Sermons about Heart

Are You Worshiping a God You Don’t Love?

Date: December 8, 2024 | Speaker:

In Malachi, we see people trapped in religious routines, forgetting the very God they’re meant to adore. Their sacrifices are mere leftovers, their worship is a chore, and their hearts are indifferent. When God declared, “I have loved you,” they cynically replied, “How have you loved us?” This startling exchange should unsettle us. But before we criticize their callousness, we must ask: Is our worship vibrant and transformational, or just a lifeless checkbox on a religious to-do list? Beware, because spiritual apathy creeps in quietly! If you’re just going through the motions, ask God to rekindle your love and restore a genuine heart of worship. It’s not about rituals—it’s about a relationship that ignites awe for the One who first loved us.

Inviting God into Our Broken Places

Date: September 22, 2024 | Speaker:

Are there broken places in your life that need repair—neglected relationships, a faith that’s withering, or cracks in your character? It’s tempting to ignore these areas, hoping they’ll heal on their own, but this only gives the enemy room to creep in. It’s time to take an honest look at the damage and bring it before God. He is the master rebuilder, eager to restore and strengthen you, transforming your life into a dwelling place for His glory. Will you invite Him into your ruins today?

The Significance of Our Actions

Date: September 1, 2024 | Speaker:

The Bible has a lot to say about our actions. Most often this is described in Scripture as works or deeds. Unfortunately, many have a negative view of these words, but why is that? When we examine Scripture, we find that God has expectations regarding our actions, so it’s important that we understand what He says about them. Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about our actions.

Heart Insurance: Safeguarding Your Faith

Date: February 18, 2024 | Speaker:

Our society spends millions of dollars annually to ensure the safety of material possessions and personal well-being. We have insurance for our house, car, health, life, and even our pets! We put our money in FDIC-insured bank accounts, buy identity protection, and keep our valuables under lock and key. But do we go to the same lengths to protect ourselves from the idols that contend for the throne of our hearts? It’s so easy to make small compromises in our faith that don’t seem to pose any threat, but if left unchecked, those very things can eventually lure us away from God. Discover how an entire nation was destroyed because they failed to guard their hearts against sin, and learn from their example how to keep our hearts a holy place, untainted by the idols of this age.

Stop Trying to Earn God’s Approval

Date: January 21, 2024 | Speaker:

Are you still trying to earn God’s love by keeping a long list of religious rules? Does the constant effort to be good enough leave you weary and wondering if you will ever measure up? It’s time to let go of the burdensome shackles of performance-based religion and embrace the incredible benefits of the new covenant Jesus made possible through his sacrificial death on the cross. It’s no longer about observing external rules and regulations. Jesus fulfilled all of those old requirements on your behalf, washed all your sins away, and you can now stand completely righteous before God! Don’t live another day trying to please God through your own efforts. Start living in the new life of God’s grace, forgiveness, and acceptance!

Unmasking Your Deceitful Heart

Date: August 27, 2023 | Speaker:

Deep within every person lies a danger so sinister that it has the power to destroy us! This hidden enemy is our heart, described in the Bible as being deceitful and leading us astray at every opportunity. On our own, we are incapable of subduing this cunning beast. Healing and freedom can only come when we humbly ask God to search our hearts and uncover any hidden motives or false assurances. He alone can see the real us on the inside and provide cleansing from the sins that enslave us. Have you invited God to give you a spiritual EKG to assess your true condition and give you a pure heart?

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Date: July 2, 2023 | Speaker:

God created us in His image to have fellowship with Him forever, and to seek Him alone for joy, meaning, and fulfillment. When we disconnect ourselves from Him, we begin an endless search for other things that we hope will satisfy us. These may include money, lust, power, career, relationships, acceptance, and addictions. Those things may satisfy us for a while, but they always leave us empty and thirsty, forcing us to start the search all over again. Have you been looking for life, love, and satisfaction in anything or anyone other than God, yet you’re still exhausted and empty? You need to reconnect your heart to the only true Source of life and living water. When you drink from the water He offers, you will never thirst again!

God, What Do You Want From Me?

Date: March 19, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever tried to please God by doing more religious things like increasing your church attendance, never missing your daily quiet time or giving more money to the church? The fact is, you can’t earn favor with God by doing any of those things. God is not looking for external shows of religion because it’s dangerously easy to be immersed in religious activities, yet be a complete hypocrite in God’s eyes. Today we explore what God actually requires of us, and the list may surprise you! So, are you doing what God wants?

Out With the New, In With the Old

Date: February 26, 2023 | Speaker:

These days people are quick to throw out old things and replace them with the newest version. Sadly that viewpoint has made its way into the church. Leaders are constantly scrambling to find the latest and greatest techniques, believing that they will somehow make the gospel more effective. The Bible says the opposite. Revival doesn’t come by introducing something new. It comes when we return to the things God has already told us in His Word. King Hezekiah led the nation back to God’s old ways and revival swept the land. What might happen if Christians stopped searching for new things in churches, and instead, simply realigned their hearts and lives to the truth of God’s Word?

Does Our Worship Please God?

Date: January 1, 2023 | Speaker:

If God gave us a worship checkup, how well would we do on that test? Our worship services may attract big crowds, may be exciting, and may even be the talk of the town… but does our worship actually please God? After all, His opinion is the only one that counts! Are we worshipping from the heart or simply out of routine? Are we worshipping with sin in our lives and assuming it doesn’t matter? Our worship is a direct reflection of the condition of our heart, so let’s ask God to show us what it really looks like through His eyes, and then be willing to surrender anything that is hindering us from offering pure worship to Him.

The Problem with Religion

Date: October 16, 2022 | Speaker:

We attend church faithfully every Sunday. We sing the songs, we serve in various ministries and we give our tithe. As far as we’re concerned, those things prove that we’re a “good Christian.” But the Bible says we can do all those things and more, and not be godly at all. That’s the problem with religion. It fools us into believing that as long as we’re checking things off our spiritual todo list, we must be right with God. The only true and accurate assessment of our spiritual condition is when God measures us against His perfect holiness. That’s when we suddenly recognize our true condition and our desperate need to be found in the righteousness of Christ! So, what benchmark are you using to determine your standing before God?

When God’s Patience Runs Out

Date: August 28, 2022 | Speaker:

Have you noticed how easy it is to take your relationship with God for granted when everything in life is going well? We continue going to church, singing the songs, serving here and there… but we’re really just going through the motions. In those times, we usually don’t even hear God’s gentle calls for us to return to Him, so He sometimes has to send stronger warnings our way. God is so patient with us, but a day is coming when His tender calls will end and we will hear the Lion roar instead! That will be a terrifying moment that none of us want to face! Don’t wait that long to get your heart back to where God wants it to be. Respond to His call while there is still time.