Sermons about Healing

God Can Rewrite Your Story!

Date: February 25, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt trapped by your past or current circumstances, like you’re destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over? It may seem as though the deck has been stacked against you because of your upbringing, but there is a way to break free from those shackles. Don’t believe the lie that your past has already written the script for your future and you have no way to change it! Through Christ, you can rise above whatever has enslaved you and create a new legacy of faith for yourself and future generations. The choice is yours. Will you turn to the Lord and discover the life and freedom that await you?

Keep Fighting! God Will Win the War!

Date: March 12, 2023 | Speaker:

As followers of Christ we would all have to admit that we have often given in to Satan’s attacks and allowed him to have the victory. At times we may even feel overwhelmed by our sin and wonder if anything good will ever come out of our battles in this life. Be encouraged! God will take even our worst failures and ultimately use them for His glory. Believers throughout history have fallen again and again, but none of their failures have disrupted God’s plan. Keep fighting, and when you fall, get back up. Satan may win some battles over us, but God will win the war!

The Touch of the Savior

Date: January 29, 2023 | Speaker:

Jesus’ healing of the leper was an amazing display of Jesus’ power. It was also a beautiful reminder of Jesus’ love and what we have in Him. Life is full of difficulties and it often leaves us feeling alone, hurt, and like no one cares. However we are reminded that we serve a Savior who cares about our every need and we serve Savior who can restore our every longing. Are you looking to Him today?

Desperate for Jesus

Date: November 27, 2022 | Speaker:

In our culture of platform building and rising celebrity status, we forget that Jesus values the least. He places honor on the poor, the broken, the messy, and the marginalized. Lepers in Jesus’ day were outcasts of society. They had absolutely no status and were looked down on as untouchables. Yet, when Jesus encountered 10 lepers pleading for help, He treasured each one of them, heard their cries, and healed them. All of us can identify with those lepers more than we may realize. Our lives have been eaten away by sin and we desperately need Jesus to cleanse us. Are you desperate enough to call out to Him for help and receive the healing He offers?

The Disease You Can Never Cure

Date: September 26, 2021 | Speaker:

Imagine having an incurable disease, but one day hearing that someone had finally discovered a cure. You rush to see them, but they tell you to do something that sounds ridiculous and embarrassing and humiliating. Would you do it in order to be cured? Sometimes our pride keeps us from fully obeying what God has told us to do. We’d rather do it our own way! Is pride keeping you from fully obeying God in some area?

It Shall Be Well

Date: September 19, 2021 | Speaker:

History is filled with the accounts of men and women whose lives were overwhelmed with suffering, pain and loss, yet because of their faith in Christ, they could still say with confidence that all will be well. How is it possible for someone to go through such devastating trials and still know that God is good? Trouble and heartache will visit us all in this life. Do you know how to stand firm when the storms begin to blow?

From Barrenness to Blessedness

Date: January 10, 2021 | Speaker:

There are times in life when God allows us to go through seasons of barrenness. We feel emptied of the joy and hope we once knew. God uses these trials to test us and grow our faith, and if we will allow the hardships to make us better instead of bitter, God will bring us through to a place of blessedness once again, where we are much stronger than we were before.

Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks

Date: July 1, 2018 | Speaker:

At some point in life, every believer will go through seasons when they feel bruised and beaten down by trials. During those times, discouragement can cause our spiritual fire to dwindle and almost burn out. How wonderful to know that Christ has promised He will never break a bruised reed or snuff out a smoldering wick! He comes to the weakest of us with mercy and grace, gently lifts us up, and lovingly restores us to himself again.

Our Source of Strength in Suffering

Date: April 9, 2017 | Speaker:

How do we face moments of suffering when we know that we simply do not have the strength or the wisdom to make it through? We must recognize that Christ has already provided everything we need for those moments, and it is by His power and righteousness that we can face whatever trials may come our way. Are you facing life’s difficulties in His strength or in yours?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Date: January 29, 2017 | Speaker:

Let’s face it, life can sometimes be very hard. Suffering and pain can leave us wondering whether God really cares about us at all. Surely if He loved us, He would never let this happen! So how do we navigate our way through trials? How do we make sense of suffering? Today’s message provides some truths that will be anchors for you the next time the storms of life blow your way.

Do You Want to Get Well?

Date: July 31, 2016 | Speaker:

Surely no one would ever walk up to a sick person and ask if he really wanted to get well; unless the one asking the question knew that this person had deeper issues that first needed to be dealt with. Even as Christians, we can get stuck in ruts of sin or excuses that keep us immobilized, and sometimes we prefer to just stay there. Are there any ruts in your life that you need to get out of?

Allowed to Suffer for God’s Glory

Date: July 24, 2016 | Speaker:

We sometimes grow impatient or even angry with God if He allows pain and sorrow into our lives. We question His love for us and wonder why a good God would ever allow us to hurt. But we must realize that we exist for one reason only, and that is bring glory to God; and whatever methods He may choose in order to be glorified through us are right and good. Have you ever come to terms with this vital truth?