Sermons about Heart

Destroying the Idols in Your Heart

Date: July 5, 2020 | Speaker:

When God sent His people into the Promised Land, the first thing they had to do was to locate and completely destroy every place of idol worship. God knows that any temptation we leave intact in our life will entice us away from pure worship to Him. Are there any “idols” that you have set up in your heart that are disrupting your true worship of God?

Restoring Your Broken Fellowship with God

Date: March 8, 2020 | Speaker:

How would you react if you went in for major surgery and the doctor came into the operating room with filthy hands and rusty instruments? Just the thought of it is unsettling! While cleanliness is important in the physical realm, it is far more important in the spiritual realm. Even though we are already completely righteous through Christ, sin still hinders our daily walk, and it breaks our fellowship with God. Thankfully He has provided a way for us to be cleansed and to restore our communion with Him. Are you using this simple tool He has given us to constantly maintain your fellowship with God?

Christmas Addresses Our Biggest Need

Date: December 22, 2019 | Speaker:

We were created to glorify God with every thought, every word and every action. But our sin has caused us to glorify other things more than we glorify God. As a result, we have lost peace with God, which robs us of peace within, which destroys our peace with others. That baby in the manger came to restore this broken peace with God so that we could once again have peace within and peace with others. and to give us a new heart that would desire to glorify Him above everything else. (Audio difficulties on this recording)

The Hope We’ve All Been Searching For

Date: December 15, 2019 | Speaker:

Our lives are fueled by hope. The decisions we make, the goals we pursue — in fact everything we do is driven by the hope that our efforts will make life better tomorrow than it is today. Often we search for hope in all the wrong places. We mistakenly think that we will find hope in a new relationship, or by having a particular experience, or if our current circumstances were different. But none of those things can ever give us hope. There is only one place hope can be found. Have you found it yet?

Our Desperate Need for Christmas

Date: December 8, 2019 | Speaker:

All human beings who have ever been born were created to love God. In fact, the greatest command of all is to love God, but instead, we have replaced that love for God with love of self. As a result, we no longer find delight in living for Him, but rather, we live for ourselves and willfully step over His boundaries. Since we are all sinful, it is impossible for us to restore our broken relationship with God on our own, so God sent His Son to do what we could not do, and to rescue us.

Abandoning Our Towers of Significance

Date: April 7, 2019 | Speaker:

Every person ever born spends some portion of their life searching for significance, status, peace, identity, belonging, and a long list of things that they know are missing from deep within them. Sadly, we often try to build those things into our life through career advancement, relationships, pleasure, prominence and possessions, only to realize later that all the towers of significance we have constructed are empty. But there is one place where all of these things can be found in abundance, and you can discover that place today!

All Roads Do Not Lead to God

Date: March 3, 2019 | Speaker:

Someone once said all roads lead to God, and it doesn’t matter what we believe as long as we are sincere. That is not true at all. The Bible says there is only one way to God, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. If we try to attain a right standing with God by any other means, even by doing things like worship, praying, or giving money, we will be rejected if our heart is not right with Him. We must first come to God by faith, trusting in the blood of Christ for salvation. So, have you ever come to God the way He has said we must come?

Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Date: August 12, 2018 | Speaker:

What are the requirements for gaining entrance into the kingdom of heaven? Church attendance won’t get you there, nor will giving money or being a good person. The only way we will ever be accepted by God is to have a pure heart, but the bad news is, none of us can attain a pure heart through our own efforts. We must have our hearts washed clean by the blood of Jesus. That alone will put us in a right standing before Him. Have you ever believed in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins, or are you trying to earn it yourself?

The Cost of the Great Commission

Date: June 7, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus made it unmistakably clear that it was impossible to follow Him without a cost. But too often we think of the ‘cost’ in terms of something that probably only applies to other people, not to us. This kind of thinking has caused the weight of the Great Commission to fall on the shoulders of a few, while the majority simply stand by and look on. The fact is, the mission of Christ will never be carried out without a high cost. Are you willing to be a part of it?

Why Aren’t We Excited About Jesus?

Date: April 26, 2015 | Speaker:

Why do Christians have no trouble talking with great excitement about sports, movies, vacations, sales at the mall… but those same people never talk about Jesus? Lots of excuses can be given, but it’s time to stop pretending and admit that we are just not excited enough about Jesus to share Him with anyone. The church doesn’t have a missions problem, it has a heart problem, and until we get serious and ask God to break our hearts, we will never fulfill our part in the Great Commission.

The Danger of Dead Religion

Date: March 29, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus enters Jerusalem a few days before His crucifixion and examines the spiritual condition of the people. What He finds is a nation bustling with outward displays of religious activity, but beneath the surface, there is nothing but dead religion. He curses a fruitless fig tree as a sign of judgement against them, and then He throws the corrupt money changers out of the Temple for defiling His Father’s house. If Jesus were to examine our lives today, would He see a cold, dead heart beneath the outward religious appearance, or would He find fruit growing for His glory?

A Worshipers Heart

Date: February 23, 2014 | Speaker:

For worship to be accepted by God, our heart must be right before Him. God knows every thought and intent of our heart. We cannot believe the lie that we can just do what we believe or feel to be the right thing and God will be pleased by it; just dropping some money in the offering plate or singing a song or praying a prayer are not accepted by God if our heart is not right. If we want our heart to be right before God, we must know what the bible says the heart is and how it can be right in His eyes.