God’s gentle calls for us to return to Him, so He sometimes has to send stronger warnings our way. God is so patient with us, but a day is coming when His tender calls will end and we will hear the Lion roar instead! That will be a terrifying moment that none of us want to face! Don’t wait that long to get your heart back to where God wants it to be. Respond to His call while there is still time.